Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)
Résumé :
La Note SAP concernant SAP Simple Finance, édition on-premise 1503, détaille les mises à jour critiques et les directives procédurales pour l'installation et la migration des versions antérieures, nommément SAP Simple Finance add-on 1.0 et SAP Simple Finance add-on 2.0. Ce document, essentiel pour l'adaptation au Support Package Stack 1505, comprend des exigences d'installation complètes liées à SAP ERP 6.0 EHP7 et SAP NetWeaver 7.40. Les stipulations mandatent une vérification régulière de cette note pour les mises à jour, l'application diligente des aides à la migration, et les transitions de contenu précises incluant l'Analytics vers les applications Fiori pour garantir une performance optimale du système sur SAP HANA.
Mots Clés :
2146398 tcode fins_mig_monitor_rc4 raises error fins_recon-733 2146394 ml-totals/inventory valuation migration - error 2147095 sfin migration, 2142628 au390 bei mehreren bewegungen im vj und bewegung im akt, note id description manual activity required 2086899 upgrade phase main_shdrun/act_upg returns error messages, material stock 2137003 verbesserung der performance beim zugriff auf coep und den, technical installation / upgrade 2148769 sap hana sps 09 database revision 95 2138515 sap hana sps 09 database revision 94 2131643 replacement, customer component xx-ser-rel business suite release information priority correction, note id description manual activity required 2138325 sap fiori posting service, rs_type_existence_check / program rutprern2view hangs endlessly 2015-05-18 1845848 removing generated fields, rs_type_existence_check / program rutprern2view hangs endlessly 1845848 removing generated fields, 2086899 upgrade phase main_shdrun/act_upg returns error messages
Notes associées :
2171868 | SAP Simple Finance: Information on Product Name and Versioning Changes as of May 2015 |
2157996 | SAP Simple Finance, on-premise edition: Checklist for Technical Installation / Upgrade |
2090914 | SAP Simple Finance add-on 1.0 installation using SWPM stops during HANA content activation |
1971111 | Financials add-on for SAP Business Suite powered by SAP HANA: Browser Requirements |
2044295 | SAP Cash Management powered by SAP HANA: License and Usage Information |
1872170 | |
2119188 | Release Scope Information: SAP Simple Finance, on-premise edition 1503 |
2103558 | SAP Simple Finance, on-premise edition 1503: Compatible add-ons |
2168826 | Client copy enhancement to support database tables with redirect functionality |
2127080 | Release restrictions for SAP Simple Finance on-premise edition 1503 |
2131643 | Replacement of SAP Simple Finance add-on 1.0 reporting content with SAP Simple Finance, on-premise edition 1503 |
1737650 | EHP7 for SAP ERP 6.0 SP Stacks - Release & Information Note |
2148769 | SAP HANA SPS 09 Database Revision 95 |
2172805 | SAP Simple Finance upgrade: "COPC_V_PAYRQ_H" not activated, SAPK-70005INSAPFIN included in target stack-xml |
1925679 | DB views FMKK_BKPF_BSIK and FMKK_BKPF_BSAK were deleted |
2111539 | Delete DDL sources: Generated codes not deleted completely during transport |
1994245 | Version management changes with Preput |
1941711 | Dump: INSERT_PROGRAM_NAME_BLANK during After-Import processing of SXCI / SXSD |
1936455 | Error in RS_TYPE_EXISTENCE_CHECK |
1845848 | Removing generated fields ("_COUNTER", "_FISCPER",...) |
1845847 | |
2149276 | Activation of tables with substitute object fails for structural change of includes |
2160038 | Error message during activation: View cannot be deleted from the database |
2146844 | Conversion program: Pool/cluster to transparent terminates with return code 8 because views could not be created |
2086899 | Upgrade phase MAIN_SHDRUN/ACT_UPG returns error messages |
2019282 | SAP Simple Finance, on-premise edition: View activation errors during add-on installation (using SUM with DMO) |
2096457 | Errors in ACT_UPG during SPDD: customer version of table can not be accessed |
2138644 | Migration to SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA: Reset and repetition of migration steps |
2155561 | sFin migration: Reset document enrichment |
2135878 | Problems when importing DDL sources via SAP Notes using transaction SNOTE |
2141686 | Runtime error DYNPRO_ITAB_ERROR for activation of workbench objects |
2149773 | sFIN migration: Performance improvement of analysis before migration |
2153247 | sFIN Migration: Implicit check of the currency key during COEP migration |
2153318 | sFIN migration: Reconciliation of BSEG to FI-GL (new) line if all amounts of the FI-GL (new) line are zero |
2152613 | FI-AA migration: Unjustified error messages during reconciliation for table ANEP (FINS_RECON 742) |
