Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)
Mots Clés :
count timeseries call function '/sapapo/om_ts_objects_get' exporting is_gen_params = ls_gen_params iv_get_tgrids = '' iv_get_nodes = 'x' iv_get_timeshift = '' iv_lcname = 'lca' importing et_lc_objects = lt_lc_objects et_rc = lt_rc exceptions lc_connect_failed = 1 lc_com_error = 2 lc_appl_error = 3, timebuckets call function '/sapapo/om_ts_tgrid_read' exporting is_gen_params = ls_gen_params iv_tgridid = lv_version-tstrid_gener iv_lcname = 'lca' importing et_tgrid = lt_tgrid et_rc = lt_rc exceptions lc_connect_failed = 1 lc_com_error = 2 lc_appl_error = 3, call function '/sapapo/om_order_get_all' exporting is_gen_params = ls_gen_params iv_simsession = lv_plvs it_order_type_tab = p_lt_types iv_top_orders_only = gc_false importing et_orders = lt_ordid et_rc = lt_rc exceptions lc_connect_failed = 1 lc_com_error = 2 lc_appl_error = 3, call function '/sapapo/ts_plob_list_get' exporting iv_bas_plobid = p_bas_plobid it_selection = lt_selection it_group_by = lt_group_by is_read_options = ls_read_options importing et_plob_values = p_plob_values exceptions invalid_selection = 1 no_bas_plobid = 2 inherited_error = 3 coding_generation_failed = 4, call function '/sapapo/om_order_get_all' exporting is_gen_params = ls_gen_params iv_simsession = lv_plvs iv_top_orders_only = gc_false importing et_orders = lt_ordid et_rc = lt_rc exceptions lc_connect_failed = 1 lc_com_error = 2 lc_appl_error = 3, call function '/sapapo/om_order_get_all' exporting is_gen_params = ls_gen_params iv_simsession = lv_plvs it_order_type_tab = p_lt_types importing et_orders = lt_ordid et_rc = lt_rc exceptions lc_connect_failed = 1 lc_com_error = 2 lc_appl_error = 3, call function '/sapapo/om_order_get_all' exporting is_gen_params = ls_gen_params iv_simsession = lv_plvs importing et_orders = lt_ordid et_rc = lt_rc exceptions lc_connect_failed = 1 lc_com_error = 2 lc_appl_error = 3, call function '/sapapo/ts_utility_keyfs_info' exporting iv_pareaid = wa_areas-pareaid iv_plobid = lv_plobid-plobid it_keyfigures = lt_keyfigures importing et_keyfs_info = lt_keyf_info exceptions area_invalid = 1 keyfigure_invalid = 2 no_keyfigure_found = 3, zu plobstru holen call function '/sapapo/ts_pstru_single_get' exporting iv_plobid = p_plobid importing et_tsplobpo = lt_plobpo exceptions plobid_invalid = 1, call function '/sapapo/ts_parea_single_get' exporting iv_pareaid = wa_areas-pareaid importing ev_keyf_ts = lv_flg_ts et_paplob = lt_paplob exceptions not_found = 1  
Notes associées :
1334975 | New fill-rate report for DP objects |
584868 | Changes in the APO Quicksizer Q1/2003 |
500843 | Composite SAP note for COM and SAP liveCache 7.2 or higher |