SAP Note 906903 - Program terminates during the "Display document" function

Composant : BP for Maintenance Technician -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
table         call method lr_documents->dmscheckout           exporting             dir            = ls_dir             content_provide = lv_content_provide           pt_files_in     = lt_files_help_in             pt_files_in     = help_test             log_obj        = log_obj           importing             pt_files        = lt_files_help_out             ptx_content     = lt_files_out, call method lr_documents->check_kpro_use      exporting           pf_dokar     = ls_docs-dokar        pf_dokar     = ls_dir-documenttype        pf_lang      = sy-langu        log_obj      = log_obj      importing        check_result = lv_kpro_use, table      call method lr_documents->dmscheckout        exporting          dir            = ls_dir          content_provide = lv_content_provide          pt_files_in     = lt_files_help_in          log_obj         = log_obj        importing           pt_files        = lt_files_help_out          ptx_content     = lt_files_out, information      call method lr_documents->getdmsdetails        exporting          dir            = ls_dir          getactivefiles = 'x'          getdocfiles    = 'x'          log_obj        = log_obj        importing          documentfile   = lt_files, check authorisation   call method lr_documents->dmsauthcheck    exporting      documentlist = ls_dir      authobject   = 'c_draw_tcd'      log_obj      = log_obj    importing      message      = iv_auth_message, fitting row length        call function 'cv120_convert_content_table'          exporting            pf_filesize     = lv_file_size          tables            pt_source_data  = lt_line_2550            ptx_target_data = lt_line_255, prepare output       rs_outtab-documenttype = ls_dir-documenttype, fill params  ls_dir = dir, lv_content_provide type mcdok-content_provide, lt_w3mimetabtype type w3mimetabtype         test_w3mime type w3mime

Notes associées :

907872Problems when displaying the original
895332ERP 2005 SP Stack 2 (12/2005) Release and Information Note
849573Maintenance technician