SAP Note 486061 - How to get patches for CRM Internet Pricing Configurator

Composant : Internet Pricing and Configurator - PricingCRM-BF-PR PricingCRM-MD-CON-IF Exchange of Condition

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
SAP recommande une mise à jour régulière du patch IPC, garantissant ainsi l'efficacité des applications Internet Pricing and Configurator (IPC), spécialement avant de signaler des problèmes au support SAP. Les patches pour IPC, disponibles via le SAP Service Market Place (SMP), sont publiés pour résoudre des problèmes identifiés après l'expédition des packages de support IPC. Il est important de s'assurer de la compatibilité en utilisant des patches conçus pour des packages de support et des versions spécifiques, de reconnaître que les patches incluent toutes les corrections précédentes, et que le processus est limité à des mises à jour hebdomadaires tous les vendredis. Il est essentiel de vérifier la compatibilité et le contenu des patches via la documentation incluse et de s'assurer que les versions de CRM et IPC sont synchronisées.

Mots Clés :
respective patch ipc30<support package>p_<patch level>-10002006, => sap application components => sap crm => sap crm 3, => sap application components => sap crm => sap crm 4, patches                        => sap technology components => sapcar                        => sapcar <6, 0 sp01 crm ipc web applications support packages, enter 'sapcar -xvf ipc30sp06p_<patch level>-10002006, enter 'sapcar -xvf ipc40sp02p_<patch level>-10002084, ipc support packages include corrections made, ipc40sp<support package>p_<patch_level>-10002084, component => crm ipc => crm ipc 3

Notes associées :

1421168 group key routine number range conflict between IPC and ECC
1380797SAP CRM 4.0 - SP Stack 17 (12/2009)
