SAP Note 164909 - IS-M: Overview of corrections for Release 4.02/1

Composant : Industry-Specific Component Media -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
Ce document SAP fournit une vue d'ensemble des correctifs pour la version IS-M 4.02/1, correspondant aux niveaux de patch SAPKIPPD20 et SAPKIPPC20 selon le type de système. Il mentionne en prérequis qu'aucun ajustement ni transport n'est nécessaire pour le moment, mais recommande de consulter les notes associées pour plus de détails. Les utilisateurs trouveront toutes les corrections transportables dans le répertoire '/specific/issl/ISM/REL4.021', composé généralement de deux, parfois trois fichiers. Pour l'importation de ces correctifs, l'ordre séquentiel strict est requis en utilisant la commande 'tp import all client=000', après avoir vidé le tampon et effectué un import de test. La solution met également en avant l'amélioration de la traduction IS-M pour plusieurs langues, stockée dans le fichier 'TRAN4021.CAR'.

Mots Clés :
directory       specific/issl/ism/rel4, 02/1 additional key words miscellaneous, correct chronological sequence, delta upgrade guide', hot package systems, command        tp import, 'car -xvf tran4021, directory rel4021, transport directory, lcp systems

Notes associées :

419612IS-M/SD carrier change notification, RJVZAEM0 is endless
419194IS-M/SD carrier change notification, two unlimited changes
418482IS-M/SD: Carrier change notification, gift/trip
409717IS-M/SD Packing rule can not be completed
401225IS-M/SD carrier change notification, subsequent delivery
401089IS-M/SD carrier change notification, overlap
400932IS-M/SD carrier list, offers
397047IS-M/SD: Carrier notification, missing check
395187IS-M/SD: Carrier change notification, cancelled orders
387951IS-M/SD: Carrier list, no publication date
383525IS-M/SD Carrier change notification, offers
373206IS-M/SD carrier change notification, additive trip
368152ISM/SD Carrier change notification, incomplete dlvy
367908IS-M/SD Carrier change notification, Note 336827
363299IS-M/SD Carrier change modfctn, CR + suspension
358067IS-M/SD Carrier change notfctn, deviate pub. date
336827IS-M/SD:Carrier chnge notification, move-in + term.
329584IS-M/SD carrier change notification, miscellaneous
325963IS-M/SD carrier change notification, gift
325607IS-M/SD long runtime with packing and check reports
324220IS-M/SD:Stan. del. address book, incrct sorting III
322680IS-M/SD Stand. del. address list, inc. sorting II
321349IS-M/SD carrier change notif., technical relocation
319086IS-M/SD carrier list, incorrect sorting
314566IS-M/SD Carrier change notification, diverse
313933IS-M/SD carrier change notification, changes
312958IS-M/SD carrier change notification, public holiday
312644IS-M/SD carrier change notification, new edition
309935M/SD: RJKXPRA402_PROMOTION_DATA incorrect
308807MSD: Main agent without agents despite sales source
308796MSD: Note 303560 has been enhanced
308687MSD: Note 302126 was amended
307517'No delivery viability set optimization' in fast entry
306019M/SD: Wrong publication in returns overview
305314M/SD: Billing index in del.subscription not current
305297M/SD: Delivery invoiced twice by amortization
305070M/SD: Condition doc. missing from amortization plan
303560MSD: Navigation into new item after split
302126MSD: Commission recalculation missing with WBZ
301428M/SD: Deletion of settled periods
301234M/SD: No retroactive acctg with dely. subscription
301230IS-M/SD carrier change notification, address
300856IS-M: Bank data not created in non-SAP system
300595IS-M: Address management called in change mode
300166MSD: Changes for specific dates in retail order
300129IS-M/SD: Posting block after cancellation of settl.
300056MSD: Authorization of payment card in Monitoring
217149MSD: Fast subscription entry: Creating an agent
217124M/SD: Termination w. transfer of HDS to HR
216834IS-M-SD: Termination when changing currency of BP
216495IS-M/SD: Error w. address formatting for bill-to
215446IS-M/SD: Cancellation of recalculated billing docs
215393M/AM:Payment cards: Error in the authorization env.
