SAP Note 350290 - Program SAPKKA12

Composant : Product Cost by Sales Order -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
La note SAP décrit la disponibilité et les instructions pour la dernière version du programme SAPKKA12, affectant les statuts des ordres de vente. La version actuelle permet de définir des statuts tels que Facturation finale (FNBL), Livré (DLV), Techniquement terminé (TABG) et Fermé (ABGS), et est disponible sur le SAP-Support-Server pour l'importation via un transport, également inclus dans les Support Packages pour les versions 4.6B et 4.6C, mais pas antérieures à la version 4.5. Les instructions pour le transport et la mise en œuvre des corrections sont fournies avec des références aux notes connexes assurant la compatibilité et abordant les éventuelles discordances des modules fonctionnels dans les vérifications de programme.

Mots Clés :
set test_lf  test run vk_spart division vk_vkbur sales office vk_vkgrp sales group vk_vkorg sales organization vk_vtweg distribution channel vp_bukrs company code vp_prctr profit center vp_werks plant, found a55 posting check a56 actual postings a57 dependent item a58 save change directly a59 deactivated a60 activated a61 extended line, abgraufa order type abgrkokr controlling area abgrposn item abgrschl results analysis key abgrvbel sales order abh_pos dependent items anz_abhp, objects a19 reserve credit a20 item a21 dependent items a22 sales document/sales item a23 status a24 active a25, lastjah1 year lastjahr year lastmon1 period lastmona period lastsei1 previous periods lastseit previous periods maxp12, 056 dependency check 057 higher-level results analysis item 058 higher-level item 059 results analysis key 060 sales order structure 061 including special periods, detailed information exists col collapse e01 exit_sapkka12_001 e02 exit_sapkka12_002 e03 customer enhancement e04 status, formatting output u01 rel u02 dlv u03 fnbl u04 teco u05 clsd u06 process, u07 depitm u51 rel u52 dlv u53 fnbl u54 teco u55 clsd u56 process, dependent items a03 balance check a04 current + dependent items & orders a05 actual debit

Notes associées :

552486FAQ Product Cost Controlling note
456583SAPKKA12: Change status ENFA via bus. trans. SDEF and SDES
450841SAPKKA12 for sales orders without results analysis
448915SAPKKA12: Processing dependent items
448768SAPKKA12: Job log is not updated regularly
442023SAPKKA12: Many lock entries in the test run
437839Customer enhancements for SAPKKA12
435681SAPKKA12: Unclear texts in detail analysis
429739SAPKKA12: Selection according to profit center
428806Rounding differences after euro changeover and SAPKKA12
413129Some texts in detailed analysis are not translated
412724SAPKKA12: 'Closed' and 'Technically completed'
411945SAPKKA12: Orders with deletion flag
407766SAPKKA12: All SD documents selected
398627INFO: CO-PC-OBJ (Results analysis/WIP calculation)
393749Detailed analysis of status determination of SAPKKA12
378876Structure of the selection screen of SAPKKA12
339356SAPKKA12: Previous period '0' cannot be used
337605SAPKKA12: Transferring the statuses of dependent items
331018SAPKKA12: dependent SD items are ignored
321934SAPKKA12: Endless loop
309087SAPKKA12: Final billing/Delivery period no requird entry fld
208609SAPKKA12 selection: Too many SD documents selected
191494Background process.SAPKKA12: Controll.area missing
191306Performance SAPKKA12, reading database table VBAP
154934SAPKKA12: Long runtimes
142190SAPKKA12: resetting status TECO optional
116363Archiving static assembly: Procedure from 3.1I
108663Documentation for the results analysis
104678Results analysis by period
83562Performance in results analysis of sales orders