SAP Note 360345 - Incorrect font following page break

Composant : SAPscript -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
termination solution program correction, additional key words sapscript, prerequisites program error, sapscript document, incorrect font, main window, page break, include lstxcfpa, related notes, formatting

Notes associées :

945431Note 360345 for Release 45B
331169Paragraph format lost on next page
321578Default tab ineffective at start of paragraph
318095Incorrect formatting for STYLE ... DOMINANT
201884Shift of printout after applying Hot Package
179018Tabulator moved left
169315Incorrect tabulator alignment
152286Moved tab positions
136635Different formatting after correction 92476/HP10
108320Incorrect tab alignment after page break
92476Incorrect formatting after page break