Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)
Résumé :
Cette note SAP détaille les informations importantes pour le Support Package 09 pour SAP NetWeaver 7.0 BI. Le contenu clé inclut les corrections et améliorations spécifiquement pour les fonctions de BI, décrites dans diverses notes listées. Les mises à jour telles que les actions manuelles nécessaires après l'importation et les erreurs potentielles sont détaillées. Des domaines tels que la technologie pour l'utilisateur final, OLAP et la gestion d'entrepôt sont mis en évidence avec des erreurs spécifiques abordées et des améliorations notées. Des conseils procéduraux supplémentaires sont fournis pour l'utilisation des transactions, la gestion des incohérences post-mise à jour, et le traitement de problèmes techniques spécifiques qui pourraient survenir après l'implémentation de ce package de support.
Mots Clés :
sap netweaver 2004s bi front end patch 903, note 911032 'faq - sap support package stack download', end user technology area, short dump message_type_x occurs, describe bi-relevant corrections, delta dtps retrieve requests, downloading support package stacks, termination brain x299 occurs, system issues message rsm1 642, 0 support package stack 09
Notes associées :
1011422 | Direct access: Fields that cannot be selected are restricted |
988485 | Hierarchy node variable filter is not working |
978148 | BI in SAP NetWeaver 2004s: OSS notes after SPS9 |
975303 | System error in CL_RSR_RRK0_HIERARCHY and form _CHECK_SH-02- |
975222 | Problems with hierarchies or/and zero suppression |
971304 | Zero suppression following the expansion of hierarchy nodes |
970441 | Input field: WIDTH parameter is not set |
970221 | Changes to standard Web templates for NW2004s SPS9 |
969303 | Incorrect display of exception values |
968031 | NW2004s BI JAVA (SP 09): NullPointer in DefaultLocation |
967823 | Problems with "Calculate results as" or "Cumulation" |
967639 | "Calculate Details" and "Cumulation" affect results |
967638 | "Unequal" or "Not equal to" selection causes termination |
967346 | Data entered is not transferred |
966418 | XML/A: Incorrect XML schema with DISCOVER or EXECUTE |
965589 | Icon is missing in generated documentation |
965435 | Error in hierarchy node selector |
965362 | Zero suppression in Java Web does not work correctly |
964905 | New concepts and generation of analysis authorizations |
964567 | Query Designer: SQL exception during Save or Transport |
964357 | Negative statistics times for BEx Analyzers 3. x |
964300 | Error during update in non-cumulative cubes |
964286 | Dump in fill_auth_buffer in SAPLRSEC_CHECKS |
964118 | Cannot delete non-DTP request from an InfoCube |
964088 | P33:ODS: Terminated deletion does not write monitor log |
964023 | Selection type not adjusted after exit |
963916 | P9:DTP:Master data request with warnings stays YELLOW in DTP |
963862 | X299 Brain in CL_RSR_RRK0_HIERARCHY; RESOLVE_NODES_01-01- |
963810 | Incorrect type in XML/A for "execute" and "tabular" |
963771 | Error when you check reading of master data |
963711 | Documentation of RSNDI interface for master data |
963591 | Hierarchy disappears in bookmark or NullPointerExcep. |
963581 | Alignment error when files uploaded from application server |
963573 | No data returned by query without key figure |
963572 | Node variable and manual entry: SIGN and OPT initial |
963483 | Aggregate check: send e-mail with incorrect aggregate |
963393 | "TOTAL" is displayed instead of "Overall Result" |
963334 | Initial date values during master data update with DTP |
963284 | Support of MDX function INSTR |
963214 | X299 Brain in CL_RSR_LIST_CALCULATION; form GENERATE_BANDP_0 |
963208 | A dump occurs when you create a transformation |
963206 | Dump during unit conversion |
963134 | DataWarehousing Workbench set up very slowly (DWWB) |
963097 | Dump when you activate transformations with formulas |
963014 | P9:AWB:Duprec dump in AWB when archived requests are read |
963009 | RSPOR_SETUP: " No RFC destination marked as default" |
962973 | 'No authorization' is ignored when you use input help |
962968 | Correction: Dialog boxes and other errors with adapter check |