214669MSD: Create renewal order with reference to offer
214591M/SD: Missing check w. house # overlapping check
214432M/AM: Payment cards: Problems with transfer
214205IS-M/SD: Block problem cancelling coll. processing
214171Agncy service rec.asgnmnt missing in del.subscriptions cycle
214063M/SD: Revenues created by amortization too high
213994M/SD: Runtime problems with the release
213977IS-M/SD: Shipping problem message with complaints
213723IS-M/SD: Alt.ship-to party w. sub. invoice printout
213295MSD: Copy promotion data with subscription renewals
212945IS-M/SD: Complaint quantity for ordered editions
212757IS-M/SD standard dely exception, new subscription
212714MSD: Incorrect assgmt term. after data transfer
212142M/SD: Block table runs completely for RJRARBVR
211682IS-M/SD: Packing 'Wrong measure in rule'
211593M/SD bank returns, cancelled billing documents
211143IS-M/SD standard delivery exception, delivery round
211036M/SD: Cancel bank return billing doc. (batch input)
210867IS-M/SD: Deleting an employment period
210720IS-M/SD Standard delivery exception, interruption
210466M/SD: Program termination in lost time after return
210464Missing data in goods arrival record
210318IS-M/SD: Texts still exist after deletion
210304Copy numbers in central access overview
210293M/SD: Termination when cancelling settl.s in dialog
210289M/SD worklist of settlements not transferred
210167Selection by order number in central access
209890IS-M/SD: Customer line items
209878M/SD: RJF_FAKT generates MESSAGE_TYPE_X with shift
209772MSD: Note 207230 has been enhanced
209176M/SD: Assignment home delivery settlement - transfer
209172MSD: Calc. free termination in dely. subscription
209068M/SD: TIME OUT w. transfer to Financial Accounting
208826IS-M/SD: Rev. a/c determination with canc. BillDocs
208824M/SD: Billing header JFRK missing
208594IS-M/SD: Collective processing log - display variants
208497Mo message when limiting time for a newly created item
208237Delivery viability determination error for change no.release
207596IS-M/SD: Correction instruction from Note 203234
207447IS-M: Old address in subscription invoice printout
207415IS-M/SD: Output determination - customer complaints
207230MSD: Gifts for free items
207225IS-M/SD: Bill.doc. already canceled for bank return
205556IS-M/SD: FI doc. # assignment for bank return
205191IS-M/SD: Billing of retroactive items
205104IS-M/SD: Transferring cancelled billing documents
204837IS-M/SD # of the notes in log: collective runs
204813IS-M/SD: Tax code with the revenue deferral
204701Display copy number for complete substitution of the edition
204640MSD:EXIT005 does not run w. change of StoP address
204599MSD: Archiving temporary order items
204537M/AM: Credit management JHAI
204328IS-M/SD: Output determination with fast entry of BR
204241M/SD: Error in amortization w. separate combination
204202IS-M/SD: Settl. calendar with home delivery settl.
