SAP Note 870434 - EBP: Brazil specific fields in the Product Master

Composant : Supplier Relationship Management - Please use subcomponents

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
taxclassificationbr         cfop     00-material            6        0br         cfop    01-electricity         6        1br        cfop    02-communication       6        2br        cfop    03-transportation      6        3br         ibrx    icms_ipi              1        1br         ibrx     iss                    1        2br        ipi      0-national            2        0br        ipi      1-, -country  region  taxtype  taxgroupbr              cfop     00-materialbr              cfop     01-electricitybr              cfop     02-communicationbr              cfop     03-transportationbr               ibrx     icms_ipibr               ibrx     issbr              ipi      0-nationalbr              ipi      1-, production       2        3br         mtus    0-resale              5        0br        mtus     1-industrialisation    5        1br         mtus    2-consumption          5        2br         mtus     3-asset                5        3please note, -spro -> sap implementation guide -> cross-application components ->     sap product -> tax types, productionbr               mtus     0-resalebr              mtus     1-industrialisationbr              mtus     2-consumptionbr               mtus     3-assetsave, group authorization object s_tabu_dis function group       srm_pr_tax_map package              bbp_icc_br    maintenance type, group authorization object s_tabu_dis function group       bbp_icc_br_tcode package              bbp_icc_br maintenance type, financial accounting -> financial accounting global settings-> business transaction eventschoose, sequence  tax category  namebr      brazil    1      ibrx          brazil tax calc, process  country  appl function module        productcrm0_200              pi_exit_before_mw_br   zbrazilsave

Notes associées :

1737307EBP: Brazil specific fields in the Product Master
883328Brazilian Tax details in Product Master and Shopping cart