SAP Note 450322 - Indexes in the tables of the Business Address Services

Composant : Address Management / Business Address Services -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
client addr_group sort1  neini01    mc_name1                 jai02    name2                    neini03    mc_city1                 jai05    post_code1               neini09    mc_street                jai11    country                  neini13    sort1                    jai14    sort2                    neinadrpindex fields switched, i01    pers_group mc_namefir    jai02    pers_group mc_namelas    jai03    pers_group sort1         neini04    pers_group sort2         neinadcpindex fields switched, i01    department               neini02    roomnumber               neini03    sort1                    neini04    sort2                    neini05    so_key                   jai06    persnumber               jaif, adrcindex fields switched, additional key words bas_search, business address services provided, function 'change database table', database fields, call transaction se11, subsequent dialog box

Notes associées :

525673 Indexes on address tables