1360512 Mandatory condition 1TTE is missing
1331915 IPC Buffer refresh error
1316476 Missing value formula 80 (when used in group conditions)
1288362 Incorrect KUMU value when DUPLI & statistical item involved
1281823 Misbehavior of variant condition after manual change
1257038 IPC:internal error: java.lang.NullPointerException
1247890 Copied header condition cannot be deleted in target document
1247788 Problem with a condition with out access sequence
1230630 Tax conditions not visible in user routine
1156745CRM 4.0 SP Stack 15 (07/2008) Release & Information Note
1141792 Duplication of header condition in items
1130568 ClassCastException during group condition processing
1110853CRM 4.0 SP Stack 14 (01/2008) Release & Information Note
1100299 Error message of missing mandatory conditions missing
1094871 Performance issues with external tax systems
1092770 US taxes are statistical and do not add to the gross amount
1080511 User defined customizing download fails from Unicode R/3
1057177 Poor performance with UTXE and formula 501
1052260Pricing items not updated on item hierarchy change
1048637 A condition Table Axxx is not found in the IPC
1047771 pricing is uploaded in local DB, but not immediately active
1043987 Scale base value formula not implemented
1036422 IPC:Internal error java.lang.NullPointerException
1032428 IndexOutOfBoundsException in IPC trace
1029250 Condition base formula 29 is not setting condition rate
1029153 Group conditions are not accumulated correctly.
1024374 Unexpected pricing error for pricing irrelevant item
1016403 dump occurs while printing conditions
1007353 External tax system does not calculate taxes as expected
1006375 Poor performances during delta download of conditions/oracle
998188 Free goods condition is missing in pricing result
998143 Connection failure during download
988358 DIFF condition is incorrectly displayed
986863 Exception during initial download on table TB070
979038 Document currency not the same as reporting currency
957222 Error occurred while reading pricing document
955087 Pricing document in Mobile Sales cannot be changed
953958 Special downgrade of note 928181 (MSA and Variant Products)
950530 Wrong year value from pricing.
950199 You get "cannot find file" messages when running the dataloa
949149 Tax not working with unicode external tax system
939764 TTE tax calculation on Mobile Client fails
923023 positive net value with return items using note 80183
916804 KUMU conditions for statistical items
916379 No Tte Input Document item found CRM_TAX_TTE 217
916166 error in the log during the download on a unicode database
913237 Value formula number 81 Implementation (subtotal 5 + 6)
910905 Parallel processing for US taxes fails
899261 TTE field "TTET_ACS_I_SEL-COUNTRY_ST" is not filled
898978 Wrong month, year values from pricing.
898132 Dataloader&AFS:java.lang.NumberFormatException in RfcDecoder
894687 Problems occur for conditions with empty variant keys
894653 Logging für 1:1 Varianten Preisfindung im Konfigurations-UI
889401 IPC buffers not updated after scheduled download
889262EBP/CRM 3.0 SP Stack 22 (11/2005) Release & Information Note
888328 MSA null pointer exception for pricing scale and cond. Group
885759 Exception after downloading customizing user defined data
885197 MSA JSP-UI doesn't display condition record correctly
878159 IPC Admin doesn't show database info at client level
876979 Error when you create items
869658 Dump occurs when you change a document (Unknown unit)
859345 Secondary indexes not created during download
858793 Incorrect value with formula 10119 & 10120 (note 80183)
853412 Determination of pricing UOM fails on CRM Mobile
850989 ipc logs show error from tte
849674 Set condition statistical,if Condition Class is type 'g'(II)
847869 Delta not restarted after periodic scheduled download
844194 Exception in IPC: KOMP-KUNNR is a header attribute.
844193CRM 4.0 SP Stack 09 (07/2005) Release & Info. Note
841411 Missing KUNAG field in the prefilled catalog
839350 Unknown tax calculation error with Taxware
836454 Special characters and notation for units of measure
835392 NullPointerException in class GetItemInfo
834341 Leasing: OTTE as a group condition
832384 Changing symbolic char values results in inconsistencies
831809 Set condition statistical, if Condition Class is type G.
825107 Optimizing performance in IPC pricing
824779 Unable to update condition records in delta+request mode.
821534 TTE Error when loading or creating sales orders
814564 ClassCastException in class PricingDocument
813742 nullPointerException when downloading material
805000 Func. mod. "CRM0_READ_CRMFILTAB" not released for remote cal
800439 Changing external item number is not possible
799286Condition value always 0 (although the amount is correct)
