SAP Note 72363 - IS-H: Current coll.note of important errors in 3.03

Composant : Industry-Specific Component Hospital -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
language english symptom, additional key words, note refers explicitly, collective note, continually updated, regularly check, maintenance level, prerequisites - solution -, notes dealing, important notes

Notes associées :

132639IS-H:Incomplete cost center determinatn in RNHCO012
118381IS-H: Coverage percentage rates doubled after ENTER
118378IS-H: Insurance no. and File no. for IV incorrect
103599IS-H: RNAABW00 causes overlapping
102519IS-H: Diagnoses reminders list created incorrectly
101956IS-H: Time slot search finds no time slots
100709IS-H: New borrowing rec. requested w. movmt. change
100356IS-H: Incorrect reminder created for medical record
100131IS-H: Diagnosis 2 is set incorrectly for PF4
98777IS-H: Changed time slot duration is not stored
98763IS-H: No NAC error log since implementing 97771
98419IS-H: New arrival does not appear in arrivals list
98018IS-H: Multiple entry of Hos.main diagnosis possible
97992IS-H: Time slot search from within a visit wrong
97771IS-H: Daily output of missing nursAcuities wrong
97672IS-H: Case list cannot be called from pat.calender
97492IS-H:Borrower deleted through entry of bor. reason
96939IS-H: RNLDIA01 delivers wrong evaluation results
96318IS-H: RNPDIA00 does not identify missing diagnoses
96028IS-H: Not all cases evalutd in diagn.eval. RNLDIA01
95921IS-H: Problem reassigning beds when 2 beds occupied
95805IS-H: RNPFKL00 evaluates no outpatient cases
95639IS-H: Different results lists for NP63
95625IS-H: Incorrect list positioning in visit overview
95612IS-H: Wrong treatmnt cert. status in visit overview
95436IS-H:Reversal unequal to billing because of pricing
95017IS-H: Term. NFKL after changing treatment category
94921IS-H: Person reponsible is not taken over with PF4
94617IS-H: Diag. create date. is checked incorrectly
94244IS-H: Patients missing on reminder list RNPDIA00
94225IS-H: Changes to discharge rejected with EM N6315
93531IS-H: Assigned services lost in request
93154IS-H: NSR evaluation for an OU is incorrect
92692IS-H: NL10 Wrong basic price in IV service view
92639IS-H: Scheduled visits disappear from NR14
91918IS-H: Visit overview cannot be sorted by room
90656IS-H: NP61 discharge date from department wrong
90607IS-H: Correction for Note 90090
90358IS-H: Document name is not changed
90090IS-H: Not poss. to assign bed to pat. after absence
89654IS-H: NP53 checks OU validity with incorrect date
89620IS-H: NSR classification of adults on pediatric OUs
89612IS-H:Double bed assgn. f. a. bed reportd incorrect.
89146IS-H:Change patient assignm. in medical record list
88756IS-H: >99 pre-ad./post-dis. visits in f. rate stat.
88398IS-H:Too many cancel. mult. acc. assign. RNHCO000
88068IS-H: Reference diagnosis is not assigned
87736IS-H: values not billed, quantity 0 in RNLSTA09
87635IS-H: Saving patient takes a long time
87519IS-H: too many days with discount in RNLSTA08
87488IS-H: Correction of Note 86339 concern. RNPDIA00
87397IS-H: attend. phys. not displayed in visit overview
87385IS-H: NR12 treatment cat. preallocated incorrectly
87077IS-H: Patient merge and invoice printout
86669IS-H:Prob. self-pay patients in bill.type determin.
86498IS-H: Time slot duration is not reset
86489IS-H: Timeout when reading diagnoses
86361IS-H: Correction for Note 82466 RNVPPR01
86339IS-H:Dpt.main diag. disply only f. disch. nse. stat
86071IS-H: Departure type in the departures list incorrect NR11
86029IS-H: In forms no header and footers possible
85341IS-H:Incorrect compar. charge chk cardiac surgery
85185IS-H: Output error in RNVPPR01
85115IS-H: Overflow of the lock table with RNHCO005
85080IS-H:Length of stay billed incorrectly in RNLDIA01
84680IS-H: Provisional appoint. with emergency adm. ind.
84667IS-H: Term. when calling transfer fr. depart. list
84652IS-H: Update term. when transfer. medical record
84347IS-H: temporal limited IV and RNLSTA09
84259IS-H: 2. Diagnosis coding is not copied
84233IS-H: Assignments of services - requests deleted
84203IS-H:no scroll icon for additional planning objects
83928IS-H: Adjusted services are not limited
83883IS-H: Service adjustment is incomplete
83863IS-H: Sex check incorrect when assigning a bed
83861IS-H: Call class. case from nurse station managmt.
83857IS-H: RNF40-ANZMAH is not filled
83787IS-H: RNPKAV03 does not consider the institution
83595IS_H: Diagnosis text is not displayed
83499IS-H: NR13 ignores all multi-specialty departments
83440User exit NHCO0001 is no longer executed
83229IS-H:Update term. NFKL with change to transfer date
83184IS-H: copayment/down pymt not poss. in batch input
83110IS-H: Leave of absence appears 2 in arrivals list
82897IS-H: Depart. main diagnosis indicator is not saved
