SAP Note 358163 - ME21N,OMF4:Fields can be set although not available

Composant : Userinterface - Purchase Orders -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
In SAP's Transaction OMF4 for document level field selection in purchase orders, attributes for 'Item number interval' and 'Sub-item interval' can be altered but these changes do not impact Transaction ME21N (Enjoy purchase order). Similarly, the 'Supplying vendor' and 'Invoicing party' fields can be set in the field selection but aren't maintainable directly in ME21N. The 'Item number interval' and 'Sub-item interval' fields derive their settings solely from the document type in ME21N due to uniform field selection keys across ME21 and ME21N. 'Supplying vendor' and 'Invoicing Party' are determined by associated partner functions available through the partners tab.

Mots Clés :
additional key words me21n, set fields 'supplying vendor', fields 'item number interval', fields 'supplying vendor', tab page partners, view 'field selection, field selection keys, enjoy purchase order, -item interval', fields directly

Notes associées :

491789FAQ: Purchase order (ME21N, ME22N, ME23N)