962931 | Duplicate data for more than 100 requests in data source |
962914 | Unit is missing in migration/problem routine with unit |
962850 | Drilldown to 1CUDIM currency/unit displays original values |
962813 | Height and width parameters are not analyzed |
962812 | Deleting an authorization assignment does not work |
962775 | Error with constants in transf. with InfoObject as target |
962706 | Correction: Test source systems in content development syste |
962477 | Text in variable entry not of the correct type |
962365 | P9:Hash:Dumps for requests that do not have RSREQDONE entry |
962305 | Queries show data although data deleted completely |
962271 | Error handling too many messages - error 716(RSM2) |
962155 | Unit not assigned when you create a transformation |
962154 | Dump when you assign a source unit |
962144 | Termination occurs during condensing of an aggregate |
962039 | Problems with fixed fiscal year variants |
961996 | P9:SDL: Minor additions to the InfoPackage |
961966 | Global parts of the routine are not transferred |
961892 | BEx Web Java: The RRI handle is not known |
961853 | DataSource migration: DataSource stays locked |
961843 | Nothing |
961778 | Broadcaster: Termination with user-spec. prelim. calculation |
961693 | Short dump when you create a transformation with a template |
961679 | Internal corrections to MDDEL I |
961677 | Correction: Initsimulation provided, although not functional |
961671 | Error handling in integrated planning |
961556 | DataStore (activation): Columns are initialized without rule |
961527 | X299 Brain in the SAPLRRK0 program; RRK_RELATIONAL_BROWSE-01 |
961526 | X299 Brain in CL_RSR_RRK0_HIERARCHY; Form RESOLVE_NODEDR-01- |
961523 | X299 BRAIN occurs in program SAPLRRK0; form SET_TCUR-03- |
961519 | Missing messages for new rows in the planned query |
961498 | P9: DTP: Tstate/Ustate and setting the RSMDATASTATE QUALOK |
961492 | P9: DTP: Deleting requests from text and master data targets |
961319 | Input help on time characteristic returns error message |
961275 | Input help in author. maint. for InfoObjects with pattern |
961268 | NW04s: Dump in the function RSZ_DB_COMP_LIST_GET |
961232 | P9: RSSTATMAN: Archived requests and QM action in the monito |
961145 | Long variable names in MDX |
961111 | Context Menu on cells that are ready for input |
961102 | P9:SDL: Enhancement for generic delta |
961051 | Internal corrections for deleting master data |
961047 | Dump occurs when you call inconsistent open hub destination |
961002 | X299: System error in SAPLRRK0 and LRECH_AGGR_BNR-02- |
961001 | Too many values with NON EMPTY and filter on diff. axes |
960981 | Incorrect data in aggregat after change run (time-dep. attr) |
960973 | Authorization log: performance, general improvements |
960893 | No version text is displayed |
960868 | Internal corrections, master data source code |
960835 | Short dump using DTP filter def. with source 3.x DataSource |
960787 | P9:RSSTATMAN:Performance probleme with select RSREQDONE |
960757 | System error in CL_RSR_BU_PAIR and ELEMINATE-02- |
960719 | Deleting referenced rules causes a dump in the maintenance |
960691 | Display of date update for non-cumulative cubes is incorrect |
960615 | Multi-dimensional authorization check may be incorrect |
960528 | P9:PC: Authorization checks during the ODSPROCESS process |
960425 | Message missing when you save views |
960379 | Precalculation with filter navigation: high memory consumpti |
960346 | Not deleting BIA index when you delete InfoCube contents |
960344 | Hierarchy class is instantiated although (still) not used |
960282 | Not all content transformations are created |
960208 | Report-report jump not provided |
960183 | DTP simulation for attributes and texts of master data |
960146 | ITAB_ILLEGAL_REG termination in mthd PREPARE_INVERSE_MAPPING |
960143 | Error when you enter new rows in the BEx Analyzer |
960067 | P9: REQARCH: Incomplete sm37 log of delete job |
960062 | P9: DTP: Delta only transferred once-DTP and ODS activation |
960061 | Prerequisite note for problems in the input help |
959963 | Messages in the SAPGUI variable screen |
959800 | Dump when you delete inconsistent transformations |
