Paramètre SAP scsa/shm/start - Start address for Shared Common System Area


Short text
Start address for Shared Common System Area

Parameter description
The SCSA is a shared memory area that is used by basis components suchas system log, trace, and so on. Depending on the operating system, theShared Common System Area is created either as a standalone sharedmemory area, or as area no. 5 on the SAP IPC interface. A suitableaddress is usually assigned by the operating system. However, someoperating system versions do not leave enough free space for malloc().In these cases, you can use this parameter to request a higher address.

Work area

Parameter unit
Virtual main memory address (byte address)

Default value
0 (has no effect)

Limitation for db

  • scsa/shm/key is the key for the SCSA in the
  • operating system (for example, UNIX)
    • scsa/shm/file is the key for the SCSA in the
    • operating system (for example, OS/2) scsa/shm/size
      is the size of the SCSA (in bytes). scsa/shm/start is a defaultvalue for the initial address in the virtual memory.
      • scsa/create_daemon/exe_file is a
      • separate program for creating the SCSA
        • scsa/autocreate defines whether a missing
        • SCSA should be created automatically
          • install/uid specifies the user at operating
          • system level, which the SCSA should belong to

            Number must be dividable by 4096 or 1048576.