SAP Note 321714 - PE03: Technical information on features

Composant : Personnel Administration - Financial Accounting

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
Cette note SAP détaille la gestion des fonctionnalités SAP et des personnalisations client au sein du système SAP. Les fonctionnalités doivent être créées dans le mandant standard (généralement le mandant 000) et stockées dans la table T549B, tandis que les modifications spécifiques aux clients sont conservées dans la table T549C. Les principales procédures de modification et d'activation des fonctionnalités incluent des mises à jour à partir des deux tables et des activations de l'arbre décisionnel. La note explique en détail le processus et les conditions sous lesquelles les programmes de fonctionnalité sont générés et modifiés. Les changements critiques apportés aux structures de fonctionnalités ou aux types de retour nécessitent une communication claire via des informations de release ou des notes SAP spécifiques pour éviter des perturbations dans les opérations du système.

Mots Clés :
note primarily addresses sap employees, feature directory t549d updated, decision tree maintenance based, sap employees make, logical transport object, reading featuresto read, changing sap featuresif, starting report rpumkg00this, function modules hr_feature_backfield, additional key words

Notes associées :

1173686Comment lines in feature maintenance
710588Features: Two identical field value nodes
667118Dump with feature with BREAK operation and subfeature call
640324Feature maintenance: Dump when adding a new line
635502Characteristic TRVUS
566701Decision tree and structure changes for feature 40CEA
547603No mail sent for hiring action
529657Feature NUMAP: BUKRS and WERKS as decision fields
514295Error when reading a feature
512206Error when activating subfeatures
504614Characteristic can only be changed by person responsible
459073HR-IN:Modifications to feature 40ECC
439937Structure for feature LEAVE was changed
410469PE03: Check error with subfeatures in tree maintenance
407032Features: Blanks in return value are lost
381088Feature/tree maintenance:Return value line too long
377130PE03: Customer feature documentation is not transported
364612PE03:Sturcure:Fields on 2nd page cannot be selected
355455PE03: Max. length of a field name is 14 and not 18
352645PE03: Decision operation: No comparison with SPACE
340070PE03: incorrect display in tree maintenance II
329461PE03: No status stored if characteristic new & generated
325592Performance problems when generating features
322713Customer features are not activated after transport
319354Incorrect check result in tree maintenance II
310852Performance improvement with upgrade and service packages
307196PE03: Generation error in tree maintenance
307187PE03: Check error in table maintenance
306392PE03: Generation of subfeatures is not possible
305435PE03: Incorr.inspection result in tree maintenance
215487Saving/generating features possible without order
214003Features: Incorrect control for 'Cannot be changed'
212413Generating features during switch to Release 4.6 or >
209282PE03: Incorrect display in tree maintenance
208570PE03:Return value space too long and far right
204501Deletion of features is not transferred
204220Changed structure for feature ENTRY
203551Generation error with various feature
198419PE03: German texts screen pers. responsible
185055Reading a feature with existing return value
179619PE03: Cancel. branch to docum. d.n. function
179349PE03,fld values in maintnance tree w.conversn exit
177232PE03: Access to data during program operation in the feature
176971PE03, maintenance tree: No creation of field values
169337PE03: Last character of the return truncated
168834PE03: Timeout when you call the maintenance tree
166968PE03:docu. change bef. saving cust.-spec. feature
166623PE03: Title change does not retain after Enter
161777PE03 feature maint.:change of return value n.possib.
160729PE03: TADIR entries of features changed
159383PE03: Error in features maintenance
154921Syntax err.drng generation:too many lines in report
139020Features (TA PE03) changeable in production system
133953Termin. RPUMKX00 if data elemnt txt not in SY-LANGU
132134HR features: Error message P0219
124036HR features:No transp.connect. during tree mainten.
117766HR feat.:Funct.exit prog.names more than 8 charact.
7006HR-PE03: Features not generated; T549D RPUMKC00