82778IS-H: Charge check creates warning message N9110 for newborn
82639Generating flat rate if chrg prop. not trans-relatd
82578IS-H: NP53 is not sorted correctly
82466Incorrect NSR evaltn of selecting non-nursing OU II
82411IS-H: Create service - Check IR authorization
82409IS-H: Adjusting services without movement change
82213CO trans. appears when transferring prelim. costing
82174IS-H: BDT interface No institution indicator
82129IS-H: Actions too early in admission/transfer
81736Incorrect NSR eval. when selecting non-nursing OUs
81731IS-H: Message N7252 in RNHCO004 and RNHCO005
81691IS-H: Function "Select all" for copayment
81586IS-H: Message N7252 for IV extension
81580F4 help for trtmt cat. not available in NR11/14
81539IS-H: Diagnosis check (N6502 appears several times)
81174IS-H: Incorrect billing evaluation RNACON01
81073IS-H: Insurance verification request not extended
81023Reversal of intensive care per diem for flat rate
80789IS-H: Wrong sorting after entering value in NP53
80725IS-H: No transfer because of billing documents
80673IS-H: Error in RNACON01 with basic price change
80594Borrower incorrectly displayed in reminder list
80518IS-H: Selection option for case no. in RNLSTA07/08
80506Rule check R5 for post-discharge treatmt flat rates
80447IS-H: Incorrect message N3359 during actions
80374IS-H: Program termination Charge proposal LNAFPU03
80370IS-H: Service rules in admission or transfer
80331IS-H: Pat. w. multi-spec. bed assnmt not in arrival
80026IS-H: NSR 24-hour case evaluated incorrectly
80021Case check digit calculated incorrectly in RNVPPR01
79987IS-H: Update termination IS-H_VERBUCHER_NLOP
79984IS-H: Service not billed, message nevertheless
79981IS-H: N1063 Final billed case cannot be changed
79893IS-H: Check digit output in RNILKO00
79659IS-H: Termination for alphanumeric risk factors
79517IS-H: Patient missing in arrivals list NR11
79510IS-H: RNPDIA00 creates reminder for existing diag.s
79362IS-H: Serv.assnmt - IV req. for serv. grps missing
79091IS-H: incorrect sel. of discharge diagnosis in NP63
79003IS-H: N_AMB_DSP not in user master;still authorized
78846IS-H: time scale in NR14 does not display any hours
78684IS-H:RNLSTA09: too high values for assessment rates
78624IS-H:NP63 diagnosis collective processing incorrect
78618IS-H: RNLSTA05/06: Incorrect number of cases
78607IS-H: Incorrect dec.places Curr. Manual price NL10
78573IS-H: block problems in outpat.dept management NR14
78569IS-H: Error in mass printing of adm./disch. notif.s
78500IS-H: incorrect billing quantity for RNLSTA09
78387IS-H: Rechnungsdruck: Dezimalstellenproblem
78257IS-H batch input domain change DYNNR
78079IS-H: Billing: IV price and IV percentage are empty
77960IS-H: Poss.entries pushbutton for quick serv. entry
77945IS-H: incorrect evaluation RNUABMEN when cancelling
77840IS-H: Copayment amount to the day
77817IS-H: Performance problems when printing IV
77650IS-H: OU hierarchy displayed incorrectly in NR13
77558IS-H:RNILKO01 selection by visit type does not work
77542IS-H: IV request for immediate service missing
77541IS-H: Message Previous pat. incorrect prev. day no.
77441IS-H: Insurance verification request is not found
77335IS-H: NSR evaluation of newborns incorrect
77241IS-H: Performance prob. in nurse station management
77238IS-H: Setting ref. diagnosis in NP61 & BI incorrect
77185IS-H: NP37/NP38 Scrolling and New entries
77138NR14-No F4 for attending phys./trtmnt room possible
77126Time slot duratn deleted in outpat.plnng with NP42
77098IS-H:RNPFKL00 Incorrect eval. in dept.-spec. output
77068IS-H: Prob. in NSR evaluation for leaves of absence
76892IS-H: Update termination IS-H_VERBUCHER_NLKZ
76882IS-H: Serv. ready for input-set to Display in TNDYM
76848IS-H: RNPDIA00 outputs discharge date 12/31/9999
76799IS-H: Syntax error LN60AU02
76769IS-H: Incorrect division of IV based on amount
76768IS-H: insurance policy number not ready for input
76746IS-H: NR11 screen 400 has no modification group
76706IS-H: NR14 - Cancel in popup 'Set view'
76699IS-H: NR14 - telephone no. not displayed correctly
76653IS-H: wrong return date when forwarding med. record
76559IS-H consulting:surgeries on discharge notificatns
76468IS-H: Quantity specification RNAABGR0 incorrect
76400IS-H: Incorrect message N3632 for actions in NL10
76141IS-H: Time overlap for services
75884IS-H: Serv. trans. does not work after 3.03 upgrade
75617IS-H: PERFORM_NOT_FOUND in NL10 on Exit
75560IS-H: disproportionate share adjustment file wrong
75467IS-H: BCD_FIELD_OVERFLOW in insurance verification
75239IS-H: Change treatment category in final billed case
74919IS-H: Performance prob. in outpat. dept man. NR14
74909IS-H: RNLDIA01 checks authorization with activity blank
74796IS-H: runtime error IS-H_READ_NTPK_NTPT
71375Field BSEG-HZUON is not ready for input