SAP Note 783251 - SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 29

Composant : SAP Business Information Warehouse -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
La note SAP détaille les informations importantes et les recommandations relatives au Support Package 29 pour BW Release 3.0B. Elle inclut une compilation de corrections et d'améliorations, en mettant l'accent sur la procédure d'importation et les considérations post-importation telles que les erreurs potentielles et les ajustements manuels nécessaires. Les principaux domaines abordés sont les activités manuelles nécessaires pour un déploiement réussi, les problèmes généraux corrigés, les améliorations du système et les notes cruciales relatives aux dépendances système et aux recommandations opérationnelles. Des détails complets sur les validations des composants du système et les prérequis pour les produits SAP liés sont également fournis pour assurer la compatibilité et la fonctionnalité.

Mots Clés :
/swdc-> additional download info -> sap support package stacks -> sp stack download -> sp stack sap bw 3, 1 content - support package 23 sap aba 620 - support package 55 sap basis 620 - support package 55 sap kernel 6, application group => sap application components => <product> => <product version> => entry, downloading sap kernel patches pi_basis 2004_1_620                     minimum level, /swdc => download => support packages, 0b - support package 29 / sap bw 3, planned support package release dates, /bi --> documentation --> sap bw 3, sap kernel                     notes, bw support package upgrade

Notes associées :

