SAP Note 147731 - AFS V1.0D2 Fixpack #4 including HP/LCP 19-26

Composant : Upgrade Add-On Components (IS) - Industry-Specific Component Apparel and Footwear

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
La note SAP spécifie les procédures et les prérequis pour l'application des CRTs, des Hot Packages/LCPs de niveaux 19 à 26, et du fixpack 4 pour la version V1.0D2 d'AFS sur la version 3.1I de SAP R/3. Utilisez la transaction SPAM pour effectuer les mises à jour, qui adressent divers bugs d'AFS et incluent des correctifs jusqu'au 18 juillet 1999. Les mises à jour et corrections subséquentes, de juillet à septembre, sont détaillées, soulignant les ajustements faits pour adresser les problèmes des notes précédentes, améliorant ainsi la fonctionnalité et la stabilité d'AFS. Essentiel pour les clients précédemment passés de la version AFS V1.0B à V1.0C de réaliser des préparations spécifiques du système en mettant à jour la table PAT03 avant d'appliquer le fixpack 4 pour garantir l'intégrité du système et éviter les erreurs de désassemblage des fichiers de données.

Mots Clés :
cssxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx pat   sapkiafl24    cssxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx pat   sapkiafl23    cssxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx pat   sapkiafl22    cssxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx pat   sapkiafl21otherwise, css0120024545 0000764 pat   sapkiafh24    css0120024545 0000763 pat   sapkiafh23    css0120024545 0000762 pat   sapkiafh22    css0120024545 0000761 pat   sapkiafh21, mass document change158527  afs lotsize procedure sgp2 - performance158672  errors, selecting line entry156818  pp/atp missing part list, mass document change153260  arun sorting / unallocated orders, repair programs mrp related areas152106  update terminations, batch input - mass customer change159847  correction report, subcontracting po155925  afs mm purchase requ, nt/specific/isafs/v10d/fix4/unix, /specific/isafs/v10d/fix4/nt

Notes associées :

171132Quotation via ME47 is expandable
165719Reserved qty. incorrect after implement. of note 161197
164948AFS Subcontracting PR - partial conversion to PO
162972Net price of PO item wrong when changing quantity
162845AFS Check report for subcontracting planned orders
162663Update temination in change grid cell controldata
162650PP ATP looks at component sizes that are finally is
162564PP/ATP wrong ATP results
162547AFS - direct input sales orders: bad performance
162412BOM item text clears size grid quantities
162346Component scrap for BOM explosion
162345Display AFS Costings
162319Incorrect component quantity for Read Master Data
162303Created production order with reference to sales order sec.
162301Correction of Note 146554
162272AFS: Costing version aft. matrl master direct input
162240VL04 dump with SQL Error 13
162172Message when changing prod.order if combined
162104Check report: Cmpre between head quantities and size spread
162067Remove Reason for Rejection in SD via MDC
162048AFS: Line selection not possible in MM03
162006Copy item data during automatic document reference
161998AFS-MRP Always Purchase Requisitions
161886ARun missing fields in the header line of ARun Mng.tool
161822AFS: wrong batch input data f. screen SAPLCSDI 0140
161805AFS ME52->Goto->Statistics->Changes does not show Username
161765ARun ignored sequence of stock categories
161744AFS: SO creation not possible with item category TATX
161714Performance during sales document reference
161638AFS Components are not availible in PR
161628AFS confirmation overview dialog
161592Short dump - Create Variant- Sort/Vendor ranking criteria!
161566AFS: Wrong pricing for standard material in line entry
161517Correction of note 155552
161404AFS:AFS data multple when BOM creatd w/ batch input
161386Info msg when changing sizes in production order
161344AFS Vendor capacity maintenance
161338Problems with scheduling
161270DUMP: exception message material delete raised
161256Insufficient perfomance when Trans. J4AD is used.
161221BOM explosion - add scrap/ samegrid default quan./ no comp.w
161197Incorrect requirements/allocations after order changes
161098AFS: MRP-status after material master change
161010AFS: missing Segment E1J3P01 during schedule line deletion
161006AFS Subcontracting PR was not opened again
160929The date 00.00.0000 is not convertable ...
