SAP Note 375503 - PS: Date calculations for activity / WBS

Composant : Project System -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
fpedate component type puffer_edatum fppedate component type puffer_edatum fpsdate component type puffer_sdatum fppsdate component type puffer_sdatum idauer component type ps_idauer vdauer component type ps_vdauer rdauer component type ps_rdauer idaueh component type ps_daueh frueher component type frueher spaeter component type spaeter verzug component type verzug vorbei component type vorbei veinh component type verz_einht varbei component type ps_varbei rarbei component type ps_rarbei iarbei component type co_ismnw parbei component type ofmnw arbeh component type ps_arbeh abarba component type ps_abarba abarbd component type ps_abarbd datfs component type ps_datfs datse component type ps_datse data element puffer_edatum, domain datum data element puffer_sdatum, wbs element'create, development class cx structure cxps_extra_afvv_fields, additional key words ppb, domain datum create, additional date calculations', extra date fields, project planning board, project information system

Notes associées :

407160Project planning board: Composite note of dates & durations
399013Additional calculation for external activities
395728CXPS - Scheduling modules: several minor points
395158PS: Duration calculations for network/order
394238I_FCALID is not transferred
391386CJ2B: Durations + dates for PSP elements/milestones
387434PS: Date calculations for milestone
381231CJ2B:Durations+dates f. activits/activity elemnts
353255New development of individual overviews