SAP Note 797528 - Coordination report for accruals accounts (VF48)

Composant : Revenue Recognition -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
component  component type  ref field  ref table---------  --------------  ---------  ---------bukrs      bukrsbelnr      belnr_dgjahr      gjahrhkont      hkontbudat      budatwaers      waersmonat      monatshkzg      shkzgwrbtr      wrbtr          waers      vbrevbsiszuonr      dzuonrtcode      tcodeawtyp      awtypawkey      awkey, component     component type  ref field  ref table---------    --------------  ---------  ---------vbeln        vbelnposnr        posnrwaers        waersvbrevr_wrbtr  wrbtr          waers      vbrevdetailvbreve_wrbtr  wrbtr          waers      vbrevdetailvbrevk_wrbtr  wrbtr          waers      vbrevdetailvbrevk_bal    wrbtr          waers      vbrevdetail, component     component type  ref field  ref table---------    --------------  ---------  ---------waers        waerssaldo        wrbtr           waers      vbrevsaldoordersaldo    wrbtr          waers      vbrevsaldofakturasaldo  wrbtr          waers      vbrevsaldorestsaldo    wrbtr           waers      vbrevsaldo, component  component type  ref field  ref table---------  --------------  ---------  ---------vbeln      vbeln_vfposnr      posnrwaers      waerswrbtr      wrbtr          waers      vbrevinvoice 3, postings__        33  40d05 _____________________________          29   40d06 curr                                    7    7d07 bals                                    6    6d24 bal                                    5   18d25 recognized revenue                    18   30d26 accrued total, info text-----  -------------      ---------      ---------f5    billing documents  icon_overview  billing documents                        fcode rest                        f-key  function text       icon, text symbols                        sym text                                  dlen mlen--- -------------------------------------- ---- ----d01 total bal                              11  40d02 balance, 1000  classification       'x' - professional user transaction   gui capability      'x' - sap gui, fi documents                        fcode vf45                        f-key  function text  icon, text                        dictionary ref-------  --------------------------  --------------p_bukrs  company code                'x'p_hkont

Notes associées :

847672Missing sales and distribution documents in VF48
821744BAdI for VF48
800983Composite SAP note: Enhancements to revenue recognition