SAP Note 773976 - Individual Value Adjustment and Write-offs

Composant : Industry-Specific Component Utilities - Industry-Specific Component Utilities

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
czech-slovak language describing thisprocess, upper level bc sets, local enhancements - country specific functionality, bc set /ceeisut/isu_czsk_1_03, cz /sapce/it_cz_img - img, cz /sapce/iu_sk_img - img, standard fi-ca documentation, slovak country version, /sapce/iu_cz_img - img, cz /ceeisut/ist_cz

Notes associées :

1014963Czech & Slovak specific functionality IS-UT 600 (collective)
774625Czech & Slovak specific functionality IS-T 4.72 (collective)
774624Czech & Slovak specific functionality IS-U 4.72 (collective)
557565Value adjustments with due dates from Installment plans
554426Czech & Slovak specific functionality IS-U 4.64 (collective)
489912Czech specific functionality IS Utilities,collective note
426517Multiple write-off of items possible with partial payment
13719Preliminary transports to customers (note for customers)