959796 | An error message is missing during the activation |
959795 | Mapping error in rule with fixed target unit/currency |
959758 | P9: 'CONVT_NO_NUMBER' dump in the 'RSSM_RSMONMESS_READ' FM |
959673 | Variables in default value of query and jump destinations |
959594 | P9: TCT extractor: Dump in RSSM_RSMONMESS_READ |
959560 | All Hierarchy nodes are not displayed in value help |
959549 | Dump when you assign the source unit |
959514 | Hierarchy auth. maint. dialog box incomplete after transport |
959467 | Incorrect display of date and time key figure |
959457 | Cache enqueue attempt causes performance problem in BI 7.0 |
959416 | No display for SUMCT operator |
959415 | Input help not correct with compound characteristics |
959412 | No authorization for deleting a transformation |
959292 | Changing a query, workbook and variable display hierarchy |
959254 | Error when you assign the source unit |
959190 | x299 Brain in SAPLRRK0; form EMPTY_DEL0_02-01- |
959187 | Query runtime statistics - Error analysis |
959169 | Data of new rows is scaled incorrectly |
958665 | Migration IV |
958631 | Problems with simultaneous chg run and time-dep chg run |
958563 | DTP terminates w/ 'RS_STEP_FAILED; too many Error messages' |
958467 | Variable changes do not take effect |
958416 | P9: Status Manager: Incomplete deletion of mappings |
958366 | No data in a very specific situation |
958250 | Query displayed according to obsolete query definition |
958118 | BIA: Incorrect data in the BIA index (flat BIA index) |
958110 | Bursting: No attributes with reference characteristic |
958100 | P9:REQARCH:Rebuilding requests for archived requests |
958098 | P9: BATCH MANAGER: Message if REPORT SUBMIT fails |
958041 | Correction: Error handler overflow |
958006 | NW BI 2004s: Program error in web item info field |
957995 | P9: REQARCH: Archived requests and automatic reloading |
957948 | Correction: You cannot drag arrows in maintenance |
957947 | History for input help displays values incorrectly |
957944 | Termintn in CL_RSMD_RS_SPECIAL and method GET_DIME_VALUES-01 |
957943 | Selection of conversion categories not complete |
957940 | Authorization check with "Create document" for InfoProvider |
957937 | Input helps with authorization restriction are incomplete |
957889 | Complex values in the variable dependency |
957854 | Check on InfoSource appears to return no response |
957853 | Default aggregation for DataStore objects |
957830 | P9: Activating a DSO takes a long time due to shadow accesse |
957828 | P9:RDA: Real-time request: QM action and request close |
957801 | Problem with GENERATE and DESCENDATNS in WITH MEMBER |
957754 | Input help mode Q on hierarchy nodes |
957737 | Initial constant not correctly copied from F4 |
957728 | Displaying open hub destination leads to short dump |
957720 | P9:P32:SDL:RSBATCH1: Dump because lock wait time too short |
957622 | Incorrect date charstc allowed when reading master data |
957506 | Termination HIERARCHY_NOT_FOUND when activating hierarchy |
957439 | Query dumps with an error MOVE_TO_LIT_NOTALLOWED_NODATA |
957419 | MDX: Incorrect data with UNION in combination with WHERE |
957389 | Attribute authorizations in authorization log incomplete |
957346 | Missing data with EMPTY and drilldown on both axes |
957336 | P9: Dump during setup request list in BW-TCT extractor |
957283 | BIA monitor mistakenly reports "No availability" |
957219 | Refresh query with hierarchy and variable date |
957100 | X299 Brain in CL_RSDRC_MULTIPROV; _SET_RETURNNODE-05- |
957098 | P9:P32: Unnecessary checks and enqueue locks during loading |
957028 | Error when activating content - syntax error |
957020 | Change of rule text is not transferred |
957014 | Error when compiling content |
956865 | Expanding nodes to level n does not work |
956864 | MDX: Executing .LEVEL.MEMBERS or .SIBLINGS |
956855 | Correction: QA tree hangs without message when system dies |
956839 | Maximum number of hits ineffective for VirtualProvider |
956837 | BIA monitor: Incorrect display of BATCHPARA parameter |
956836 | BIA index: Parallel processing of initial filling |
956758 | Dump in RSAPO_BUILD_DIM_FOR_UPDATE2 due to UNICODE check |
956680 | Context menu item resets the target dataproviders hierarchy |
