SAP Note 516156 - CRM 3.0: Country-specific BP fields for Brazil and Argentina

Composant : Brazil -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
country  region  tax type  tax group default tax groupbr               ibrx      1-fullbr               ibrx      0-nonebr               ibrx      2-zona-francabr               icms      fullbr               icms      nonebr               ipi      fullbr               ipi      nonebr               subt      nonebr               subt      001br               subt      002note, country  region  taxtype  taxgroupbr               ibrx     1-fullbr               ibrx     0-nonebr               ibrx     2-zona_francabr               icms     fullbr               icms     nonebr               ipi      fullbr               ipi      nonebr               subt, country        tax type         field namebr             icms             xicmsbr             ipi              xxipibr             subt             xsubtar             fitp             fitypby making, ibrx          0br              ibrx     2-zona-franca  ibrx          2br              icms     full           icmsbr              icms, country region  taxtype  taxgroup   taxcategory taxclassificationbr              ibrx     1-full         ibrx          1br              ibrx     0-, xbr             subt             nonebr             subt             001               001br             subt             002               002add, country        tax type         tax group         field valuebr             icms             fullbr             icms, event     product  country  appl   function modulede_bale   zbrazil                  pi_bp_rfb_de_balede_bcs2s  zbrazil                  z_br_de_bcs2ssave, crm --> basic functions --> taxes --> external tax calculation  --> define external tax calculationcreate, country tax type text               buspartner product taxsequencebr      ibrx     ibrx

Notes associées :

802897CRM Brazil : Business partner Subtrib group upload fails
769373CRM:Country specific data for Argentina not uploaded to R/3
629940CRM LOC : Country specific data is not being uploaded to R3
622502CRM Brazil : Data transfer for Business partner
621978CRM Brazil: Business Partner Guid is blank
596663Validation of customizing for country specific tax types
589706CRM Brazil: Download of ICMS value on business partner
583490Delta download of City Code from R/3 to CRM does not work
562695Performance during initial load of CUSTOMER_REL
559389Problem in BP with internal jurisdiction code in ISA
547438CRM Brazil:Wrong tax jurisdiction code after upload
522058CRM Brazil: Invalid jurisdiction codes
501440Tax calculation for Country Brazil in CRM 3.0
376915Brazil:Condition-based tax calculation in CRM and R/3