SAP Note 213614 - Billing document with item selection (delivery-related)

Composant : Processing Billing Documents - Basic Functions

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
During billing related to delivery with item selection in SAP, a system error prevents billing of transferred items, announcing VF 032 ("No billing documents were generated. See log") and VF 042 ("No error log created") when checked. The issue arises due to customized batch split settings which only allow billing on batch subitems and not displaying batch main items. This affects item selection with quantities equalling zero, rendering them unselectable for billing and risking batch structure corruption. Advanced solution involves applying provided correction instructions prior to Release 5.0 which contains the permanent fix.

Mots Clés :
batch main item billing, issues message vf 032, message vf 042 appears, error log created, attached correction instructions, batch main item, delivery related billing, batch subitem reason, batch split setting, item selection reason

Notes associées :

1728010Billing date in item selection
971943Item selection for batches (UECHA field)
829209Item selection according to article name
598957Selection criteria during the item selection
482506Item selection for batches
442997Item sel.: Complete del. quantity despite partial billing
393359Incorrect batch main item during item selection
368576Billing document with item selection
191759Billing document w item selection (order-related)