Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)
Résumé :
SAP Note elucidates that from Release 3.0, parallel customization modifications can be managed efficiently via the Customizing Organizer (Transaction SE10). Key functionality allows multiple employees to collaborate by generating a common Customizing request to capture changes, ensuring all adjustments within a project are cohesively captured and transported when requested. It stresses flexibility in maintaining different Customizing objects by various employees in separate requests. However, potential overlaps and conflicts due to simultaneous amendments require proactive organizational strategies. Detailed guidance on usage can be found in the Workbench Organizer's online documentation (SE10 -> Help -> Extended Help).
Mots Clés :
customizing activities include common customizing objects, additional key words workbench organizer, employees simultaneously change customizing settings, abap/4 repository objects, prerequisites information requirement, create customizing requests, customizing settings changed, find detailed documentation, changed customizing object, customizing objects
Notes associées :
18727 | Client control in Release 3.0 |