SAP Note 421878 - EUR: Composite note - euro in Loans Management

Composant : Consumer and Mortgage Loans -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
price gain/price loss flows>lc changeover         05/04/01128498 eur, exchange rate gain/ loss plnd record incor, exchange rate gain/loss plnd record incor, euro correction generates discount/premium       10/09/01414055 discount accrual/deferral, incomplete data          06/17/99124254 euro system function corrections, number short text                                          change date493495 eur, number short text                                          change date =====================, foreign currency valuation - program termination  10/05/01439330 bew, loan - financial accounting reconciliation        12/07/01457762 ipd, remaining capital adjustmt flows 11/05/01447189 rep

Notes associées :

533556FRG: Problems when releasing a reversal of the FC evaluation
527264EUR: Disbursement obligation for rollovers after ECCC
524470EUR: Currency field check - even if entry not possible
513800ECCC: correction report required after ECCC!
511970EUR: Adjustments for customer modifications of ECCC
505335REP/c.crcy chngovr:RFVDAST0 dsplys minor diff.w/high priorty
505165REP/ECCC:RFVDAST0 reports errors for no valid reason
501179VWU: Changing user data without currency keys
498624STO:amounts are not translated into local currency
495673ECCC: Separate conversion of user data
494295ECCC:euro changeover objects - user exits always run
494038EUR: Incorrct G/L balances in balance reconciliations list 2
493495EUR: Rounding differences in local currency euro
492752ECCC:postings are missing after implementing Note 447530
492710BEW: Foreign currency valuation with zero position
492691ECCC:correction report RFVD_CORR_BALANCETRANSFER
491288EUR: Euro changeover of credit standing calculation
490610RZH: Warning message, if ECCC after payoff date exists
490353STO: Accrual/deferral posting date before ECCC
487274Separate conversion of land charges to euro (land register)
486263Contrct crcy changeovr:incor.refernces in crcy swap postings
484496NBZ: MAUZ:no clearing after contract currency changeover
484346EUR:rounding difference write-off is not taken into account
483396REP: Amount display after contract currency changeover
483250EUR: Incorrect commitment capital after rollover
482508EUR:activities at the end of the dual currency phase
482410Contract crcy chngovr:mass changeover systm err with ENQUEUE
482154Contr.crcy chngover:err message 6E144 - balance corrections
482147ECCC: Job name not unique
460168EUR:conversion of objects - currency key in user data
459828Discount accrual/deferral: Addition to Note 456299
459319ECCC: Error 6E058 (premium/discount)
458847EUR: Postings in expiring currencies in the loan
457762IPD: Error with returned direct debit processing after ECCC
456299Discount accrual/deferral:negative accrual/deferral amount
454331ECCC: Error caused by account determination
454327REP: Loan - Financial Accounting reconciliation
453112ECCC: Reset issues error 6E106
451816EUR: Incorrect calculation of disbursement obligation
450830EUR: Error in contract currency changeover
449744STO: Exchange rate differences between LC and PC
449401EUR: Wrong exch.rate gains and losses after euro changeover
447586Contract currency changeover:balance correction by accounts
447530Contract currency changver: Discnt write-off in FI incorrct
447189REP:post interest on arrears after contrct crcy chngovr (II)
447019EUR: Date of correction of interest calculation capital
446861REP/cont crcy chgovr:RFVDAST0 rep.errors for no valid reason
446290REP:bal.list-overpaymt bal.incorr.after contr.crcy chngeover
446136ECCC: Change documents are written incorrectly
444998EUR:balance differences - 2.supplement to Note 429868
440702ECCC: Account assignment reference is not changed
440546EUR: ECCC: Wrong GL balances in balance reconciliation list
439907Contr.crcy chngovr:planned record update and mass changeover
439480ECCC: Reset with rolled over loans not possible
439393BEW:foreign currency valuation - program termination
439330BEW:exchange rate gain/exchange rate loss plnd record incor.
439123EUR:calculation date of the remaining capital adjustmt flows
438670EUR:euro conversion of objcts and collateral value calculatn
437918Contr.crcy changeover:euro-correction generates plann.record
437410Cont.crcy chgnovr:euro-correction generates discount/premium
437275EUR: Correction of effective capital w/ balance corrections
437155REP: posting interest on arrears after ECCC
436899VWU: Termination 64751 "Assignment for flow category XB..."
436861ECCC: Balance corrections for capital transfer flows
431049EUR: Balance differences - addition to Note 429868
429868EUR: Balance differences for loans with local currency euro
428805ECCC: ZLSCH, ZLSPR, BVTYP not transferred
426364ECCC: Contract currency changeover via batch input
425106ECCC: incorrect amount for past balance sheet transfer
423922BEW: Foreign currency valuation and euro Customizing
423914EUR: euro changeover of collaterals
418778EUR: Incorrect inclusion of euro correctons in nominl value
417537ECCC: Reversal of acct-related balance adjustmt during reset
416026BEW: Foreign currency valuation for borrower's note loan
415457EUR: Contract currency changeover - Balance in local crcy
414685EUR: Incorrect correction of interest
414290REP:postn trend aft.cntr.crcy chngovr to euro(ex.rate diff.)
414055Discount accrual/deferral: accrual flows w/wrong origin
413444Discount accrual/deferral: Negative accrual/deferral amount
412228ECCC: Job termination during planned record update
411406EUR: Missing balances in list of intercompany balances
409525EUR: incorrect correction of interest calculation capital
409334REP: Position trend after ECCC to euro (exchange rate dif.)
409188STO: Currency translation w.rounding difference in GL
406337ECCC: checks for loans not posted
406301ECCC: log with mass processing (IPD level)
406203REP/EUR: RFVDAST0 - comparison between loans and FI
406071EUR: all objects must be released before local crcy change
406000EUR: changing over objects and collateral to euro
400695EUR: Price gain/price loss flows>local currency changeover
400601ECCC: Reset with reversed documents with invoice reference
400234EUR: Balance in local cry euro due to balance sheet transf.
399838EUR: Planned record update for loan in euro currencies
399404EURO: supplement to Note 371097 (rounding differences)
398769EUR: limit values exceeded with reset
395781ECCC: update in the Cash Management
390707EUR: Error F5703 w/contract currency changeover
385327ECCC: Mass processing and balance sheet transfer
385303ECCC: Mass processing and update termination
384620ECCC: Mass processing ECCC and IPD control II
382982EUR: Limit values for euro adjustment flows are exceeded
382221ECCC: Mass processing ECCC and IPD control
371097EURO: Rounding differences w/ loans with local cry euro
307553BEW: Sample Customizing for foreign currency loan
137816ECCC: balance corrections for incomplete data
128498EURO: Changes and innovations in payment transactns
124254Euro system function corrections in Loans