797340CRM 4.0 SP Stack 1/2005 (SAPKU40008): Release & Info. Note
796503 Object 'CNCV__A_SAPXXX' is missing in IPC 4.0 Database
794274 Transfer of CRM Billing documents to R/3 fails for Taxware
794047 Problems with field ZTERM in IPC standalone scenario
792317EBP/CRM 3.0 SP Stack 11/2004 (SAPKU30020): Release&Info.Note
785713 Variant factor missing
785403 MARA fields not correctly mapped into COMM_PRPRDCATR
782211 Jurisdiction code is not checked
780118 Local currency is not accounted for in pricing
772762 Unable to add characteristics to products under a class.
772709 Performance optimization of IPC pricing
772701 NullPointerException in the GetItemInfo class
772092 IPC 4.0 PME - No popup menu item "Remove Characteristic"
771989 IPC 4.0 PME - Deletion of products with the delete key fails
770887 Knowledge base is loaded repeatedly
769878 Group condition value set to 0.00
763121 Product Data are not sent with R/3 filtering.
762432 Problems during update of the IPC product master cache
761607CRM 4.0 SP Stack 9/2004 (SAPKU40007): Release & Info. Note
760078 Taxes are missing if all items are statistical
759638 product taxability type and partner taxability type wrong
759557 Incorrect specification of the scale base value
758766 Error message 425 is issued
758425 IPC server and dispatcher services shutting down
754723CRM 4.0 SP Stack 9/2004 Support Release 1: Release Note
751289 Inconsistencies between Request and Normal mode
749659 Pricing user exits: Enhancement of the interfaces
747299EBP/CRM 3.0 SP Stack 06/2004 (SAPKU30019): Release&Info.Note
746518 Incorrect country in partner tax numbers
746407 Exception when stopping a download on UNIX
745120 Transfer (billing) to FI for export fails
743291CRM 4.0 SP Stack 6/2004 (SAPKU40006): Release & Info. Note
743025Missing dimension POINTS results in pricing errors
742936 Initial Download of SCE overwrites /SAPCND/T681FA
740449 Tax Calculation with external tax systems not thread safe
739840 Condition 1TTE inactive (red) and return code equal to 4
739635 Problem with initial download of conditions
738054 IPC on MSA: unclear condition display
734449 Error from external tax system not shown in the crm order
733756 Error messages for not existing items
733606 Scales missing after initial download
733303 No message with a free goods quantity of zero
732277 Changed sales organization is not transferred
730353 TTE Analysis not launching on Mobile Client
729460 Missing R/3 Filter functionality in SP06
728145 RFC error during TTE call
727984 Missing translation for display of conditions
727483 Taxes are not calculated for ISA-scenario
726951 Error when loading a price document with header conditions
726921 conditionTableReference is missing
725201 Eclipse project for IPC user exits does not exist
718779 New standard copying routines in the IPC
715118 Improved error handling in condition display (MSA)
713117 IPC dispatcher does not log on to the SRM server
712859 EBP: No price can be determined for materials
711720 Tax Amount is not changed when partner address is changed
711395 mismatch of attributes of varkeys and vardata
710675 To show the status of the configuration in a panel
709947 To set the Permanent CompletenessCheck on/off in MSA
709921CRM 4.0 SP Stack 4/2004 (SAPKU40005): Release & Info. Note
708872 MSA hangs when value is selected for a cstic
707846 0TTE red (inactive) when base amount passed to TTE is zero
704712 Usability: Keyboard navigation in pricing condition screen
701459 JDBC Exception on T100 when creating IPC table
700965 Usability: manual changes in the pricing condition screen
698283 Exclusion does not work with interval scales
696748 New calculation type 'L' for number of points
696262CRM 4.0 SP Stack 1/2004 (SAPKU40004): Release & Info. Note
695975 Not all variant conditions found
694937 Hourglass when opening pricing document
693983 MSA: F4 help for condition types does not always work
692671 IPC exceptions with manual conditions in MSA
692652 Tax interface: Sending additional fields (formula 500, 501)
692393 Quantity conversions after loading in the IPC not correct
691817 Acquisition tax distributd incorectly for rounding diferencs
691349 Negative amounts and USA Maximum taxes not calculated
690749 USA/Canada taxes not calculated with Sabrix
690594 USA/Canada Taxes not calculated with Sabrix
689387 ArithmeticException in condition value formula 10120
689307 Drop-down list shows keys in field options in MSA
689304 Problems with the "Surcharges" button in MSA Configuration
689055 Changed pricing date is not used (Leasing)
688536 USA/Canada tax conditions do not appear
687639 Tax rates are not displayed separately on header level
687389 incorrect Varkeys/Vardat for condition from unicode system
686701 Determining version of IPC and software environment
686632 Exception for negative base amounts
682707 NullPointer TTEKernel or JavaOutOfMemory if TTE is inactive
681684 Incorrect quantity conversions in the IPC
678445 USA Maximum taxes not determined correctly in sales orders
