SAP Note 908911 - UME recognition mechanism for read-only role in backend

Composant : User Management Engine -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
SAP Note explains the issue where user master data modifications (creation, deletion, change except for self-initiated password changes) fail in systems with ABAP backend. This happens because the UME/ABAP adapter detects the UME communication user (default SAPJSF) is assigned only the read-only role SAP_BC_JSF_COMMUNICATION_RO, setting UME to read-only mode. To enable write operations, assign the role SAP_BC_JSF_COMMUNICATION to the communication user and ensure its profile is correctly generated and linked in SU01. Alternatively, assigning the role SAP_J2EE_GUEST to the UME communication user can bypass the read-only mode due to role detection mechanism.

Mots Clés :
user master data fail, abap backend system modification, role sap_bc_jsf_communication appears, ume/abap adapter, abap backend system, executing write operations, prevent write operations, backend role sap_bc_jsf_communication, backend role sap_j2ee_guest, backend user management

Notes associées :

1136395Limitations for User Maintenence in UME for ByDesign