922544BW Informix: Data loss after you delete master data
910877SAP_REFPOINT_COMPLETE terminates
892568Packed numbers are shifted in F4
892539ODS query with many KEY restrctns causes UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION
892357Deleting entries related to web templates precalculation
891996Correction: Endless loop when you activate from the Content
89098829: P6: SDL: Time-dependent selections and routine
890985P29: P6: AWB: Creating new hierarchy nodes and transport
890820P29:P6: Dump during automatism and PSA further update
890816P29:P6:PSA maintenance of incorrectly updated data packages
890669A125 Brain: G_S_DATA-K____nnn unknown; form SELECT_4
890349P29:P6:SDL: Dump in init for non language-dependent text DS
890345A125 Brain: Component CUDIM doe not exist
890339Error message when you enter hierarchy node (Brain 599)
890243A125 Brain too many data control blocks created
890116P29: Manage: More than 5000 requests and repair full flag
890114P29:P6:RSOR: Msg RSM1 241 when you double-click AREA,APCO
890098Performance optimization in BEx Open Dialogs
890063RSSM generation: Only 99 authorization objects are displayed
890052RRI: Target system * on the Web
889533Tooltip on chart is truncated
889492P29:P6: Performance problems due to large SDL selections
889333inconsistent request in tansactional cube
889160P29:P6: Update from monitor and red Data packages
889080Specifying hierarchy using URL parameter II
889024Alert entries are missing in the alert monitor
888903Correction: Unknown jobs after scheduling
888677P29:P6:SDL: Deleting initialization with error message
888313RSSM: Generation setting changeable even though deactivated
888207Correction: Variant not selected for content transfer
888176P29:P6:AWB: ODS status overview shows last load status
888072Incorrect result row w/ display hierarchy after navigation
888058Cannot call chart in Transaction RSRT
887801Long runtime in the REMOVE_SELDR_0INFOPROV_NEW form
887346P29:P6: RSSM_ICUBE_REQUESTS_GET does not return REPORT flag
887284Correction: Chain interrupted when you activate too early
887210BW compression fails on stock cube with date keyfigure
887163Case mismatch in selection option in the variable screen
887117Correction: 0TCTREQUID_ATTR cannot be repeated
887009Error connecting portal to several BW systems
886580UTF8 Encoded data are passed to the ICM from f4 dialog
886492Incorrect authorization check S_RS_ISOUR or S_RS_ISRCM
886392RSRV/RSDMD_CHECKPRG_ALL - Q table time intervals
886222Note 859813 - MSGNO is not displayed in monitor
886167Brain W045 Required entry
886157X299 BRAIN Error in SAPLRRK0; form RRK_LIST_NOTIFY-01-
885919P29:P6: Deleting DS and PSA deletion scheduling jobs
885918P29:P6: InfoPackage shadow creation in Content system
885916P29:P6: Load to cube w/ automatic function retains req lck
885837References to deleted cache entries remain
885733Part provider is read unnecessarily
885571Translation connection in system is 'Not changeable'
885341Incorrect language: Texts from views in the Visual Composer
885255No data when you expand hierarchy node
884999Exception reporting: User is able to edit in display mode
884795Memory saving enhancement in updaterules
884727BW 3.0B (29) error message, ODS object "Unique Data Record"
884675Loop occurs with Keep Filter Value
884510XML/A: CELL PROPERTIES with tabular format
884482Performance optimization in the SAPLRRK0 form; loc_rechnen
884385RSAR 146 formula & is not available in table RSAFORMMAP
884146Data moved when you use FLATTENING and more than two axes
884124Cube activation terminates after heterogeneous sym mgratn
884086A125 Brain: S____nnn unknown; Form lffl_assign
884019BW 3.0B/3.10/3.50 (SP 29/23/15) hierarchical context menu
883951Error in the slow-moving item report on Intel
883843BW instances can no longer be started
883495Termination in SAPLRSDV w/ MDX, non-cumul values and 0FISCPE
883436Master data deletion and hierarchies
883360Incorrect data in MDX w/ WITH MEMBER and drilldown
882916BRAIN 804 "No authorization" with RSSB_GET_AUTHS_FILTERED
882298P29: P5: IPG: Deleted InfoPackage group and job scheduling
882104P29: P5: Manage: InfoObject list and ATTR. ONLY InfoObject
882101P29:P5: APO: Dump when you delete APO_-Request from InfoCube
882082Error during the transport of deactivated update rules
882000Correction: Detailed tree red even though load was successfu
881789DB lock on RSDDAGGRDIR when executing query and check prog
881582P29: P5: IPG: Transporting InfoPackageGroup and InfoPackages
881519RSRV: RSRV296, No text exists for class ATOMS_BEXOBJECTS
881455Warning 204 (RSBBS) in spite of assignment details
881452Changerun abends with ALL_AGGREGATES_UPDATE_PAR-1-Brain X299
881282Filter block selection displays wrong block values
881207P29: P5: SDL: Delta IPak with time-dependent selections
881097P29:P5:SDL:IPG: Time-dependent selections in InfoPackage
881054Missing values in WITH MEMBER in a special situation
881028Filter search cannot be made by key even if key is displayed
880835Irregular line breaks in the text of the mail message
880219DB6: Het. System Copy - Changes in DDL Creation for Indexes
880073Problems with the missing initial entry from dimensions
879804P29: PSA: PSA Deleting requests selection screen and segment
879760Correction: Merging chains may create copies
879529Characteristic 0TCTWHMMAN not filled correctly
879513Compounded keys are not displayed in Web F4
879404Brain X299 in SAPLRRK0; form SORTING_PRUEFEN_02-01-
879355P29:P5:PC: Hierarchy ID determination in a process chain
879352Correction: RSPC 083 even though PSAPROCESS ok
879290Problems with hierarchy selections in MultiProviders
879269P29:P5:SDL:Dump during init for time-dependent DataSources
879240Text symbol displays meaningless vals for 0S_RQMRC vars
879061Endless loop with preliminary calculations in the reporting
878335Firefox and MacOS: Role menu does not work
878261DB6: Avoid database lock waits on database table RSADMIN
878260Texts in the context menu for hierarchy nodes are incorrect
877772Conversion between 0FISCPER and 0FISCPER3 for nodes II
877447Scrolling Web item table: Other Web items change status
877396RSAR 245 during the transport of hierarchy transfer rules
877308No formatting in RSRT (List)
876793Error occurs for zero suppression
876678Characteristic val F4 results in ASSIGN_BASE_WRONG_ALIGNMENT
876643P29: Yellow logs displayed when you delete delta queue
876624Time Distribution in updaterules is not saved
876553Search by attribute fails for compounded characteristic
876323Problems with the fiscal year variant in InfoSets
875829Warning Brain 380 is not output
87582530BSP29: RSBO102 after you create with template
875719RSAR 164 Information missing for currency conversion
875623USE_PAGE_WRAPPER/Bookmark: BW 3.0B/3.1C/3.50 (SP 29/22/15)
875426Filter search is made on keyfigure attributes
875422Frame in USE_PAGE_WRAPPER: BW 3.0B/3.10/3.50 (SP 29/23/15)
875359Incorrect data w/ non-cumulative values w/ exception aggreg
875257P29:ODS: Activating data in ODS takes long time - ANALYZE
875237Index page for precalculation of excel doesnt contain links
874927Incorrect FRANGE row with key figure definition
874812Authorization -Incorrect message RSAU231 creating updaterule
874786Query execution: No check for S_RS_MPRO
874714Exception aggregation AVG in BAPI_MDPROVIDER_GET_MEASURES
874662Substituting text variables with multiple-value selections
874661Search string and conversion exit with characteristic value
874520Object CL_RSR_MDX_OLAP_REQUEST locked
874189Transferring compound characteristics
873849P29: AWB: PSA tree: Slow access to table RSLDTDONE
873744System error in program SAPLRRK0 and form SEL_TO_SELDR_NODED
873694Consulting: Delta repeat and status in monitor/data target
873685Query authorized although an authorization object missing
873640DB6: RSRV check does not display current table statistics
873560System error in SAPLRRI2 and form VREP_SHIFT0_INSERT-02-
873483BW device recognition and ITS BW 3.0B/3.10/3.50 (SP 29/23/14
873401Consulting: Data mart delta administration/duplicate data
873385Specifying hierarchy using URL parameter
873357Conversion between 0FISCPER and 0FISCPER3 with nodes
873077BW 3.0B (SP 29) hierarchies: GENERATE_SUBPOOL_DIR_FULL
872904Query runtime with many nested formulas
872902F4 for InfoSource with ODS in Transaction RSBBS
872799Report RSDG_CUBE_ACTIVATE - Execution in Background
872650P29: RSCRT: Real time: Maintaining table RSCRT_DTA_DS_LG
872649P29: P5: PSA process terminates with lock ERSMONICDP
872488Hierarchy BW 3.0B (SP 29) File: Values for root nodes
872416Correction on note 868961 for sorting type
872397DB6: User exit for database hints
872272SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 31
872271SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 30
872119No data in a specific case
871992Authorization variable with long characteristics (> 40 char)
869809Empty INFOCUBE field in the table RSZELTXREF
846036BRAIN 299 System error in program SAPLRSDM_F4 and form..."
783253SAPBWNews BW 3.1 Content Support Package 23
783170SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 28
723258SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 27
723257SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 26
723254SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 25
723193SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 24
723192SAPBWNews 3.0B Support Package 23
679666SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 22
679665SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 21
647752SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 20
647749SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 19
647747SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 18
571742SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 17
571699SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 16
571698SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 15
571695SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 14
569190SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 06 (V2)
532586BW 3.0B: Support Package information
523278SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 13
523249SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 12
523248SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 11
523245SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 10
523243SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 09
523240SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 08
517950SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 07
493976SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 05
493975SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 04
493973SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 03
493971SAPBWNews BW 3.0B Support Package 02