204002M/SD streets skipped with German postal data update
203967M/SD update structures modifies house number ranges
203826IS-M/SD: Blocks during billing document transfer
203234IS-M/SD: Business partner investment bank return
202666IS-M/SD: Billing block in customer complaint
202649IS-M/SD relocation without carrier notification
202450M/SD Overlapping with change of street
201632IS-M/SD: Bank details in the complaint order
201512IS-M/SD: Control record for transfer run
201121IS-M:Check against M/AM orders - address management
200648M/SD W. update of addresses, uncoded addresses exist
200099IS-M/SD: Revenue a/c determination with del. costs
199327IS-M/SD: Runtime error in collective transfer
199323M/SD del.flags not cancelled by change no. deletion
198693MSD: Termin. w. trnsfrrng change qty to redirection
198483IS-M/SD: Deactivate messages in error log
198433IS-M/SD relocation without carrier notification
198033M/SD: Runtime error with amortization or transfer
197646M/SD: Blocking in replacement unloading point
196801IS-M: Dunning data is not copied by reference GP
196696MSD: Ext. system synchronization of bus. partners
196592IS-M/SD: Accounting doc. for collective transfer
196560MSD: Terminations cannot be cancelled
196216IS-M/SD: Complaint order - output determination
196194IS-M/SD: Transfer of home delivery settlement to HR
196159M/SD: Bank return fast entry transfer status
196074MSD: Gift determination fast subscription entry
196041MSD: Delivery subscriptions in publication dates
195740IS-M/SD std delivery exception, new subscriptions
195275IS-M/SD std delivery exception, new subscriptions
195079IS-M/SD: Incorrect gross weight including inserts
194649ISM: Single day scheduled correction for address
194571M/SD Sort field in address initialized by mistake
194563M/SD: Incorrect deletion of unloading rules
194467MSD: No output for sold-to party in fast entry
194286MSD: Updating orders
194058M/SD: Billing split of credit memo requests
192981M/SD: Endless loop when schedule line data entered
192878M/SD: 'PO box' as delivery address in complaints
191832MSD: LAND1 not filled correctly for pricing
191578MSD: Note 171207 was changed
191287IS-M/SD: Exchange transfer with post to FI/RF
191136M/AM: Credit management: Incorrect values in check
191089M/SD: Reorg. of unloading point sequences incorrect
191087MSD: Order delivered despite suspension
190785IS-M/SD: Standard delivery exception transport
190755M/SD: Long runtimes when assigning at a lower level
190687IS-M/SD: Termination in the central initial screen
190152MSD: Incorrect display of current delivery address
190106MSD: Items cannot be cancelled
189244MSD: Deletion of unlimited changes with replacement
188639IS-M/SD: Error tolerance goods arrival data record
188410IS-M/SD: Shipping doc. 3002 Delivery note customer
188331IS-M/SD: No 'Transfer' button w. Geo reassign.
187488M/AM: Credit management: Check of incorrect values
187474M/SD: Condition type tax missing in complaint
187405IS-M/SD: Employment period cannot be changed
187215M/SD function cancel after error with 'Move city'
187114M/SD: Overflow locking table w. settlement transfer
187101M/SD: Overflow locking table with BillDoc transfer
186999MSD: Bank details from sales areas (2)
186600M/AM: Credit management: Update error
186599M/AM: Payment cards: Update of billing datasets
186259IS-M/SD: Session hangs during order processing
185918IS-M/SD: Incorrect goods arrival no. in DDR record
185679ISM: Incorrect address formatting
185540MSD: Split function without pricing
185524IS-M/SD: Number of PubDays with district flat rates
185358IS-M/SD: Check list for bank returns
185132IS-M/SD: Determination of bank clearing account
185070IS-M: Block missing for address management
184986M/SD: Delivery round-BP assignment can be changed
184939MSD: Bankverbindungen aus anderen Vertriebsbereichen
184925Update term. when changing/saving advertising data
184388IS-M/SD: Output determination with BillDoc change
184361M/AM: Error in the payment card environment
184304Start of lead time with viability set determination
184225IS-M/SD: Update of table JFREVVAACC
183929Customizing for agents overridden in sales support
183908MSD: Initial data trans. requires amortization plan
183702MSD: SAP enhancement J45A0009 split for 4.02/3
183665M/SD: Commission despite cancelled order item
183401IS-M/SD: Inserting geographical units
183281MSD: BTCI für WBZ-Erstdatenübernahme
183142M/ PO Box post.code,address(' 000')
182760WBZ inbound processing: No payment method found
182661WBZ inbound procg: Exch. rate type not determined
182650No new output determination when orders changed
182644IS-M/SD: Termination w. home delivery settlement SC
182640WBZ: Missing items in termination log
182635MSD: Error session cannot be processed
182574MSD: BI of trial item w. auto. trans. to chargeable
182409Default values for WBZ agents
182260ISM: Error in address synchronization
181601Termin. with viability set determ. in sales order
181597Incorrect condition types in sales order
181588MSD: Termination in RJKBJK01
181564MSD: XPRA troubleshooting in upgrade to Rel. 4.02
181468M/SD: No commission recalc. with third party SC/WBZ
181375MSD:Delivery start not preallocated with AutTransf.
