SAP Note 512073 - Performance / DB growth: CO-PA mass data processing

Composant : Profitability Analysis -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
merkmale zu kontierungsobjekt holen      call function 'rke_get_acctnr'           exporting                i_erkrs      = g_erkrs                i_vorgang    = xs_cobl-vorgn           importing                e_delkey     = e_delkey           tables                object_table = lt_ce4, <- insert manuelle eingaben zu kontierungsnummer speichern      call function 'copa_put_manual_characteristic'           exporting                i_erkrs      = g_erkrs                i_acctnr     = l_paobjnr                it_fieldname = gt_fields_manual           exceptions                error        = 1, sy-msgid sy-msgty sy-msgno                                   sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2                                   sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4, provide free dialog work processes, call function 'rke_noacct_deactivate_acct', call function 'rke_noacct_read_memid', l_paobjnr = lt_ce4-paobjnr, read table lt_ce4 index 1, <- insert         exceptions, sy-subrc ne 0

Notes associées :

361896Performance/DB growth: POS inbound + CO-PA
350149Parallel mass processing of Idocs in the CO-PA