Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)
Mots Clés :
acchd-awref acchd-barcd acchd-docid acchd-knumv accit-absbt accit-abwze accit-adisc accit-adrnr accit-aibn1 accit-aibn2 accit-altkt accit-anbwa accit-anln1 accit-anln2 accit-anlo1 accit-anlo2 accit-aubel accit-audat accit-aufps accit-augbl accit-augcp accit-augdt accit-aunum accit-aupos accit-autim accit-autra accit-autwr accit-aworg_rev accit-awref accit-awref_rev accit-bemot accit-bklas accit-blart accit-bpmng accit-bprme accit-brgew accit-brnch accit-bschl accit-btype accit-bustw accit-buzid accit-bvtyp accit-bvtypabw accit-bwart accit-bwkey accit-bwmod accit-bwtar accit-bzdat accit-ccact accit-ccbtc accit-ccfol accit-ccins accit-ccname accit-ccnum accit-cctyp accit-ccwae accit-condi accit-co_kaabs accit-co_kaauf accit-co_kaerg accit-co_kaimo accit-co_kakda accit-co_kakst accit-co_kaktr accit-co_kanpl accit-co_kapro accit-csour accit-dabrz accit-datab accit-datbi accit-diekz accit-ebeln accit-ebelp accit-eprctr accit-erfme accit-erfmg accit-erlkz accit-esrnr accit-esrpz accit-esrre accit-etype accit-fbuda accit-fdgrp accit-fdlev accit-fdtag accit-fdwbt accit-fikrs accit-filkd accit-fipos accit-fistl accit-fkart accit-fkdat accit-fkimg accit-fklmg accit-geber accit-gewei accit-gityp accit-gricd accit-grirg accit-gsber_gp accit-gvtyp accit-hbkid accit-hkmat accit-hoart accit-istat accit-kappl accit-kblnr accit-kidno accit-kinak accit-kkber accit-kntyp accit-knumh accit-koaid accit-koart accit-kschl accit-kstat accit-ktosl accit-kunag accit-kunnr accit-kursk accit-kzbew accit-kzuml accit-kzvbr accit-kzzuab accit-landl accit-lifnr accit-locid accit-lokkt accit-lotkz accit-lzbkz accit-maber accit-mansp accit-merch accit-mlast accit-mlbwg accit-mlmaa accit-mschl accit-mtart accit-mwskz accit-ntgew accit-numpg accit-pargb accit-posar accit-posnr accit-pprctr accit-prvrg_sv accit-pstyp accit-qsskz accit-rebzg accit-rebzj accit-rebzz accit-rmvct accit-rstgr accit-settl accit-shkzg accit-shkzg_va accit-spart accit-stbuk accit-stceg accit-stgrd accit-sttax accit-stunr accit-taxit accit-tbtkz accit-trmid accit-txjcd accit-umskz accit-urzeile accit-uzawe accit-vbewa accit-vbtyp accit-vertn accit-vertt accit-vkbur accit-vkgrp accit-vkorg accit-voleh accit-volum accit-vptnr accit-vrkme accit-vtweg accit-wip_cat accit-wt_key accit-xakon accit-xauto accit-xbgbb accit-xbilk accit-xegdr accit-xlifo accit-xmfrw accit-xnegp accit-xpkon accit-xskrl accit-xumbw accit-xumsw accit-zaehk accit-zbd1p accit-zbd1t accit-zbd2p accit-zbd2t accit-zbd3t accit-zbfix accit-zeile accit-zfbdt accit-zlsch accit-zlspr accit-zterm accit-zuonr, structure 'accit' listed, 'accit' listed, structures 'acchd', directory '/general/r3server/abap/note, cross-functional area cost flow, incorrect partner functional area existed, cross-functional area cost flows, summarized cross-company code, partner functional areas arise
Notes associées :
743507 | KALC, KALS: Reconciliation ledger questions and problems |
397239 | INFO:CO-OM Interface/actual postings/commitment/down payment |
202357 | Troubleshooting reconciliation ledger/posting CO/FI |
167780 | RKAKALX3: Functional areas in CO follow-on documts |
115840 | Correcting functional areas in special purp.ledgers |
89237 | Problem/short dump when you simulate substitutions |
86156 | Subst. + validation for CO-internal postings |
85799 | Collective note: Cost of sales accounting problems |
84952 | Reconciliation posting: FKBER empty after reversal |
83375 | Substitution + validation for CO internal postings |
49846 | TRACE during the validation/substitution incorrect |
45692 | Cost of sales accounting does not work |
38170 | Reconcil.posting: posting despite validation error |