956649 | Corrections to CodeInspection RSDS_DATA_* load process |
956647 | Correction: No statistics when you use reconstruction |
956640 | Redefining the web item parameter condense=X |
956616 | Delta pair method for InfoCubes |
956577 | Termination in RSEC_CHECK_SUBNR (Brain 299) |
956477 | Compounding and variable in query default value |
956322 | Change run terminates with message RH 227 |
956305 | Filter values always sorted according to key |
956304 | MDX: Problem using WITH MEMBER AS AGGREGATE in WHERE |
956126 | System error: CL_RSPLS_CR_EXISTENCE_CMP; CONSTRUCTOR-03- |
955995 | P9:DTP: Loading texts does not work with DTP |
955925 | Browser application name checking for USE_PAGE_WRAPPER = 'X' |
955736 | P9:Status mgr:ODS and 2.X requests w/o RSODSACTREQ entries |
955731 | P9:Batch:Variant maintenance when you call variant initially |
955724 | Displaying BIA server trace also for BIA errors |
955714 | BRAIN 831: Unable to set hierarchy level |
955668 | MDX: Performance with many empty cells and WITH MEMBER |
955590 | P9:DTP: Administration info deleted when request is RED |
955564 | X299: System error in program SAPLRRK0 and form LRECH-02- |
955515 | Error message 'The value " " for the variable ... ' |
955455 | All basic key figures ready for input at aggregation level |
955428 | Text elements are migrated incorrectly to NW2004s |
955417 | PSA display/maintenance DUMP 'GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED' |
955297 | Percentages incorrectly displayed with normalizing |
955289 | CRM: Incorrect table alias in SQL (RSR_MDX_CREATE_CRM_SET) |
955163 | Problem reading time-dependent master data |
955029 | A selection in a column acts as a global filter |
955017 | "Drag and Drop" with InfoSource and open hub destination |
954958 | PSA service does not find data for 'Multi Segment Read' |
954911 | Correction: Too many grouping fields |
954889 | Different problems with RRKMULTIPROVHINT in 7.0 |
954888 | A query does not use any hierarchy aggregates |
954852 | X_MESSAGE_S adjustment: Miscellaneous |
954851 | Adjustment X_MESSAGE_S in RSDRC |
954730 | P9:P32:SDL:PC: Checking PC and msg dial. boxes from InfoPack |
954727 | P9: SDL: InfoPack: D version returned for shadow InfoPackage |
954726 | P9: Repair full request and fast access tables |
954719 | Correction: CCMS alerts already with yellow status |
954673 | Exception CX_RSR_X_MESSAGE with INFOAREAHIER hierarchy |
954667 | Cannot activate transformation/routine has InfoObject assgmt |
954661 | Updating master data texts when error in data package |
954660 | Adjustment X_MESSAGE_S in RRK0 |
954659 | Adjustment X_MESSAGE_S in the planning |
954618 | MDX: Incorrect length in the PROPERTIES rowset |
954603 | Deleting request frm DataStore obj: Problems w/ partitioning |
954574 | Correction: Activation errors in PSA when you activate a DTP |
954444 | Correction: Processes without an instance cannot be repeated |
954384 | Time-dependent attributes are not read correctly |
954346 | Standard parameters for enqueue during master data update |
954237 | No data for structures with nodes and User_exit |
954021 | InfoObject assignment is not transferred |
953880 | Deletion of transformation is not transported |
953702 | Generation cannot be executed in stack mode (batch mode) |
953685 | NW04s BI(SP08): Error in Page.saveBookmark() |
953684 | Error when loading a template with |
953524 | Correction: DTP references are not converted in processes |
953420 | Formula variables with replacement path and two structures |
953402 | Variables are displayed when you refresh all queries |
953368 | Long rollup times in BW 7.0 under Oracle |
953346 | Problem with deleted InfoProvider in RSR_VARIANT_XPRA |
953307 | Export WebTemplate to PCD:Termination w/ mandatory variables |
953116 | Duplicate urls generated while using the download scheduler |
953023 | Correction: Multiple segments: Loss of data in error filter |
952853 | Filling repository cache requires a lot of memory |
952846 | Dump when you delete parameters in transformation |
952832 | Prerequisite note for Note 976259 |
952764 | Variable processing in authorizations is incorrect |