181316ISM: Error in program RJGBD__0
181254M/SD: Maint. of summarized unloading viability sets
181158MSD: No agent in output determination in the dialog
181064IS-M/SD: Cancellation of bill. doc. w. payment card
180974IS-M: Missing call of user exit as of Release 3.04
180622M/SD: Term. after cancellation of recalc. bill.doc.
180621IS-M/SD: Transfer of cancellation billing documents
180383ISM: Exclusion of doc. addresses in central access
180006IS-M/SD:ABAP/4 runtime error in collective transfer
179905Creating subscriptions with commercial agent
179778M/AM: Transaction JHAI: List fields empty
179770M/AM: JH838 yet payment method not ready for input
179597Maintaining the production startup date in IMG
179586Changed handling in sales support for 4.02
179285IS-M/SD: Display of cancelled billing indices
179188Additional data in sales support overview screen
178909Locked SC can be assigned to order in sales support
178758M/SD non-numerical house no.s in street maintenance
178739Note 165985 has been changed
178605M/SD streets not deleted if in structures/addresses
178591ISM: Error in changing dunning data
178492M/SD: Incorrect billing date 01/02/0001
178373M/SD:Remission in geschlossene Meldeperiode gebucht
178268No dyn. scrn. modification on screen SAPLJKPROM 200
178218IS-MSD: Runtime for standard delivery exceptions
178141IS-M/SD: Customer line items with amount zero
178135IS-M: Warning Postal address not maintained
177828M/SD: Editing of route unloading point sequences
177675IS-M/SD: Business data in order overview
177318MSD: No plant after order data transfer to JKAP
177146M/SD search help for cities/streets finds nothing
177138IS-M/SD: Update of payment intermediate dataset
176865M/SD termination in container packing
176103Hold event in order
175943M/SD: Billing index after repeated reversals
175231IS-M/SD: Shipping costs for WBZ BillDoc printout
174949M/SD: Commission index created for renewal offer
174494M/SD: Prog. termination w. home delivery settlement
174410MSD: Dely.viability set optimization & direct dely.
174356M/AM:Dble entries in list 'Business Partner Orders'
174328M/AM: Inconsistency after error message JH114
174316M/AM: Status of billing dataset not current
174058IS-M/AM: Incorrect ad spec assignment in order
174047M/SD: Termination when releasing credit memos
174003M/AM:Termination of agent settlement (SETTLESTAT 5)
173886M/AM: Termination MESSAGE_TYPE_X in Trans. JHFK
173803MSD: Sort sequence of printed invoices incorrect
173684ISM: P.O. box in address printouts
173637MSD: Partner bank cat. not in order after transfer
173625M/AM: Ind. separate billing doc. cannot be deleted
173589IS-M/SD: System prompt for gift in order entry
173446M/AM: Function error from Technical System inactive
173383IS-M/SD: Multiple home delivery settlements for SCs
173162MSD: Splitting redirection with address abroad
173157M/AM: Header price not updated
173138ISM: House number for addresses in Great Britain
172748M/AM: XPRA does not convert all BP assignments
172743MSD: Data transfer, incorrect batch input
172664IS-M/SD: Correction instruction from Note 157774
172575IS-M/SD: Correction instruction from Note 161105
172258M/AM: Every assignment "manual" in COA standing
172242M/AM: COA implication with beneficiaries and so on
172213IS-M/SD: Document flow w. home delivery settlement
172138IS-M/SD: Settlement of external service companies
172131ISM: Next screen processing entries for BPs
172081MSD: No responsible sales office after order copy
171673IS-M: No company code in user exit bank data
171659ISM: Synchronization of old addresses to FI
171536IS-M/SD: Problems w. for.currencies in cmpgn frmwrk
171509IS-M/SD: Importing orders by batch input
171436MSD: No retroactive a/cting index after termination
171389M/AM:Missing long texts in assignment detail screen
171298M/AM central/fast access: MSD addr. in BP selection
171267M/AM: Copy item: Billing block from item category
171239M/AM: Cancellation rev. dist.: Wrong billing date
171227IS-M/SD: Clearing open items of customer