2155375 | Migration: Duplicate entries in table FAAT_YDDA |
2155523 | Migration: 'Mismatched balance for ANLC' for parallel currency area |
2155394 | FI-AA migration RC5: ANLP error FINS_RECON 761 for non-posting areas |
2154316 | FI-AA migration RC4: ANLC check only for first open FY |
2155963 | sFIN Migration: Empty BLART for some CO documents |
2156057 | sFIN Migration: KUNNR not filled from acct. based CO-PA |
2151409 | sFin Migration: Wrong value type after data enrichment |
2153870 | sFin Migration - Empty field 'Company Code' in CO totals tables |
2155656 | sFin migration: Enrichment of Data |
2157195 | Migration: FINS_RECON761 for fixed assets with legacy data transfer |
2159010 | sFIN Migration: XREVERSING/XREVERSED wrong for canceled CO documents |
2159284 | sFin Migration: Wrong debit/credit indicator |
2152701 | RC5 FM "Balance ANLC.." for open fiscal year |
2156752 | SAP_FIN 720 migration UJ: ACC_AA 213 unjustified |
2155905 | MIG: No plan values for statistical areas in previous year |
2136635 | Error with the "Migrate House Bank Accounts" tool |
2159317 | Minor corrections to the migration and processing transaction for G/L account master data/cost element master data in SAP Simple Finance, on-premise edition 1503 |
2159330 | sFin migration: Delta migration fails with error e085(fins_fi_mig) |
2165234 | sFIN migration: Incorrect source for migration of balances |
2154631 | Incorrect Bank Account Description after Migration |
2165509 | AFAB: Account assignment elements are missing in depreciation posting run |
2165660 | FAA_ANEK: Poor performance with the reports RAGITT_ALV01 and RASIMU_ALV01 |
2153920 | AB01: Non-permitted transaction type causes runtime error |
2153336 | Explain Error Messages in SAP Simple Finance CO Balance Migration |
2159434 | SQL error 2048 during migration of balances |
2163952 | Performance of Migration of Balances and error message FINS_FI_MIG 321 for table FAAT_PLAN_VALUES |
2168207 | sFIN migration: Transferring the controlling area for balances |
2153781 | sFin: Reset delta migration deletes too much items |
2161191 | SAP_FIN 720: Performance improvement when reading fixed assets |
2155835 | RC5 FM "Balance ANLC..": Fixed asset with manual ordinary depreciation |
2154639 | Depreciation calculation: Extremely long runtimes with FAAV_LINEITEMS |
2153518 | Migration: Overflow for LV_DOCLN |
2147134 | BW queries in SAP_SFIN_ACC* roles are not active |
2152957 | Service "Posting Transaction in Financials" supports no postings with deferred tax |
2154168 | Access to table ANEK increases runtime for document display |
2157204 | SAP_FIN 720 dumps or has poor performance when accessing transactions |
2165245 | Depreciation calculation deviation for areas with different accounting principle assignment |
2158595 | AB03: Documents not displayed |
2138445 | Release Information Note: SAP Cash Management powered by SAP HANA as part of the SAP Simple Finance, on-premise edition 1503 |
2154658 | Release Information Note: Bank Account Management Lite |
2125084 | SAP Simple Finance, on-premise edition 1503: Important SAP NETWEAVER 7.40 corrections |
2146744 | Factsheet For SFIN 2.0 |
2110214 | SAP Simple Finance Documentation Corrections |
2138515 | SAP HANA SPS 09 Database Revision 94 |
2134862 | sFIN Migration - Improvements for Enrichment and Line Item Migration |
2135125 | Migration: Corrections for the migration of fixed asset values |
2135286 | Improvements to sFIN 2.0 migration programs and reconciliation programs for material ledger balance and material stock |
2137003 | Verbesserung der Performance beim Zugriff auf COEP und den CO-Summensätzen |
2137034 | sFIN 1503 Migration - Keep statistical actual line items in COEP |
2135788 | SAP Simple Finance Migration Error FINS_RECON733 / FINS_RECON737 |
2135901 | sFIN migration: Migration of G/L balances and reconciliation |
2137513 | sFin Migration - Wrong profit center in CO line items |
2129404 | FAA_ANEP: ANBTR for certain SLALITTYPEs and MOVCATs not zero |
2131822 | ANLC migration: Use *P fields and *G fields from RC4 check |
2129804 | Improvements to sFIN 2.0 migration programs and reconciliation programs for CO totals records |
2134744 | Mig.ANLC: RC5 - Reconciling the table ANLC after AFAR |
2134750 | Mig.ANLC: RC5 - Transactions and report variants for SAP Note 2134744 |
2134368 | ANLP migration: Remove areas with BUHBKT = 0 from reconciliation |
2136372 | FI-AA migration: Incorrect parameter transfer in step RC5 |
2128777 | SAP Simple Finance, OI: View generation (corrections/enhancements) |
2135219 | SAP Simple Finance OP: REDIRECT in delivery state |
2136994 | SAP Simple Finance OP: Transaction FINS_MIG_REGENERATE - F1-help is missing |
