Paramètre SAP RZ11_DOKUMENTATION - RZ11 transaction documentation

Parameter attributesThe parameter attributes and the parameter documentation shouldbe entered using this transaction.The attributes of the profile parameter are used as the basis forchecking the start, default and instance profiles within CCMS(Transaction RZ10).You can use the F4 Possible entries pushbutton to display thevalid input values of the work area, the parameter type, thechangeability and the valid operating systems.You can find detailed information on the values in theappendix.
Parameter documentationThe documentation is entered in the logon language andtranslated accordingly.Documentation must be created for each profile parameter.This documentation is to be used as a basis for SAP documentation,which is displayed as F1 Help within the profile maintenance.You should always check the appearance of the documentationin display mode, as this is how the documentation ispresented to the customer.The documentation should contain the following points:
  • Parameter description

  • Work area

  • Parameter unit (Byte, KByte, seconds ...)

  • Default value

  • Who is permitted to make changes

  • Limitations for operating systems

  • Limitations for database systems

  • Are other parameters affected or concerned

  • Valid entries, restrictions etc.

  • Printing the documentationYou can print the documentation for individual parametersas well as for all parameters.a) Documentation for individual parameters
    Enter the name of the parameter in the parameter name fieldand choose 'Print', or branch to theparameter documentation and choose 'Print' fromthere.
    b) Documentation for several parameters
    Enter the parameter you require in the Parameter name fieldusing the wildcard character and then choose 'Print'.Parameter name = '*' means that the complete parameterdocumentation is printed.If the documentation does not exist in the logon language, theEnglish documentation, if it exists, is printed..
    Documentation on the values
    Short descriptionThis should be short description of the parameter. This documentationshould always be in English, as it is not translated.
    Parameter typeAssignment of a profile parameter to a type. For each parametertype, there is a standard check. This check is always executedif the parameter type does not have its own check routinedefined.
    The following parameter types are currently defined:
    IntegerThis is an integral value. In addition, you can specify a maximumand/or a minimum value.
    Example : rdisp/TRACE
    Error situations :
    a.) Non-numeric value -<(>><)> Error
    b.) Greater than the maximum -<(>><)> Error
    c.) Less than the minimum -<(>><)> Error
    d.) Less than the default value from sapparam.c-<(>><)> Error
    e.) 10 times greater than the default value -<(>><)> Warning
    Integer (64 Bit)This is an integer value, which is also suitable for64 bit integer values. The error situations are thesame as for an integer value.
    TimeFor the profile parameter, this is a time specification,usually a repetition period.
    Example : rdisp/btctime
    Error situations :
    a.) Non-numeric value -<(>><)> Error
    b.) Greater than the maximum -<(>><)> Error
    c.) Less than 0 -<(>><)> Error
    BooleanThis is a switch with two statuses. Only the followingvalues are permitted. All other values are interpreted aserrors.Example : gw/keep_processPermitted values : 0,1 ON,OFF YES,NO TRUE,FALSE
    DirectoryThis is a directory in the file system. There are no additionalchecks.Example : rdisp/workdir
    Directory must existThis is a directory in the file system. This directory mustexist.
    Directory can be describedThis is a directory in the file system. The directory mustexist and can be described.
    Example : DIR_PROTOKOLLS
    File nameThis is a file name. There are otherwise no additional checks.checks.
    Example : gw/secinfo
    File name must existThis is a file name and the file must exist.
    Example : abap/rsyn
    File must be executableThis is a file name and the file must be an executableprogram.
    Example : exe/gwrd
    Character stringThis is any character string. There are no additional checks.checks.
    Example : abap/locale_ctype
    Host nameThis is a host name. The network software must recognize thisthe service.
    Example : rdisp/mshost
    Service nameThis is a service name. The network software must recognizehost name.
    Example : rdisp/msserv
    SAP serviceThis is an SAP service, whose name is composed accordingto SAP convention.The message handling system must recognize the SAP service.
    Example : rdisp/btcname
    File templateThis is a file or a directory name that can contain placeholdersthat are replaced during runtime by valid values. There is nocheck.
    Example : FN_ATRAPATH
    Special character stringThis is a special character string. The parameter should onlycontain particular character strings.
    Example : rdisp/bufrefmodeIn this case, the separator should be specified in a separatefield.
    • Changes allowed:
    • The customer can make changes to this profile parameter.
      • Change creates warning :
      • The customer can make changes to this profile parameter. However,these changes can create problems if they differ from theSAP standard values.
        Example : rdisp/myname
        • Change creates error :
        • The customer should not make changes to this profile parameter.These can be profile parameters that were used to controlparticular actions.
          Example : transport/systemtype
          For all servers :If this field is selected, the check will getthe value of the parameter on every server and check whetherthe values are the same.
          Can be changed dynamically.If this field is selected, the value of the parameter can bechanged dynamically, while the system is running.If the field is selected, the pushbutton "Change value" appearsautomatically. When you choose this pushbutton, a dialog box appearsin which you enter the new value of theparameter.In the dialog box, you can select the "Change on all servers" field.The system will then change the value on all servers in the system.This field is automatically selected if the "On all servers" fieldis selected.If the value of a parameter was changed, an additional line appearsindicating who changed the parameter and when.A system log entry is written as well.
          Default valueDefault value of the parameter as defined in the kernel ordefault.pfl.
          Profile valueValue of the parameter as defined in the instance profile.If the parameter is not defined in the instance profile, thedefault value is used.
          Current valueParameter value currently used by the system.The value can change while the system is running.(See "Can be changed dynamically)
          Check routines :In addition to the standard checks, you can define a form routinefor the profile parameter check.Name of the form routine that should be called for the profileparameter check.All check routines should be in the include member LSPFCCHK.Here there is also a template for calling the formroutine.
          Operating systems :The profile parameter is only valid for the operating systemspecified.You can enter the following :
          • No limitations

          • UNIX All UNIX systems

          • AIX IBM UNIX

          • HP-UX HP-UX Unix

          • OSF1 Digital Unix

          • SINIX SNI Unix

          • SunOS Sun Unix

          • Windows NT Windows NT

          • OS400 OS400/AS400

          • WIN Windows 3.x

          • MAC Apple Mac

          • OS2 OS/2

          • VMS OpenVMS AXP

          • VAX OpenVMS VAX