952713 | WebItem: Single document item introduces extra line feeds |
952650 | SUBSELECT in the InfoProvider for master data |
952641 | Correction: Last change in F4 unknown |
952597 | Planning functions: Exception aggreg. char. does not exist |
952512 | Displaying non-posted values and repres. these as hierarchy |
952485 | Navigation from routine editor does not work |
952284 | Correction: Generation error with "'" as thousand separator |
952192 | Correction: TP: No information on incorrect processes |
952191 | Correction: Evaluating the old statistics indicators |
952181 | Error while saving to history in Value Help window in BEx |
952083 | Correction: File name display too short |
952076 | Routine w/ unit results in short dump/InfoObject assignment |
952074 | The InfoObject is transferred as a unit |
952040 | Planning functions: Currency translation for key fig. type F |
951934 | Transformation with 'Read Master Data' cannot be generated |
951837 | ObjectID Field name is not used |
951772 | Correction: DTP generation error for multiple-segmented DS |
951737 | Pages of the metadata repository are not formatted |
951668 | F4 HIER NODE VAR on inferior ignores restricion on superior |
951568 | P9:P32:SDL:SPACES are 'concealed' with flatfile F4 |
951467 | CONVT_NO_NUMBER termination during data loading |
951454 | System error cl_rsr_www_renderer insert_script:01 |
951452 | RSAODS126 with simulation of update or transfer rules |
951446 | Authorization maintenance: Exit variables do not appear |
951421 | BIA: Indexing stats. during realignment do run not correctly |
951393 | No error messages from transport system |
951390 | Correction: Content transport for multiple source systems |
951380 | Repartitioning fails in POST_ACT step |
951372 | P9:BAPI: New DS not yet recognized by all IPAK BAPIS |
951310 | Fully compounded values in table |
951215 | Background job BC_INST_* has a long runtime |
951011 | Termination in CL_RSDRV_SRVS_SID->PREPARE |
950992 | UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION and filter of items or input help |
950991 | DUPRECS when you fill an aggregate |
950964 | Usability with incorrect hierarchy authorization definition |
950905 | Incorrect reference data in BIA check for key figures |
950835 | DataSource display (R3TR RSDS): No authorization check |
950824 | IP: Compress in delta buffer |
950802 | Authorization check for InfoSets not correct |
950777 | A PartProvider is not read |
950767 | Correction: Too many messages with segmented DataSources |
950738 | NW2004s: Web Analyzer - Comments not saved correctly |
950677 | Too many authorizations for hierarchy nodes |
950612 | P9: Request archiving: Archiving many requests as initial |
950611 | P9:P32:PSA: Request deletion and error request check |
950602 | Performance problems when you start a query in Java Web |
950551 | Endless loop when you cancel rule maintenance |
950518 | Input help for merged variables and navigation attributes |
950501 | Date not taken in value help for time-dependent hierarchies |
950415 | Corr.: Process chain in namespace 8* cannot be generated |
950411 | MDX: Problems with FILTER(CROSSJOIN( ... ), ... ) |
950301 | Correction: LOGSYSMAP only for new objects |
950294 | P9:P32:RSMONICDP:Index enhancement for secondary index |
950193 | Problem after import of the transformation with formulas |
950144 | P9:P32: Qualok: Condense: Poor performance; parallelism |
950136 | Correction: Request temporarily red after timeout |
950103 | Usability improvement in authorization log |
950007 | Search using a hierarchy does not return any values |
949976 | Corrections: Error in DTP generation of multi-segment DS |
949951 | Creating BIA index terminates with "invalid attribute name" |
949906 | Assert in Web Application Designer for input help SAVE_VIEW |
949902 | Wrong web application title when USE_PAGE_WRAPPER is enabled |
949879 | Termination in the Web variable screen |
949878 | Variables in planning sequences |
949873 | No texts for remote master data |
949859 | RSTT short dump "DB_READ_PROBLEMS" when recording traces |
949730 | DB locks on the RSTSODSPART table |
949721 | Calendar is not displayed in the Web selector |
949670 | Hierarchy authorizations do not work after transport |
