SAP Note 705627 - CRM4.0 SP06 Termination of application during status change

Composant : Interaction Record -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
application terminates immediately, 707736 email interaction history, 707586 chat interaction history, interaction record, interaction log, ic webclient, solution depending, business process, contact data, 707443 service process

Notes associées :

709903Service ticket:Dump after changing status / entering symptom
707736Problems during status change in follow-up transaction
707593CRM 4.0 SP06 Problems when changing status (chat)
707586CRM4.0 SP06 problems with status change (e-mail)
707443CRM 4.0 SP06 Problems changing status in sales transaction
707440CRM 4.0 SP06 Problems if changing status in service
705626CRM4.0/SP06 - Incorr initializatn of status reason selection