SAP Note 367528 - MarketConnect patches

Composant : MarketSet Connector -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
terms business connector sbc bc xpc patch sapserv sapnet reason, delete directory <bc server home>/pachages/<package, folder ~ftp/general/misc/sapbus/mconnect/1, latest version / patch level, business connector package, shutdown business connector 2, start business connector 4, 'install inbound packages', /mset-connectorsto upgrade, latest version

Notes associées :

762504OrderResponse xCBL ItemDetail not mapped to IDOC ORDERS
727328Invoice net value not transferred over MPC
692808ManufacturerPartNumber is not transferred from xCBL to IDOC
682065MOM Document export to xCBL can't be displayed in browser.
668622ORDERS0x-E1EDP01-PMENE not mapped to xCBL Order.
656661MOM Invoice -> EBP mapping error
558297Invoice to INVOIC: Additional tax type mapping
557753EBP Invoice missing tax
554141MOM Invoice -> xCBL: validation error on Marketset
553370ORDRSP to OrderResponse: Line item number
550696ORDRSP acc. to OrderResponse: Validation error OrderRaxRef.
550694EBP RFC after Order/ChangeOrder. No attachments
547742R/3: xCBL-ASN after DESADV, segment sequence not correct
546366R/3: OrderResp. acc. to ORDRSP: Only quant. in sched. line
545768EBP: xCBL-Invoice to SAP-XML-Invoice, no ShipToAddress
545637EBP: xCBL invoice according to BBP_BC_INVOICE_CREATE
543433EBP: xCBL-OrderResponse to SAP-XML for schedule line
542630EBP Order Response does not post past ship date.
542628EBP Order Response does not post header level ship date.
542049EBP Order Response line item quantity not mapped.
542044EBP Order Response line item number duplicated.
541068EBP3.5 to xCBL: Bill-to party is not transferred
533685Versioning Library Emergency Fix VL_1_5_1_EF58689
529759CategoryID mapped to xCBL
527021xCBL->IDOC: "/>" in IDOC E1EDKA1 elements LIFNR/PARTN
520361EBP Product Identifiers not mapped
519129SalesOrderIDVendorAssigned and SalesOrderItemIDVndrAssigned
518539xCBL: Empty Payment term
517812Added AccountCode to EBP Order to xCBL Order Mapping
516314EBP Change for SAPTransformation patch 1
516226Contract Number not transferred in Invoice header
512450Versioning Library Emergency fix VL_1_1_1_1_EF55254
510149MOM->xCBL ASN: Validation error on UnitOfMeasurement
509278Invoice category 'CreditInvoice' not transferred into BSART
508473Wrong preprocess settings in MSC 3.0 sapmarkets-package
502277Version library Hotfix VL_1_1_1_1 EF52825
500928xCBL Order->MOM: Error 'object not found in entry buffer'
500343EBP: Invoice to BBP_BC_INVOICE_CREATE2 default currency Fix
495856Version Library Hotfix EF50187
493916R/3, Invoice to INVOIC. one tax (document header) too much
490516Version Libray HotFix VL_1_1_EF49486
490364Mapping CRM-MOM error-information into xCBL OrderResponse
489842CRM-MOM sending xCBL OrderResponse: xCBL Validation error
489465Version Libray HotFix 48728
487560CRM-MOM receiving xCBL Order: JCO$ConversionException
487007R/3, Correction to terms of delivery mapping
486979CRM-MOM->EBP:Rejected Response shows up 'confirmed' in EBP
481587R/3, dummy E1EDC01 segment for R/3 Release 4.0B
459212EBP 3.X Invoice->BBP_BC_INVOICE_CREATE2: No RFC structure
458766CRM-MOM: Export of document (e.g. Order) hanging + error
457976R/3, Additional Fields for shipping unit item
457536CRM-MOM: document export functionality: Missing flow on MSC
457116EBP 3.0: xCBL-Invoice to RFC-BBP_BC_INVOICE_CREATE2 (new)
456950MOM->OrderResponse->EBP: Quantities not updated in EBP
456285CRM-MOM -> OrderResponse: Missing item's promised date
455913Same partner ID in different domains not mapped correctly
455367CRM-MOM->MM: xCBL ASN missing PurchaseOrderLineItemNumber
455101Transformation Component caching mechanism fixed.
454852Maintaining of packaging materials generates invalid ASN
454687Partner IDs not mapped correctly in the body of Order doc.
454538CRM/SUS Status field -> xCBL mapping
454386ChangeOrder->MOM: ChangeOrder posted synchronous from MSC
453837PurchaseOrder invalid if no percentage exists
453466xCBL -> EBP TrackingInformation
452228CRM-MOM -> ASN: Parser error on element RiskOfLossCoded
452213EBP->Order: Quantity and UOM missing in xCBL Order doc.
451000Incorrect transfer of line item numbrs from MOM to MM System
450859MOM -> OrderResponse: CorrelationID not generated
450211MOM->OrderResponse, MOM->Invoice: Parsing error
446238EBP3.0:New fields OrderResponse-BBP_BC_POACKNOWLEDGMENT_ADD
438590MarketSet Order Management(MOM) patch 5 - MOM 2.5
438097EBp/R3, service order for RFC/ORDER to order
435647INST: MarketSet 2.5
434925Versioning Library Onyx 220748: Item number in OrderResponse
431968MarketSet Connector: wm.PartnerMgr.xtn.TransactionException
431588R/3: Tax without value-added-tax code, material class
424717R/3:Region in partner & time stamp for desired delivery date
424485CRM-MOM -> xCBL OrderResponse/ASN/Invoice: Contact
424358MarketSet Order Management (MOM) Patch 3 - MOM 2.0
424313VL HotFix 17526; BBP: no RFC signature in the invoice
422607R/3: Line item reference data in the invoice
421639R/3: DUNS partner number, ErrorInfo for IDOC's
421254Additional field transformation for business partners
420700MOM: Missing schedule lines in xCBL OrderResponse document
420699Error upon receiving xCBL Order with attachments into MOM
420665http is displayed in the Routing Rule of the receiving BC
419888Version Library Hotfix 17365; R/3: ASN TransportMeans
418142Error 'IS_CONTROL-SUPPLIER_ID is missing' (xCBL Order-> MOM)
413371Problems receiving multiple items into EPE/EBP via xCBL-ASN
413343CRM-MOM to xCBL AdvanceShipmentNotice: Wrong ASNNumber
410688OrderResponse:'Unable to parse SOX document'/MaxBackOrderUOM
409083Error handling for order changes
408791xCBL Order/ChangeOrder to MOM: Reference-Elements not passed
408787Problems w/ multiple line items(ChangeOrder>MOM,MOM>Invoice)
408782MOM not able to receive attachments via xCBL Order on BC
407948NullPointerException on receiving xCBL Order to MOM
395326Collective Note: MarketSet 2.0 Patch Installation
369337INST: MarketSet 2.0
369321INST: MarketSet 1.0 with On-Ramp Enterprise Buyer 2.0