160910Translation and status features
160893AFS IDOC ORDRSP: change Tabele CDPOS was not updated right
160883ARun drop status for ALL s.lines to a line even when some s.
160856Component calculation in production order
160828Delivery creation not possible for NLAG
160821Exception message - change material number field
160799ARun assignments with MRP status 9 in some cases are not bei
160775Print function from stock-/requirements list II
160599Problems with Screen Sequence Contol during reference
160506AFS: Plnd ord qty = ? when returning from 'AFS size
160463Performance for SD dataload via RVINVB00
160462AFS Goods receipt reversal
160455Wrong scheduling when 3rd party is used
160429Remove AFS criterion 'Single/sole breakpoint'
160396AFS filter
160357BAPI_REQUISITION_CREATE: Error message W5061
160292Batch input ability of Transaction J3A1 (PIR) II
160266Season error during idoc inbound
160265size conversion not working for value help in deliveries 2
160218AFS IDoc ORDCHG: order type determination
160183Consumption of forecast after note 155567
160157AFS Version number in J_3AMADKA
160149j_3ABUAFVV not updated when production order changed
160071Source Allocation - sort/weighting criteria
160038AFS DCI reset at goods receipt via IDOC
160004AFS Copying of secondary requirement
159932Checking Rule: Cancel Date with Zero Days incorrect
159862Performance for AFS EAN UPC numbers in SD
159851Stocks with consumption account
159788AFS J3AMAT: No update of AFS tables in change mode
159783AFS lotsize procedures
159642AFS Sizespread after conversion PR to PO
159635AFS: Wrong proposal of batch number at GR for PO
159615Date_to : stock elements ignored
159608J_3AMCAL: Reassign AFS costing report by new one
159604AFS: Errors in mass processing IDoc J_3AMAT
159574AFS Short dump when delete dimension (subcontract.)
159561Error during EDI inbound processing of sales order
159548Display subcontracting requirement from MRP list
159526Value-Help for AFS dimensions in confirmations
159496AFS Size Conversion: Performance I
159472J_3AKOSY/J_3AKOSZ: Wrong KEKO authority check
159465Update termination during online mrp
159424ARUN - reorganization for logfile tables
159223Exception messages - report to generate
159144AFS: Requirement not reopened after CO13
159137Incor.comp.calc. when mastr data reread
159132AFS dimension change after goods receipt
159121AFS: Compnent reqmts for subcontract order after GR
159053AFS Purchase requisition deletion indicator
159052AFS : Performance of document flow ( 2 )
159044size conversion not working for value help in deliveries
159021ARun - Customizing "DETAIL_SC_NBR_MISSING"
158974Corrections for note 155911 GI processing & forecast
158969ARun - Missing text in ARun log file
158963AFS DCI not set at goods receipt via IDOC
158958AFS MRP Status is not updated correct
158928AFS: Order related billing - Billing log
158881AFS: no BOM expl. in plnd ord for NOGRID material
158863Print function from stock-/requirements list
158838Confirmations will be doubled
158738AFS referencing contracts
158732Missing compnts in prod.order f.conv.from plnd ordr
158663Comb.order - GI of mixed batches - zero and manuell
158657AFS comb.order w. batch assign. - Button select/deselect all
158628AFS: Plnd ord qty = ? when returning from 'AFS size
158575Mass document change won't update mask materials
158524AFS Confirmations are displayed wrong in MD04
158509Prod.Costing:Size data Table J_3AKASIZE not created
158457AFS: Secndary reqmts after reversing goods movement
158443AFS IDOC: ORDRSP Problem IDOC is w/o sched.line #
158304AFS: EXIT_SAPLJ4AS_502 wrong Parameter
158291MD04 - performance
158290Wrong creation sequence when stocks are created
158260Missing unit conversion in Report J_3AINQT
158255AFS exception messages
158237Missing error check on dimensions in BOM maintnance
158215Short Dump in VA01 : CONVT_NO_NUMBER
158192MRP performance note XVIII
158185User-Exit for category determination
158101"Delivery completed" indicator not working correctly
158027AFS: Requirements for stock transport order
158021Backflush in complete prod. order confirmation
158013Performance of billing document processing
157971More qty. on delivery than ordered
157865AFS IDOC: POSEX field is incorrect
