SAP Note 183125 - Executing RFFMS200 after data conversion to 4.5B

Composant : Actual and Commitment Update -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
003 flow control 005 converted documents 006 test run 007 update run 009 fm keys 010 fm posting date 011 fi reference 012 funds center 013 fund 014 commitment item 015 commitment reference 016 fm area amount 017 account 019 company code 020 fyc information 030 total, p_detail detail list p_fikrs fm area p_simul simulation run s_belnr2 fi document number s_bukrs2 company code s_ebeln purchasing document s_gjahr fm fiscal year s_gjahr2 fiscal year s_kblnr funds reservation, p_fikrs fm area p_prot log p_test test run s_belnr fi document number s_fonds fund, text symbols 010 bukrs 020 gjahr 030 belnr 040 buezi 050 bukrs 060 gjahr 070 belnr, 050 fiscal year change information, fi document keys, read 053 fiscal year change, 001 fm document selection, inconsistent 052 fi document header, completed 054 differing amounts 080 documents selected

Notes associées :

101778Conversion of FM data structures as of Version 4.5A