SAP Note 429225 - Migration FI-FM to SAP R/3 Enterprise Public Services 1.10

Composant : Funds management -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
Cette note SAP détaille les étapes techniques nécessaires pour la mise à niveau vers SAP R/3 Enterprise Public Services Release 1.10, s'adressant aux utilisateurs de R/3 Enterprise avec le composant Funds Management. Elle comprend des instructions détaillées sur les paramétrages de Customizing tels que l'activation de EA_PS, la configuration des vérifications d'autorisation, la sélection des éléments d'imputation et la configuration des plages de numéros. Les utilisateurs avec une version source inférieure à 4.5A nécessitent des personnalisations spécifiques avant la migration des données. Assurez-vous toujours d'utiliser la version la plus récente de cette note avant la mise à niveau en raison des mises à jour continues.

Mots Clés :
public sector management / funds management government / funds management-specific postings / cash desk / close posting day / maintain summary key, public sector management / funds management government / closing operations / commitment closing operations / make settings, public sector management / funds management government / closing operations / commitment closing operations / create number range, rffmudx1 rfmxpr47 rffmkontt rffm_line_items_not_null rffmrp07 rffm_set_entry_date rffmccf_upg_transfer rffmconvpd rffmkfconv rffmfitabs_init rffmfgupgtol rfconvtp rffmrpazbu detailed information, public sector management / funds management government/ basic settings / activate global funds management functions, public sector management / funds management government / funds management-specific postings / earmarked funds, public sector management / funds management government / basic settings / activate authorization check, public sector management / funds management government / master data / allocations, public sector management / funds management government / actual, integrationpublic sector management / funds management government / actual

Notes associées :

1082741Migration to ERP 6.0 (EA-PS 6.00)
977016FMIT: Missing totals records in Funds Management
890076RFFM_SET_ENTRY_DATE does not process any data
852241Commitments carryforward: FI documents not processed
827329Migration EA-PS 2.00 to ERP 5.0 (EA-PS 5.00)
757065RFFMCCF_UPG_TRANSFER terminates with short dump
756804Clear of new fields on table FMCCFD
737370Message FI 176 for payment matching
728326Program for filling of new field BSEG-FKBER_LONG
693951RFFMCHAT: Functional area only four-digit
684659FAQs about account assignment objects as of Release 4.70
669764FI-FM migration to R/3 Enterprise (4.7) EA-PS 2.00
659086Use of fund and functional area in FM
653716Data conversion incomplete due to RFFMCCF_UPG_TRANSFER
648008AVC executed though status management disallows it
631219Document change moves level number
625262Use of fund and functional area in CO
623595Problem in funds center sarch help after 4.62/4.7 upgrade
619071Performance conversion prgm RFFMKONTT - parallel processing
599987Wrong enhancement category FMXCI_CUS, FMXPP_CUS, FMXPG_CUS
599460RFFMKONTT runtime too long
591573Cancel the update of sales order in FM
563646Upgrade program for federal document to doc. tolerance
561962Error AA025 when creating an asset subnumber
557846Account assignment and reposting: RFFMRP07
557468Correction for RFFMRP07 (II)
554378Incorrect commitment item conversion via report RFFMKONTT
549204Correction for RFFMRP07
544035Public Sector Management functions not in menu and IMG
542484Improved performance RFFM_LINE_ITEMS_NOT_NULL
536040IS-PS: Upgrade to SAP R/3 Enterprise / SAP ECC
533348Add-ons integrated into R/3 Enterprise (Core 470/Ext. 110)
520965Release restrictions R/3 Enterprise 4.70 / 1.10 Add-Ons
513536Add. information on upgrade to SAP R/3 Enterprise Core 4.70
491818Postprocessing program RFFMCCF_UPG_TRANSFER
447805Field changes to SAP R/3 Enterprise Public Services 1.10
429222Upgrade from IS-PS to SAP R/3 Enterprise Public Service 1.10
403150Report conversion from LDB F1F to FMF
401717Additional info on upgrading to SAP Web AS 6.10 (Basis)
101778Conversion of FM data structures as of Version 4.5A
52261EBS027 for object type 'Commitment mgmt/Funds mgmt'