949643 | Redelivery of RSCOMPTLOGOT table |
949582 | Precalculation: missing values with filter navigation |
949550 | Consulting: Dump in CL_RSSM_STATMAN_TARGET_IOBJ |
949549 | Unit conversion is not transferred |
949548 | P9:PC:Variant maintenance with multiple sel. and many sel. |
949542 | P9:P32:APO:Setting Qualok sets many RSAPOREQUEST locks |
949540 | MDX: Incorrect data with CURRENTEMBER and .ORDINAL |
949426 | P9:Status manager:Performance problem with ODSPROCESS |
949342 | CL_RSR=>Get_cob_pro deactivates the selection |
949330 | NW04s: Query backup & restore |
949314 | RSRV test displays incorrect message |
949273 | OLAP cache not used for virtual provider |
949217 | Group cannot be deleted |
949151 | Deleted selections in the cache are still used in OLAP |
949140 | Problems with Content with formulas during transport |
949131 | Data flow display: You cannot go to transformation |
949120 | Error in LAST exception aggregation in MultiProviders |
949077 | P9:P32:SDL:BAPI:Deadlocks and endless enqueue locks |
949028 | InfoPackage: Maintenance of extraction parameter for Web ser |
948976 | Missing impact between transformation and DTP |
948945 | P9: Variant maintenance for rollup without aggregates |
948869 | 0BASE_UOM field is not filled |
948860 | Field is not deleted |
948780 | Incorrect indexes in ABAP Dictionary after post-migration |
948695 | MDX: Hierarchy aggregates are not created |
948671 | Uncaught exception with '_SET_SELECT_FIELD-07' in cl_rsmd_rs |
948618 | Termination for trace record with field symbol not assigned |
948599 | Generated table of precalculated value sets is missing |
948589 | Total must be issued as [All] |
948577 | Hyperlink in stored page does not work |
948571 | MDX: Missing data for AGGREGATE/SIM/MIX/MAX |
948468 | Output format "separate CSV file for each data provider" |
948466 | Variant ' ' for the "TREXINDEXP" process type does not exist |
948464 | x299 Brain in SAPLRRI2; form Best_wgr-01- |
948447 | SPS8: Currency translation, hierarchies, sign reversal |
948406 | Indentation of hierarchy nodes incorrect |
948377 | New rows and "Not assigned" |
948374 | NW04s: Dumps in Query Designer changing condition/exception |
948372 | Enahnacement in BAPI_IOBJ_GETLIST to handle the selections |
948323 | DataSource (R3TR RSDS): Invalid 'ACCP' data type |
948233 | Broadcasting: Output formats for formatted reports |
948190 | P9: Different problem when you display batch manager jobs |
948189 | P9:PSA: Dump in the RSS2_PSA_NEW_OLD_DS function module |
948167 | RDA daemon terminates sometimes |
948126 | Data is missing for exception aggregation of formulas |
948107 | Business Content Component - Runtime error MESSAGE_TYPE_X |
948104 | Runtime error GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED in after import method |
948080 | P9:P32:SDL:F4 help for InfoPackages and Changed by |
948004 | Detail maintenance authorizations: "Select All" w/o effect |
947989 | InfoObject assignment is not transported |
947985 | Key figure in the MultiProvider not ready for input |
947735 | Error RSDS 097 when you activate a DataSource (R3TR RSDS) |
947697 | RAISE_EXCEPTION termination in FM DDIF_NAMETAB_GET |
947696 | Attributes are restricted incorrectly |
947488 | P9: Endless locking attempts when hash value of req. calc. |
947483 | No data in MultiProvider query without key figures |
947461 | BW 3.50 (SP 18) - Error in Variable Screen on Blackberry 4.1 |
947384 | Deleting the transformations does NOT delete the DTP |
947328 | Correction: MESSAGE_TYPE_X dump when collector proc. deleted |
947249 | Bursting: Error after change of existing setting |
947246 | CX_SQL_EXCEPTION when you execute the input help |
947209 | No authorization for documents on library items (3.x) |
947104 | System error in program SAPLRSSH and FORM GET_SIGN_FROM_DB |
947086 | Variable entry for compounded InfoObject |
946992 | Transaction Load fails with RSDMD 138 error |
946988 | Compression of all the aggregates of an infocube |
946966 | Field cannot be used in a routine |
946906 | Constant selection in BI 7.0 |
946812 | Improvement: Input help w/ selectn "Master data read class" |
946809 | InfoObject does not exist in the InfoProvider |