157854AFS: MRP Flag marc-j_3amind missing with ALE
157849J4AD display not any exception messages
157834AFS lot-sizing procedure FX
157789Dump in PP/ATP
157777GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED during order maintenance
157762Missing account assignm. by planned orders for make-to-order
157756AFS: No update of MRP-status at material master
157726Unconfirm of production order error message 8J956
157713Wrong quantity on planned order head
157710ARUN - Execution of User Exit depends on ARUN-type
157702ARun sorting on line level
157611Wrong partner display from AFS screen
157605Rush order won't create any delivery with VA02
157502Stock-/requirements list - to date introduction
157406Wrong exception message 010
157392Archiving MM-PReq,POs,purchasing info records w/AFS
157371AFS IDOC ORDERS : Detail error message for wrong UPC/EAN
157345AFS Planned order to purchase requisition
157335AFS IDOC: EXIT_SAPL4AS_502 is inactive
157329Net value/price on schedule line is not correct
157328Management Tool Utilization: Save Popup Text
157314ARun - Check results display - online only
157260AFS DCI not reset at goods receipt via IDOC
157218Maintaining Value Added Service data during order maintainan
157153Requirementscategory is missing in strock transfer orders
157124Change documents for AFS fields missing
157079Incorrect requirements after put to AFS 10d
157077AFS: Stock selection at transfer postings
157073final confirmation indicator
157038AFS: No update of price changes in AFS valuation view
157017AFS: Wrong quantity with movement type 104
157013Customer master: flag KNVV-J_3ACATS does not work
156997Missing scrap quantity in RESB (requirements)
156994Order display: push button for text don't work
156937The ATP horizont is scheduled wrong!
156934Incorrect scheduling after route change
156919CS01 / CS02 / CS03 Navigational buttons missing or not worki
156901AFS dependend requirement is not opened
156845Seasons : global key-flag without functionality
156731Change Cancel date with MDCD when MRP status is fixed
156705Missing document type in purchase requisition
156641Secondary requirments for subcontracting will not be deleted
156591Source Allocation Batch Run Deletes Release date on Req
156583Invoice completion status wrong for third party
156478final confirmation and quantity of one size is not enough
156444Contract/Quotation message 'F' for sales document
156439Lock situations during order/delivery creation
156430Lotsize DRS and SGP Performance
156356ARun for transport orders dumped with BCD_BADDATA
156312Userexit Source Allocation 'EXIT_SAPLJ3AE_007'
156216comb.order furth.funct. - GI rounding for added batch
156206clear open reservations for batches when quantity is 0
156113Missing allocation entries after picking
156105Order text items will be copied into delivery
156072Message 063 Invalid factory calendar or error ...
155937AFS Subcontracting PO
155911Changing forecast processing during goods issue
155842Wrong ATP overview
155821Requirementscategory is missing in strock transfer orders
155705Wrong purchase organisation when cross company is used!
155700Prod.costing: No display of AFS sizes within CK13
155684IM: Wrong qtys subcontrac., prod.orders, stock transport
155679Performance/Sales Order : Multiple ATP due to wrong status d
155667Sales Order Costing for CP/AFS Materials
155593AFS: Rounding error for component qty in prod.order
155567MRP performance note XVII
155552Source Allocation - NEW key combination for politcal restric
155525AFS: Plnd ord qty = ? when returning from 'AFS size grid'
155501AFS: Goods receipt for PO with confirmation control key
155496AFS Filter - Export to buffer failed - part II
155464PP ATP is still looking at finally issued components
155458Wrong scheduling when 3rd party is used
155456AFS: Final issue indicator not set on dimension level
155454Wrong quantities when rounding profile is used!
155452AFS: ATP not correct at manual reservations
155400No batch input data f. screen SAPLCSDI 0140 or 0131
155396AFS: Missing size data from Batch Input BOM creation
155324Combined Order reversal with batch assignment
155318AFS comb.order extention for rounding / 0 batch highlight
155314Update termination planned order to purchase req.