2136443 | SFIN 2.0 Migration: FINS_RECON 737, Object Currency could be wrong |
2137621 | Migration to "SAP Accounting powered by SAP HANA" - CO totals cleared |
2137868 | FAA_ANEA: Excluding MOVCAT=46 for various fields |
2138109 | Mig.FIAA: RC5 exception condition "INVALID_SET_ID" triggered |
2138516 | SAP Simple Finance OP: Treatment of customer extensions during the balance migration |
2138807 | sFIN migration: Reconciling BSEG against New GL line items |
2138720 | sFIN Migration - Improvements 0.- CO amounts in Line Item Migration |
2139314 | FINS_RECON 742: No entry in original table for entry in compatibility view (ANEP) |
2132272 | SFIN 2.0 migration: Mass generation of CO compatibility view |
2140323 | sFin migration: Line items from BSEG_ADD missing in ACDOCA |
2141008 | sFIN Migration: Balance in CO line item differs by 1.- (transact. currency) |
2141104 | FAA_ANEK: Duplicate records in the table ANEK |
2139204 | Unnecessary ACDOCA records created during SAP Simple Finance Migration |
2142870 | SFIN 2.0 Migration: V_COEP Generation without views for statistical lines |
2140427 | sFIN migration: Checking General Ledger Accounting (new) line items for classic General Ledger Accounting customers |
2133547 | Enhancement of analysis before data migration: Moved posting item for reversal documents using RWIN |
2143996 | Incorrect calculation of compatibility view GLT0 |
2141158 | sFIN 2:0: Improvements of CDS view generation |
2141030 | SAP Simple Finance OP: Extensions in reconciliation (RC3) |
2141324 | Error messages concerning basic prerequisites in document migration |
2137913 | Error AA-719 when migrating line items |
2136070 | Migration: Mismatched balance for ANEA |
2144360 | Document migration: Missing fixed asset values in parallel currency |
2141411 | Migration: SLALITTYPE 07000 instead of 07040 + AA509 |
2144642 | sFIN migration: Reconciliation of debit/credit indicator for document split |
2142045 | AS910 migration package |
2145046 | Error message FINS_FI_MIG083 during document migration |
2146326 | sFIN migration: Reconciling GLT0 for the currency ledger |
2145868 | sFIN migration: Reconciliation errors regarding FI-GL (new) although not migrated from FI-GL (new) |
2145792 | sFIN Migration - Error FINS_FI_MIG 073 due to missing entry SAK in T030B |
2146398 | Tcode FINS_MIG_MONITOR_RC4 raises error FINS_RECON-733 |
2146394 | ML-totals/inventory valuation migration - error |
2147095 | sFIN Migration: Empty RKCUR for non-leading ledger |
2147115 | Migration of journal entries: Unnecessary consistency check in Asset Customizing |
2147132 | Error when migrating balances |
2147255 | sFIN migration: Reconciliation errors with G/L totals |
2143121 | sFin Migration: Status overview of migration steps |
2147611 | sFIN migration: Indicator as to whether FI-GL (new) was active is set incorrectly |
2147770 | sFIN migration: No zero balance for non-leading ledger in old years |
2148454 | sFIN: Incorrect customer transaction figures or vendor transaction figures during migration of several clients |
2148757 | sFin Migration: Reset Line Item Migration |
2150424 | sFin: ACDOCA-AWREF with trailing spaces |
2145179 | Object currency key missing in migrated ACDOCA records |
2148234 | FAA_ANLC: Gain/loss write-ups (MOVCAT=59) not taken into account |
2145097 | FI-AA migration: RC1 step for preliminary checks |
2145176 | Messages for SAP Note 2145097 |
2151011 | sFIN Migration: Performance optimization of steps reading COBK, BKPF and other tables |
2151495 | Incorrect statistical records created during SAP Simple Finance Migration |
2009738 | ABAP Dictionary objects for SAP Note 2014219 |
2138325 | SAP Fiori posting service "Posting Transaction in Financials": Tax date and tax rate |
2134061 | Drilldown reporting: no data selected |
2141157 | Transaction GD12 produces a short dump during navigation to line items |
2149507 | Error message FINS_ACDOC_POST000 when simulating a G/L document |
2132997 | FAA_ANEK: Duplicate records in compatibility view for table ANEK |
2142833 | Corrections for Asset Accounting: Prerequisite for SAP Note 2137722 |
2137722 | Corrections for Asset Accounting |
2143833 | GL allocations with customer fields in sFIN 1503 |
2135855 | FAA_ANEP: Postings not displayed in asset history sheet |
2142628 | AU 390 if several transactions in previous year and one transaction in current fiscal year |
2144992 | FAA_ANLC: Prior-year acquisitions not filled correctly during legacy data transfer during the fiscal year |
2146578 | Defective Quick Access for master data in home page of sFIN role |
2137242 | SAP Simple Finance, On-Premise Edition 1503: No costing-based CO-PA documents created any more |
2112354 | SAP Simple Finance add-on: Important installation information |