677753 Referenced conditions are lost when copied II
677456SAPKU40003: Support Package 03 for CRM 4.0
677391 Dispatcher or Server logs go to ipcapplication.log
677063 IPC server crashes and is restarted
677044 TTE pricing analysis not visible on Mobile client
676889 IPC server shutdown. Initialization TTE Kernel failed.
676098 Invalid TTE error messages in CRM documents
675262 TTE tax code not derived if external tax calculation
675229 dataloader administrator : logon impossible
673222 Tax interface: Sending additional fields (formula 300)
672901 IPC Admistrator generates an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
672259 Logoff functionality not working
670341 IPC: TextEngine failed to provide message number 631
669830 Unnecessary re-determination of condition rate for scales
669407 Transfer of CRM Billing document to R/3 accounting dumps
668080 Input tax values are incorrectly distributed to items
667575 USA or Canada Taxes not calculated with external tax systems
666156 Referenced conditions are lost when copied
662637 IPC 4.0 SP02, Support Package levels 1-4 are unstable
654826 Configuration cannot be reset
654498 Message FF805 "Tax statement item is missing for tax code"
653483 IPC Server does not restart after db connection failure
653043 Update of condition values for group conditions
652125 Incorrect values of pricing (rounding formulas)
651069SAPKU40002: Support Package 02 for CRM 4.0
649955 UTXJ in MSA has wrong rate
649356 NullPointerException in the desktop UI (SPC.BAT)
649123 Admin tool: Parameters are swapped
648055 The first call of the configuration takes very long
647821 base formula 11 always adds tax value to cash discount basis
646661SAPKU30016: Support Package 16 for EBP 3.0/CRM 3.0
646330 Message not found (in Main Memory)
646037 Multiple Knowledge Bases at the same "Valid from" date
645840 TTE Kernel not initialized in MSA
645518 GetPricingDocumentInfo: NullPointerException
644928 TTE does not get initialized in MSA
644816 New tax date is ignored
644755 IPC initialization shows wrong TTE Customising database
644706 TTE Customising Refresh Period not shown in the IPC admin
641850 IPC server is locked due to Dataloader exception!
640930 Condition 55 does not recognize free item
640580 Incorrect tax indicator found
639352 Error when downloading product data
636495 IPC: Setting characteristic defaults
635880 Conversion factors from condition records are ignored
635858 Valuation incomplete during creation/deletion of conditions
634869SAPKU40001: Support Package 01 for CRM 4.0
633437 Dataloader Initial + Request mode for material
632813 Error with product data into an ORACLE db
628397SAPKU30015: Support Package 15 for EBP 3.0/CRM 3.0
625563 ConversionInconsistentDBException due to missing entries
624726IPC 4.0 Installation
624233Problems with CRM IPC Release 4.0
623380 Incorrect +/- sign of condition rate with subtotals
622172 IPC 3.0/4.0 does not find/update records in its ORACLE DB
620616 Memory leak when running TTE with big order
619710 TTE error message displayed only in English
619686 IPC Dataloader Problmes with INT2 and INT4
616449 ISA: Tax data is not determined
616048 US Export Condition type appears as UT01
615137 Dataloader now raise an error when filter file is not found.
614812 'ClassCastException' after saving an order
611976 Subsequent setting of the pricing procedure II
610654 The reference Cond. type is not updated after delta download
606576 Upper/lower limits for header conditions
604753 Exports to Brazil generate error
604742 Billing/Taxes: Transfer to FI doesn't work for US exports
603576 Condition 8 fails for subtotals
602357 IPC Dataloader queues needed to be unlocked manually for del
602118 GetPricingItemInfo: NullPointerException
601889 Do not execute header calculation and header rounding
601433 NullPointerException in
600532 Incorrect group processing
600130 A Pricing condition is Not set to Inactive as it should be
599927 SXE log error: SXEInconsistentException
599406 Error with condition record download: null received record
599326 Subtotal lines on header level
599317 NullPointerExceptions in case of multiuser operation
598613 ItemUserExits are not processed during copying
596916 Exception from the Condition Analyser
596757 Using the request mode in delta mode for the IPC Dataloader
596425 No tax document in Web Shop
596391 Incorrect assignment of pricing data
596154 Deleting/adding items in order causes wrong tax calculation
595772 Return container in IPC user exits
593892 Setting the pricing procedure subsequently
592228IPC 3.0 Support Package 14: Server hangs
591309 Sporadic IPC Restart
591018 Field COPY_ROUTINE in SAP Mobile Sales
589174 Incorrect condition rate for KUMU conditions
588067 IPC: error in pricing "java.lang.ClassCastException...."
587886 Data Loader Problem with the filters turned on
587541 Manually changed/entered variant conditions
586450 IPC admin tool: Login for R/3 systems always fails
580235 Terms of payment determination on item level
