SAP Note 383071 - F-58: Manual check printout for dwn pymts w/withholding tax

Composant : Posting/Clearing/Special General Ledger -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
short text 'correct reguh entry, type  reference type  pass valuei_rwbtr, additional key words fbz4, create function module reguh_update_amount, normal function module, function group f028, bseg-wrbtr        xi_rbetr, attached correction instructions, withholding tax amount, withholding tax

Notes associées :

544403F-58: incorrect check amount w/ down payments to assets
366500F-58: payment on account checks printed incorrectly
332386F-58:incorct check info for 'Payment with Printout'
300191F-58: Manual check print/down payments/withholding tax