SAP Note 521230 - FAQ: Client software 9i or lower on UNIX

Composant : Oracle - DB Independent Database Interface

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
$oracle_home/ocommon/nls_723/admin/data                $oracle_home/ocommon/nls_733/admin/data                $oracle_home/ocommon/nls_<nlsrel>/admin/data message files, /oracle/client/81x_< bits>/ocommon/nls/                admin/data message files, /oracle/client/92x_< bits>/ocommon/nls/                admin/data message files, nlb/oracle/805_32/ocommon/nls/admin/data/lx00002, nlb/oracle/805_32/ocommon/nls/admin/data/lx00003, /oracle/<oclrel>/ocommon/nls/admin/data message files, $oracle_home/ocommon/nls/admin/data message files, /oracle/805_32/ocommon/nls/admin/data/lx00001, /usr/sap/<sid>/sys/exe/run ora<sid>, directory /usr/sap/<sid>/sys/exe/run -> <librarypath>

Notes associées :

964783Updating Oracle client on host with multiple SAP systems
886783Installing Oracle 9207 Client Software on UNIX
868590Performance issue with SUN/Oracle 8.1.7 client
836517Oracle database 10g: Preparation for SAP upgrade
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723879Explain: System displays an incorrect access path
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634134Error due to incorrect or missing message files
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566051Error due to missing oracore directory
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538849UNIX: DLENOACCESS when loading dboraslib and libclntsh
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406140Installation of ORACLE Client Software 8.1.X for UNIX
400818Information about the R/3 database library
393620Problems through incorrect ORA_NLS33
362068Supplement to Oracle migration/upgrade to 8.1.7: UNIX
361478NL-00280 at listener start on SOLARIS
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211760ORA-600 with Oracle 8.0.6 and SAP R/3 4.6B
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