577504 ISA: When you display old documents, the net value is 0.00
574775 Problems with items with the same external number
574705Long response time of the IPC
571113 Pricing for large documents takes very long
570926 Condition values are 'zero' after loading an order
570855 Subtotal incorrect after the import of an order
570833 Tax conditions are replicated II
570814 Exclusion groups are not cleared correctly
569844 IPC server needs much time to start
569288 Couldn't connect to DB Exception, upperLimit is missing
569008 Delta download doesn't work after Oracle shutdown
567270 Tax conditions are replicated
566046 Duplication conditions displayed more than once
565757 Group condition has incorrect condition basis
563326 SELECT the Upper/Lower Limits of Condition Records from DB
560447 Missing method getConfig in the interface
559866 FAQ: tips & tricks for the IPC installation
559847 Calculation formula 18 does not work properly
559608 IPC terminates with exception SPCIllegalProductIdConversion
559522 Pricing does not seem to know attributes
559306 TTE Simulation shows wrong TTE version
559003 Delta download of knowledge base error using the IPC dataloa
558434 TTE Analysis in CRM order does not fetch TTE Input Document
553272 Pricing with variant conditions takes much time
552124 Variant Cond. values are not in sync. with their Description
551215 Subtotals of statistical items on header level
549831Rounding difference clearing incompatibly with R/3
549281 delta download doesn't automatically restart after an initia
549146 Customer-specific subtotal is not defined
548662 0TTE is active despite errors in tax calculation.
548444 Tax entries (for example MWST) disappear after changes.
546541 No pricing after changing a group condition
546483 No prices are found in product catalog
544794 Errors when rounding tax amounts based on gross amounts
542686 Pricing conditions 33 and 40
540820 No message issued for an invalid tax event
540767 Cannot access file
540465 Rounding for taxes wrong if statistical items exist
540446 NullPointerException in ScaleRateObjectManager
540345 Hourglass when opening pricing doc for change
539736 Missing condition descriptions for variant conditions
537386 RFC_ERROR_COMMUNICATION while using the IPC dataloader
537317 Incorrect scale level determined
536315 file not needed for Vertex and Taxware
535971 Popup "Internal Error" on header condition screen
534809 Taxes are not recalculated when the destination/departure ch
534358 NO unit of measurement can be determined for an ISO code
534229 Incorrect currency translation with calculation type 'G'
533998 Error when creating PME Class
532936 Manually created conditions have incorrect control
531968 No tax calculation during invoice transfer.
531953 Rounding inaccuracies in the net price
530494 Main item not available in the ItemUserExit of the IPC
529816 Scales combined with group conditions not working
529543 NullPointerException in CRMItemStandardExit
529193 Cumulated condition for statistical items
527233 Header conditions disappear in case of same gross amount
526874Errors during pricing or no price in Mobile Sales
526575 The TTE no longer uses program requirement 10.
526247 TTE tries to connect to a non-existent default database
523792 No conversion of product ID for initial product type
523080 Not all variant conditions are found
520297 Incorrect rounding according to rounding rule of cond. type
519453 Missing method getDbExternalId in interface ISPCProduct
518690 Errors when using IPC JSP UI under heavy load.
518381 ABAP dump DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR caused by IPC
518319 More than 5 digits for numerator & denominatr in qty convrsn
517894 ItemUserExits are not called
517891 Sales area bundling is not taken into account
517783 Hierarchy access: Incorrect condition record is determined
517153 Incorrect processing of structure conditions
510131 Creation of items in the IPC desktop UI fails
509783 ConversionRuntimeException when changing unit of measure
506427 Cumulated conditions are not updated
505905 TTE Analysis does not launch from Internet Sales
504916 Price unit of the net price is not determined
504912 Group processing is carried out too often
504122 +/- sign ignored when creating a condition
504111 Lower/upper limits for condition rate not taken into account
503962 Cash discount is not determined
502854 Several errors during the rounding of the net price
500770 Hierarchical accesses may cause NullPointerExceptions
500468 NullPointerException in ConditionFindingManager
499068 GetConfigItemInfoXml does not return any data
498708 Pricing conditions screen does not work in the IPC test UI
495467 Limitation to 16 column names for index keys in SQL/Oracle.
492636 Price surcharges are not displayed in configuration UI
492015 IPC: Internal error during hierarchy access
485189 NullPointerException in
483681 Problems with numeric product IDs in the IPC
457819 NullPointerException in IPC administrator
413617IPC Installation 3.0
368074 IPC: Installing in customer system