155290Purchase organistion wrong after note 154165
155275AFS Subcontracting Purchase requisition
155156Special Report for Update of MBEW Standard Prices
155139Delivery not created out of rush order after change
155109SQL error messages - incorrect
155042Additional correction for notes 149937 and 150106
155033Cumulative packing data with available packages
154953AFS EDI ORDERS : missing VAS data
154937Calculation scheme not determined when creating a sales orde
154911PPM maintenance: primary resource change incorrect
154873Backflush when production order is confirmed
154871Wrong avail. dates when periodic lotsize is used
154812MRP performance note XVI
154788Unconfirm of production order error message 8J956
154773AFS Requirement category is lost in PR
154765J4A,: No costing when selection done via season
154764AFS IDoc DESADV - size is confirmed doubled
154760ARUN - BACK and EXIT Button don't work accurately
154657AFS: problems with BOM expl. at Prod.Order creation
154628AFS Grid: Performance DimensionCheckTable: J_3ADICT
154608J_3AMRPB not planning standard materials online
154544SOP-PIR Mass transfer:Wrong entry in SOP screen II
154339Create production order with reference to sales order
154334Missing domain value J01 in EDI_QUALFO
154326Parallel Processing for AFS Costing Run
154311AFS: Performance goods issue for delivery note
154233Wrong quantity calculation in order list overview
154172display combined ordernummer in production order
154165Plant as vendor / special procurement key
154151AFS Subcontracting vendor is not set for components
154123No deliveries are created when stock is blocked
154097AFS Vendor capacity changing Vendor
154095MD05 detail for Preqs. from demanding plant
154080AFS Data in purchasing lists
154068Distribut.of Requirem.:Category profile description
154057AFS MRP selects wrong Purchorg from material master
154052Problems with order scheduling and rejection code
154037Check reserved qty. during order maintenance
153992Incorrect cursor position on delivery picking screen
153980No data selected when calling J4AD for all materials
153953Incor.sold-to party address when sales order creatd
153939Subcontracting and goods receipt
153929PIR:Reorganization program zeroed the withdraw.qty.
153906Political Restricitions ignored during Source Allocation
153737AFS: Idoc gets syntax error when deletion flag is set
153670AFS: reread master data in prod.ord: wrong BOM expl.
153669AFS Flow of issue of mats at subcontractor not useful
153453Short Dump in Purchase Order with different unit of measure
153442IS-AFS Setting of final issue in prod. order comp.
153428Update terminated when GR to PO form Subcontractor
153424Wrong display of customer expected Price in V.25
153394Wrong VAS items are generated
153383AFS : J3AMAT cannot generate communication IDocs
153373Incorrect scheduling for rejected schedule lines
153371No Grid Cell Controldata in change Sales Order
153318Dummy Assignment in spread logic in case of no quantity
153262MAS selection delete
153256ARUN - requirements sorting priority
153189ARun statistic - delete button for reorganization
153176MRP performance note XV
153175Some orders do not have quantity on the components list
153168AFS: Order conf. creates goods receipt w PO in batch no
153161AFS: Fixed reservation not reduced at GI for combined order
153059AFS EDI ORDERS : partner popup during IDoc process
153048AFS EDI ORDERS : Store/Quantity problem in MSO
153020New Price determination for schedule lines in contract
153001AFS PIR: F4-Help (Requirements date) on MAT-level
152994Purchasing info record Transport Zone
152993Delivery status wrong in SD-documents III
152990ATP Simulation - Falsches Update der Pos.Kategorie
152973Dump during ATP check in production orders
152924AFS IDOC: J3AMAT Missing field E1J3MRC-J_3ABAINT
152904Transaction J4A<
152841Changing dim. in prod. order causes update termin.
