Paramètre SAP scsa/shm/key - Identifier for Shared Common System Area


Short text
Identifier for Shared Common System Area

Parameter description
The SCSA is a shared memory area that is used by basis components suchas system log, trace, and so on. Depending on the operating system, theShared Common System Area is created either as a standalone sharedmemory area, or as area no. 5 on the SAP IPC interface. If this iscreated directly in the operating system, this can require a numeric ortextual detection key. This parameter is for numerical keys (forexample, for UNIX). It contains the instance number by default so thatdifferent instances do not confuse their SCSAs.

Work area

Default value

Limitation for db

  • scsa/shm/key is the key for the SCSA in the operating system (for
  • example, UNIX)
    • scsa/shm/file is the key for the SCSA in the
    • operating system (for example, OS/2)
      • scsa/shm/size is the size of the SCSA (in bytes)

      • scsa/shm/start is a default value for the
      • initial address in the virtual memory
        • scsa/create_daemon/exe_file is a
        • separate program for creating the SCSA
          • scsa/autocreate defines whether a missing
          • SCSA is to be created automatically
            • install/uid names the user at operating system
            • level, to which the SCSA is to belong
