SAP Note 493238 - 4.6: Open item processing: Display additional fields?

Composant : Financial Accounting -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
Symptom: Users require additional fields (related to line items and document headers) to be displayed on the open item processing screen (SAPDF05X/6102), but these fields cannot be included in Customizing through FAKP. Other terms involve various transaction codes such as F-26, F-28, and F-53, and tables like BSIK/BSAK and BSID/BSAD. Solution: Modifications are necessary. Users can extend structures RFOPS_GL and RFOPS in the ABAP Dictionary (Transaction SE11) to include specific fields which can then be activated and selected for display in FAKP. If fields are not in the index but in BSEG, further specific programming modifications (referenced in other SAP Notes) are required.

Mots Clés :
program sapmf05b form op_lesen, accounts - define sort key 015, open item processing screen, open item processing solution, open item processing, open item clearing, tables bsid/bsad, posted documents/indexes, sap standard system, personnel number pernr

Notes associées :

209774F4627: Processing open items
48814OI processing: Showing additional fields?