SAP Note 62211 - Generating graphic trace files

Composant : Frontend Installation -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
busg   business graphics  stat   statistics graphics  port   portfolio graphics  mstc   user menu  hier   hierarchy graphics  bmat   pushbutton graphics  netz   network graphics  barc   bar chart graphics  gmux   graphical multiplexeryou, gmux trc_eventgmux trc_enumhwndgmux trc_pointergmux trc_rawdatagmux trc_tasksgmux trc_blstgmux trc_textsgmux trc_datagmux trc_childgmux trc_focusgmux trc_dnldgmux trc_dbfgmux trc_wk1gmux trc_rfcfor, hkey_current_user/software/sap ag/sessionmanager/settings/traceset, achieved usinggmux trc_event 3a support employee, business graphics, statistics graphics, gmux tracesthe graphical multiplexer, /installationdir/version/bin/gmux/sapgraph, netz logf netz, logbarc logf barc

Notes associées :

827297Creating trace files for ws_upload and ws_download
496340Upload terminates - Note on troubleshooting measures
40024Transferring customer files to sapserv# using ftp