171208M/AM: BP assignments deleted incompletely
171207MSD: Changing validity of campaign framework
170657IS-M: Non-activated user exits are processed
170478M/AM: No COA discount with reservations
170371M/AM: Agency order with unknown advertisers
170251IS-M/AM: Document flow display from COA document
170126M/AM: Assign agent with invalid requirement
170069IS-M/SD:Determntn of new subscriptns f.WBZ billings
170050M/AM: Status evaluation RJHSTAT4 - long runtime
170027IS-M/SD:Error in life subscriptn transactns RJKBST*
169979M/AM: Postprocessing errors from technical system
169936ISM:Transaction JD81 terminates with MESSAGE_TYPE_X
169824M/SD RJSUADDR No address updated
169660M/AM: Entry of prices ineffective
169557M/AM: Box no. recipient address in one-time order
169395IS-M/SD: Transfer distribution not possible
169109M/AM: Central access: Function 'Agent' w/o effect
169103M/AM: Bill.dtst crcy trnsl. not considered in assgt
169057No billing of extra copies orders with RJKEVSNL
169020M/AM:Incorrect schedule line status 'not published'
168989M/SD: Service settlement not created
168924M/SD: Missing XPRA in upgrade to Release 4.02
168773M/SD: Termination on creating complaint for renewal
168769M/AM: Quantity in COA not updated
168566M/AM: Schedule Line Disc./Surcharge in Rev. Distr.
168549MAM: Order output determination incorrect 4.02/1
168477M/AM:Schedule lines f. date combintns not generated
168432M/AM: Header agent/item agent with billing
168353ISM: Maintaining forms of address for BP
168129IS-M/AM: High runtime for creating document flow
168096ISM: Social security number not displayed
168073ISM: Short dump when entering house no. with blanks
168052M/AM: Performance of billing doc. & order, SAPLJHC0
168041IS-M/SD: Error message RW014 with transfer to FI
168006M/SD: Error in determinating amortization rate
167888M/AM: Changing a sub ad spec not reported
167838M/SD:FF747 for transfer with tax jurisdiction codes
167769MSD: Output created more than once
167480ISM: Input help for reconciliation account
167231M/AM: Business partner name in outgoing invoice
167051M/AM: DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_CURSOR w. media mix sttlmt.
166998M/AM: COA combination and deleted assignment
166987M/SD: Term. for order w. commission in pre. system
166970M/AM: No discount with items not relevant to update
166948IS-M/SD: Termination when changing conditions
166819ISM: Screen sequence when saving business partner
166807M/SD:No SC commission settlement after cancellation
166459M/SD:Displaying change no. in route-edition assgmt.
166446M/SD entries created twice in round sequence
166426M/AM: Termination with more than 256 items
166422ISM: Maintenance of phonetic replacements
166414M/AM: Media mix BP updated incorrectly
166177M/SD obsolete check when creating postal units
166084M/AM: Central acess: Error with ad inserts
166051M/SD termination in change mangmnt/structure maint.
166050M/AM:RJHAU101 ordr cnfrmtn causes endless loop 4.02
165985Syntax errors in Program SAPLVKMP
165914M/AM: RJHALI01 - long runtime
165771M/AM: Konditionsausschluss im Media-Mix-Abschluss
165651M/AM: Error V1806/double conditions in order
165540M/AM: Corrections for COA settlement
165490M/AM: COA renewal disregards specifications
165396M/AM: Report RJHAAB00 completely inactive
165316M/AM: User parameter JH_TREFFER
165239M/AM: Revenue distribution of date combinations
165023M/AM: Access sequence w. condition posting category
165020M/SD: Order type REM for RJKUJKR5 incorrect
164832M/AM: Discount & bonus in assgmt. screen modifiable
164259M/SD: Para. IDs when calling HR master data maint.
164113IS-M: AI inserts (several plants) 3.04*,4.01*,4.02
162246M/AM: Quantities not transferred to CO-PA
161229M/AM: E message for deleted master data objects
158809M/AM: Currency-specific commission amount
143907Auftrag ohne Belieferung bei zwei Umzügen "3.04/*
107830Archivierung von Tagesrouten - Selektionsdatum
99108IS-M: Set closing date: Auth. check 3.0*/4.0*