Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)
Résumé :
Cette note SAP concerne le correctif add-on 013 pour IS-U/CCS 1.2. Elle inclut une description exhaustive des corrections apportées par ce patch, disponibles dans les notes jointes. Les utilisateurs doivent appliquer ce patch pour maintenir leur système à jour. Disponible depuis le 22 octobre 1999, ce patch est proposé pour les clients LCP avec la release du LCP indiquée dans la pièce jointe, et inclus dans le CRT pour le Hot Package 28 ou LCP 28. L'installation se fait via la transaction SPAM en format CRT. Pour plus d'informations, consultez la Note 53902 et accédez au CRT via la vue add-on dans OSS.
Mots Clés :
patch 013all corrections contained, additional key words, prerequisites solution apply, online service system, symptom collective note, 1999for lcp customers, lcp stated, read note 53902, attached notes, present add-
Notes associées :
180029 | Deregulation: Enhancements with AOP 13 (IS-U 1.2) |
179762 | Missing information lines with services |
179750 | Order not transferred to G/L account item |
179712 | RFKKOP01 - line items appear several times |
179672 | Mass activities: Error when copying parameters |
179642 | Error when cancelling in method DISCONNECT.EDIT |
179638 | Estimated MR results in extrapolation |
179593 | Extrapolation of registers |
179569 | ABP: Correction I_MASS processing for EK92 |
179517 | Installment plan: Error correction from Note 176902 |
179514 | Determination of the house number from the postal code |
179470 | Proration dates with dependent schema steps |
179447 | Move-in date more recent than move-out date |
179397 | Tax code not transferred to G/L items |
179362 | TS: Consider fctry clndr f. date mtr read.ord.crtn. |
179315 | Order number is not recognized as a required field |
179284 | Overall check during move-in |
179271 | ISU_METERREAD_CHANGE:Y_EXIT_TYPE not filled in EL27 |
179233 | Sorting of house no.s in front office (data finder) |
179189 | Move-out processing: Termination with F12 |
179130 | Event: Clerk determination for regiogroup incorrect |
179084 | You cannot cancel security deposits |
179062 | Rounding problems with weighting procedure |
179051 | Contract accounts locked during move-in |
178992 | Clearing: Error message (>3)802, 803, 822, (>0)100 |
178979 | Check for missing tax jurisdiction codes |
178896 | FPCPR / FPY1: Too many clarific.cases |
178820 | TS: Allocation date incorrect on last day of month |
178811 | OI processing: All account items |
178776 | FPL9:Simulated clearing line f.cancelled stat.item |
178751 | Cash desk: No currency check for lot entries |
178747 | User exits not processed |
178700 | Items disappear in the payment lot |
178677 | Dunning block indicator in BB plan not considered |
178621 | Event 0400 not run when displaying creditworthiness |
178604 | Cash payment:SET/GET prmtr not filled for recon key |
178595 | FPE1: Screen variants without partner / account |
178592 | EL31 No selection with business partner from-to |
178588 | No move-in/out reversal pssble aft.periodic billing |
178528 | Unlocking budget billing and payment plan items |
178496 | Rate maintenance - Saving for necessary operands |
178478 | Move-in: Fields for security not ready for input |
178438 | Indicator for dunning notice in document incorrect |
178384 | Inconsistent time slices in utility installation |
178367 | Error in interest calculation rules definition |
178357 | Reversal payment: BP item w/o a/c determination ID |
178267 | Returns and affiliated company VBUND |
178246 | Error handling: BB plan in rate maintenance |
178243 | SAPphone: No area code specification |
178241 | SAPphone: Extension check with incorrect server |
178240 | SAPphone: Server maintenance: No parameter exchange |
178238 | SAPphone: Error in queue query: agent not logged on |
178235 | SAPphone: Call-attached data when simulating call |
178231 | Maximum tax, error in invoicing |
178225 | Transaction FPB7 not defined in system |
178178 | EL37 Reverse meter reading:Insert error table EABLG |
178145 | Address transfer with automatic owner move-in |
178107 | FPL9 totals block: Down payments reduce due balance |
178049 | Invoicing: Error >0195 if cash discount active |
178023 | Message in EL27: No changes made |
177986 | Performance problems during reversal |
177971 | No tolerance posting in account maintenance |
177941 | PWB: Empty user includes after transp. & generation |
177940 | Payment on account: Determination of data incorrect |
177926 | FPL9: All for account / All for partner |
177889 | Cannot display Print-doc, if line-items are archived |
177863 | Account statements: Error in parameter storage |
177829 | FPE2: Connection cash management and forecast |
177746 | Meth.DetermineServiceTechnObject: Incorrect message |
177709 | Message E9893 with migration of installation |
177669 | Cash Management with FP07 and FP08 |
177635 | Termination when releasing maintenance orders |
177624 | Time slice scrolling in EG70 |
177607 | Payment lot, error >2422, RFKKZE00 |
177537 | Changing move-in MR or final MR |
177265 | Termination in parallel download or order creation |
177200 | Rate type cannot be entered for operand |
177180 | Rounding decimal places for multiple registers |
175690 | Creation of new payment plan for invoicing |