946724 | Migration III |
946589 | Reading time-dependent master data |
946586 | Forcing execution of BIA Monitor actions despite lock |
946585 | Problems in content transfer, transformation: Source system |
946557 | P9: SDL: A message for call of scheduler: 'DME' inactive |
946482 | Variable on other characteristic in default value of query |
946457 | Attributes are limited incorrectly |
946444 | ASSIGN_TYPE_CONFLICT after transport or content activation |
946415 | DataSource (R3TR RSDS): Missing transf. struct. when loading |
946330 | Termination - Object CUDIMID 0 not found |
946329 | Correction: DTP program generation gives up too soon |
946326 | Special characteristics in display of key figure definition |
946310 | Termination with '_CHECK_SELOPT-04' for input help |
946230 | NW2004s: Error in the checkbox item |
946156 | P9:P32: Authorization checks do not tolerate errors |
946114 | X299 Brain in CL_RSR_RRK0_HIERARCHY, FORM _SELDR_EQSID-02- |
946112 | X299 Brain in SAPLRRI2, FORM SPARA_CONVEX_02-01- |
946110 | Correction: Fields longer than 255 characters in DataSource |
946106 | Problem with initial value of 0Fiscyear |
946085 | XMLA: No compression under HTTP/1.0 |
946059 | Correction: Incorrect number of data records for master data |
946056 | Correction: Dump in the filter of DTP for new DS |
946055 | Correction: Links can be changed in display mode |
946054 | Correction: You cannot exit RDA_CLOSE maintenance |
946053 | Correction: Preview for RDA adapters |
946052 | Correction: PSADELETE: No PSA conversion after transport |
946027 | NW04s: Authorization messages in Query Designer |
945994 | Transformation is displayed as unsaved in maintenance |
945991 | Dump when you activate transformation: Content development |
945947 | P9: P32: SDL: InfoPackage transport and source system conver |
945944 | P9: DSO: DTP requests delete dumps with message type x000 |
945943 | P9:P32:PC: Termination w/ PC variant maintenance is missing |
945914 | BIA index wizard: Maintain index settings |
945904 | A query does not show any data in some columns |
945870 | Problems with aggregates (collective correction) |
945861 | Eine leere Selektion wird nicht rechtzeitig erkannt |
945819 | P9: DTP and DSO activation terminates due to COMMIT in batch |
945815 | MDX: Incorrect values for VAR and STDDEV for one value only |
945813 | P9:P32: Restarting canceled load processes |
945812 | P9: Terminated batch manager jobs have incorrect status |
945811 | P9: Manual rollup only ever rolls up one request |
945762 | Currency conversion in the open hub and RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ |
945743 | Incorrect numbers in a very special situation |
945742 | Excluding selections after SELDR_SPLIT |
945709 | BIA: SAPSQL_INVALID_TABLENAME termination for BIA monitor |
945690 | P9: P32: Dump in AWB due to duplicate record |
945689 | P9: PSA process maint. in process chain dumps w/out PSA tab. |
945687 | P9: P32: Manage: No texts available for reversal requests |
945686 | X299: System error in SAPLRRK0 and NACHLESEN_25-01- |
945685 | P9: P32: Old real-time and authorization checks |
945655 | X299: System error in SAPLRRK0 and SORT_END_TRUE-01- |
945653 | Improvement to variable screen in 3.x BEx Analyzer II |
945649 | Transporting update rules: Release 3.x -> 7.x |
945648 | Transferring transformations with expert routine |
945646 | Selective deletion using navigation attributes |
945640 | Hex support for writing master data |
945595 | Select all function in the list view of transport connection |
945592 | DataStore: Migration from ORACLE to non-partitioned DB |
945549 | P9: BAPI_IPAK_CREATE/CHANGE does not work for new DS |
945393 | PSA Tables loose data-class and size-category |
942670 | Correction of incorrect database entries |
942610 | P8:P32:ODS:Unable to activate data after termination |
941565 | PSA partitioning and so on |
940964 | Master data maint shows data records values from request |
934084 | Filter values displayed incorrectly (text elements) |
926919 | DB6: DB2 9 Data row compression for SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI |
926613 | Excel download: Incorrect display of numeric texts |