SAP Note 180686 - CS20: Basic note for new version

Composant : Bills of Material -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
La note SAP traite des améliorations de la Transaction CS20 (Modifications de masse dans les nomenclatures) pour la version 4.6B du système SAP, compatible également avec les versions >= 3.0D. Les principales mises à jour incluent des corrections et des améliorations telles que la capacité à sélectionner simultanément plusieurs catégories de nomenclatures, une meilleure gestion des nomenclatures alternatives/variantes sans actions supplémentaires, et un processus amélioré de modification de la quantité des composants. Les fonctionnalités d'affichage et de modification pour les articles de matériel, de document et de classe sont améliorées. Les mises à jour de l'interface graphique ont été minimisées mais comprennent les changements essentiels pour une meilleure utilisabilité. Les prérequis signalent les erreurs possibles et les solutions proposées impliquent des ajustements de l'interface et de nouveaux éléments GUI.

Mots Clés :
r3tr prog mc29mf10                        r3tr prog mc29mf11                        r3tr prog mc29mf12                        r3tr prog mc29mf13                        r3tr prog mc29mf14                        r3tr prog mc29mf15                        r3tr prog mc29mf16                        r3tr prog mc29mf17                        r3tr prog mc29mi30                        r3tr prog mc29mo30                        r3tr prog mc29mto1 screen source codes, icon_deselect_all                        ctrl-f7    kmal   select bom                        ctrl-f8    kmlo   deselect bom                        ctrl-f9    pmal   select item                        ctrl-f10   pmlo   deselect item                          insert icons, bom                  icon_total_left                        ctrl-f1    head  header                    icon_header                        ctrl-f2    item   items                      icon_overview                        ctrl-f3    plnt   plant assignments                        ctrl-f5    mall  select, mass change     edit      goto                            head          mall      back                            item          mloe                            plnt          kmal                            ----          kmlo                            exec          pmal                            ----          pmlo                            ende          ----                                          naec                                          vori                                          letz                                          erst                                          ----                                          abbr                          ----, limu dynp sapmc29m0600                        limu dynp sapmc29m0610                        limu dynp sapmc29m0620                        limu dynp sapmc29m0630                        limu dynp sapmc29m0640 screen source codes, limu dynp sapmc29m0600                        limu dynp sapmc29m0610                        limu dynp sapmc29m0620                        limu dynp sapmc29m0630                        limu dynp sapmc29m0640               2, bom                  icon_column_right                        shift-f7  vori  previous bom               icon_column_left                        shift-f8   letz, se63 -> <enter>               translation -> short texts -> user interfaces -> user interfaces -> <enter>            program, translation se63 -> <enter>               translation -> short texts -> messages -> messages -> <enter>            message class, -stock item variable-size item pm structure element object type

Notes associées :

527450CS20: Enter E29014 BOM group or material/usage
526122CS20: Maximum number of sel.
496066CS20: No BOMs available for BOM group &
480262CS05: Matl substitution with AENNR - no STAS deletion record
453590G/L a/c, material group, ...not updated from material master
452816CS20: Unchangeable usages are selected
450183CS20: Add -> Please enter a unit of measure
431612CS20: Consideration of parameter effectivity
428430CS20: Change no. with parameter effectivity -> no usage
422572CS20 w/o date does not change non-var. part in all alternat.
397826CS20: Component quantity change without component unit
394062CS20: Data of the initial screen in the user exit
384768New CS20: Quantity log 1 pc ---> 2.000 pcs
382314CS addition to standard note 180686
379633New CS20: change component unit of measure
376272New CS20: E00344 customer fields / E00349 variable-size item
376023New CS20: Error in creation variable-size item
374927New CS20: Valid-to date for exclusive selection
374807New CS20: Validity / logic
373260New CS20: TIME OUT for mass change bill of material
368960CABLE SOLUTION: Issuing CS20 CS warnings
368648CABLE SOLUTION: replace CS02 piece list components.
366443Modification of CS20: Initialize SANKA and SCHGT
362749CABLE SOLUTION: Deleting CS02 BOM components
358664CS20: selection usages for each bill of material
353369CS20:E349 field RC29N-DATUV not available in screen
351486Modification new CS20: add quantity
319287CS20: User Quits: No usage selected
318848CS20(new):Modifctn MENGE round accrdg to T006-ANDEC
310038CS20: user exit:processng selectn scrn in backgrnd
216044CS20: No RC29P-MENGE field or entry not allowed
215642CS20 (Note180686):Translation SAPMC29M0600->TL621
208776Batch Input:Customer flds mssng f.variable-sze itms
208508CS21,CS22,CS23: Short dump --> no scrn 101,102,103
205765CS20 new version: Enhancement of item changes
204416CS20: Additional screen fields in BOM overview
200437CS20 new version: Scroll bar does not work
188548Testing new Transaction CS20 in HP systems
188256CS20: Conversion of document version/document part
187762CS20:Alternatives that you do not select changed
187750Mass changes of WBS BOMs
187738Change of WBS BOM via batch input
178785Creating class item ->no BI data screen 706
159321Mass change for Add BOM item
155927BI: Changing alternative -> invalid change status
138981Bills of material: Restriction mass change
130861Error 00344 on screen SAPLCSDI 0825
128934Error in BOM group maintenance
116148Error in BOM group maintenance
88709Bills of material: batch input error with CS05