Paramètre SAP rdisp/vbreorg - Delete uncomplete update requests

rdisp/vbreorgThis parameter specifies whether incomplete update requests shouldbe deleted as an update server is started. This type of request canoccur if a transaction has already saved function modules in theupdate tables and executed an implicit COMMIT WORK at a screenchange, after which a rollback occurred. As these incompleteupdate requests can never be executed and only occupy space in thedatabase, you should delete them from time to time.Alternatively to deleting incomplete update requests at the startof an update server, you can use background job rsm13002 to deletethem. In this case, you can set the parameter to 0. This means thatno reorganization is performed when the update server is started.

Work area

Parameter unit
Truth Value

Default value
1 (a reorganization is executed when the updateserver is started).

Who is allowed

Limitation for os

Limitation for db

Other parameter