SAP Note 495544 - ME22: Error when deleting stock transfer returns

Composant : Returns - Stock Transfer

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
The issue arises in SAP when setting a deletion indicator for stock transfer returns orders that are fully completed; the system erroneously prevents the action due to a program bug, triggering error message 06116. This message indicates a mismatch in the quantity issued versus the quantity delivered. Affected transactions include ME21, ME22, ME23 and their variants. To resolve this, users are advised to apply the provided correction instruction to preemptively fix the error, ensuring that the deletion indicator can be set without discrepancies.

Mots Clés :
stock transfer returns orders, terms 06116 'quantity delivered differs, attached correction instruction, receive error message 06116, program error, purchase order, deletion indicator, prerequisites

Notes associées :

167795Completion of stock transfers with GI qty > GR qty