SAP Note 662581 - Restarting postponed AHT events

Composant : Action Handler and Production Tracking -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
include          soodk                object_id                     msgid              symsgid                     msgty              symsgty                     msgno              symsgno                     msgv1              symsgv                     msgv2              symsgv                     msgv3              symsgv                     msgv4              symsgv                     ordno              /sapapo/aht_ordno                     matnr              /sapapo/ppc_matnr                     locno              /sapapo/ppc_locno                     tpoint             /sapapo/aht_action_point                     quant              /sapapo/aht_quant_if                     meins              /sapapo/aht_meins                     uname              syuname                     postdate           budat                     posttime           uzeit                     addtxt             char200                     make, job                     i_delete delete entries                     i_restar restart                     so_date date                     so_locno location                     so_matnr product                     so_msgid message class                     so_msgno message, read backflush data  call function 'swc_table_get'       exporting            element   = lv_aht_ectabname_confirms       tables            container = ct_event_container            table     = lt_conf_ec       exceptions            not_found = 8            is_null   = 4, call method g_grid->set_table_for_first_display      exporting        is_variant      = ls_variant        i_save          = 'a'        is_layout       = gs_layout      changing        it_outtab       = gt_aht_reev[]        it_fieldcatalog = lt_fieldcat, key evtid  = ls_aht_reev-evtid                               subcnt = ls_aht_reev-subcnt                      transporting tpoint ordno action quant meins, 005 error text                     006 event browser                     007 event queue browser                     008 delete events                     009 delete events                     010 delete parameters, so_ordno order                     so_time time                     so_tpoin action point                     so_uname person responsible create, restart_event &--------------------------------------------------------------------- &      form  get_marked &---------------------------------------------------------------------        text ----------------------------------------------------------------------       <--p_lt_rows  text ---------------------------------------------------------------------- form get_marked changing et_rows type lvc_t_row, init_control &--------------------------------------------------------------------- &      form  create_field_catalog &---------------------------------------------------------------------        text ----------------------------------------------------------------------       <--p_lt_fieldcat  text ---------------------------------------------------------------------- form create_field_catalog changing ct_fieldcat type lvc_t_fcat, pai  input &--------------------------------------------------------------------- &      form  init_control &---------------------------------------------------------------------        text ----------------------------------------------------------------------   -->  p1        text   <--  p2        text ---------------------------------------------------------------------- form init_control

Notes associées :

686781SWEQ: API: Starting events automatically in the queue
661034BAdI method enhancement for AHT