Paramètre SAP rsts/filename - Rule for creation of TemSe directory and filename


Short text
Rule for creation of TemSe directory and file name

Parameter description
This parameter contains the rule for generating the TemSe object name inthe file system. This can also be a combination of a directory and filename (relative path name).

Work area

Default value

Other parameter
rsts/filename ,
rspo/store_location rsts/files/root/G ,rsts/files/root/L ,rsts/files/root/T .
The rule is interpreted as follows:

  • <(>&<)>c is the three-digit client name with leading zeros

  • <(>&<)>p is the part number for the object (should comprise four
  • characters)
    • <(>&<)>n is the TemSe object name as it appears in R/3 (a maximum of 20
    • characters for the TemSe object)
      • / creates a directory from the preceding string. The numbers are length
      • specifications (minimum and maximum length). 5.5 means min. 5 and max. 5: exactly 5 characters. 15 means a maximum of 15 characters with nominimum length.
        TemSe object name SPOOL1234567890 part 1 and client 066 with creationrule: &c&5.5n/&4p&.15n
        Result: 066 SPOOL / 0001 1234567890
        The relative path name is: 066SPOOL/0011234567890
        The "relative" file name created in this way is then prefixed with thevalue from parameter rsts/files/root/G,rsts/files/root/L, orrsts/files/root/T. This results in anabsolute file name for the TemSe object in question. Parameterrspo/store_location specifies whether
        • rsts/files/root/G,
        • rsts/files/root/L, or
          • rsts/files/root/T is used:

          • rspo/store_location =G -->
          • rsts/files/root/G
            • rspo/store_location =L -->
            • rsts/files/root/L
              • rspo/store_location =T -->
              • rsts/files/root/T
                Example with rspo/store_location=G (and standard assumptions):
                You should not change this creation rule. If you change the rule, thisresults in an incompatible change to the file names created, which meansthat "old spool requests" can no longer be processed. It is not possibleto manage "old" and "new" spool requests in the same R/3 system. Thisinevitably leads to inconsistencies and errors in the spool/TemSesystem.