SAP Note 689065 - Extraction - Dump PERFORM_TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS

Composant : Extractors - Customer Relationship Management

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
SAP Note addresses the issue of ABAP dump in RSA3 extraction for specific one order datasources due to error PERFORM_TOO_MANY_PARAMETERS in function SMOX3_GET_DATA. The dump stems from outdated reports triggered during extractions, following CRM system upgrades and corresponding enhancements in certain support packages. These enhancements involve parallel processing routines in CALL_SELECT_FUNCTION. The recommended resolution is to regenerate the datasource using transaction BWA7, which internally updates the supporting report to align with upgraded system changes.

Mots Clés :
parallel processing coding carried, parallel processing, symptom dump, order datasources, function smox3_get_data, termination occurred, abap program, terms extractor, prerequisites due, crm system

Notes associées :

711716CRM 3.1 SP Stack 03/2004 (SAPKU31008): Release & Info. Note