SAP Note 187506 - FB01: manually entered cash dscnt terms overwritten

Composant : Posting/Clearing/Special General Ledger -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
payment baseline date changedi_zlschreq  t052-xsplt  space, cash discount terms changedi_zfbdtreq  t052-xsplt  space, payment method changedi_zschfreq  t052-xsplt  space, short texti_zbdreq    t052-xsplt  space, cash discount percentage rate, changed cash discount term, additional key words zterm, cash discount terms, cash discount term, vendor master record

Notes associées :

302453FB01: Cash discnt terms in installmts not set w/BI
217021FB02: Manually set payment block overwritten
175163FB01: Paymt block changed manually not transferred
162506Change to the term of payment in FI doc incorrect