152756AFS Stock transport order conversion PR to PO
152755AFS SC Stock Monitoring for vendor -size conversion
152732MRP Performance Note XIV
152721ARun status in salesorder header & line was wrong calculated
152718PIR: "Active-Flag" goes inactive after Presizing
152714Vendor capacity period is not created
152711AFS PR display of wrong dimensions in line entry
152704AFS Mass Change Material Master: Error list missing
152698Delivery items with zero quantity
152673AFS vendors capacities with planned vendors
152661No dimension conversion for deliveries
152610mrp relevant confirmations are doubled
152554Different units of measurement not working correct
152516combined orders - Data generation like MRP run
152505AFS: PROR - rounding error in component quantity
152503combined orders - Data generation like MRP run
152337AFS: Open quantity at goods receipt for PO
152305AFS PIR: F4-Help (Requirements date) on SKU-level
152295Problems when using AFS - requirements
152191ARun reallocation logic (online)
152092Logfile to trace possible inconsistency in J_3ABDBS/BDBS_M/B
152090Incorrect status after releasing orders from credit block (2
152039ARun did not free up stock after failured release check
152029ATP/PP: Confirmed quantities according to SAP standard
152017AFS Purchasing Lists - wrong display of GR
151990AFS: EDI ORDERS wrong stores in MultiStoreOrder
151926AFS Subseq. adjustment: Cancel material document
151911MRP check reports
151864Error for scheduling agreements with delivered item
151845AFS: Default stock category after value help
151842AFS Field value is too large and cannot be displayed
151829Saisonal Indicator in R/3 standard costing run
151795multi level BOM explosion AFS wrong quantities
151758AFS: Performance goods issue PIR reduction
151720Prod.Costing: Short dump SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC
151694IDoc can be imported into GI-posted delivery
151673AFS Update termination ME22 ( confirmations )
151454PP/ATP: ATP is successful although it shouldn't
151412Error in contracts with delivered item
151320Goods receipt processing time in shipping notifications
151287VAS additional datas not copied to deliveries
151275AFS Consigment position field NETPR on AFS Screen
151238ATP for rejected sizes after Mat/Plant/size change
151200Compl. confirmation for production order GR multple
151170Scheduling agreemnt schedule lines cannot be enterd
151133Performance and errors in transaction J4A<
151123EAN/UPC will not be copied from order to delivery
151089Exception 412 not displayed in MD04
151060AFS: Incomplete error message for material determination
151040Delivery creation for stock transport w/o stock
151000No MSO-Process possible after deletion of item
150983AFS source allocation performance tuning
150966FPT - Active Flag at Planned Independent Requirements
150956comb.ord. - goods issue for reserv.batches quan. 0
150848Subsystem sends IDocs with status 64
150795System Error after item deletion
150784Data archiving with AFS involvement
150708Free available stock will be ignored!
150690AFS: Error 8J069 when cancelling material document
150675Field J_3ATQTY in Contracts
150663Fixed Reservations not deleted with combined order
150572Wrong navigation if big header is used in J4AD/J3AD
150569AFS GR processing time is not considered in PReq.
150561Source Allocation - J3AF/J5AC
150522AFS Subcontracting components are not correct
150513AFS Error in Note 149069 (netpr is not filled)
150479IS-AFS Cancelling conf. with automatic GR -> Error
150462Performance improvement order entry of large orders
150447Extension of user exit for PIRs (planned indep. requirem.)
150436Wrong BOM expl. when using deviation qty/categories
150395Delivery dump after item deletion
150372Exception message 006 but date not in past
150274PP/ATP is successful although it isn't
150124Unwanted auto. goods movmnt w/ conf. to prod.order
150106AFS Note 149937 contains error
150090No confirmation message data during initial supply
150075Production order in MD05 but not in MD04
149987Category change in production orders are not saved
149971AFS When PReq converted into PO planned vendor lost
149937AFS Stock transport order problem with DCI
149879Unnecessary sort after note 148018 and 143036
149811Customer DC of Distribution Center wrong
149782Access to stock elements - endless loop
149632MD06 - Index on first list
149592CK40: Wrong BOM expl. when costing with costing run
149570Stock transport order: zero qty. / mchb-j_3aresm
149544Incorrect status after releasing orders from credit block
149523AFS Goods receipt j_3abssi is not updated
149462ARun status in salesorder header & line was wrong calculated
149363Genratng plannd ordr w/o AFS grid info/plannd order
149354Deletion of size in grid but qties not from BOM
149335ATP with incorrect result
149280Fix for 'AFS Data' button displaying wrong data
149267AFS IDOC J3AWMB01 is calculating wrong tolerance
149243AFS: Requirement not reduced after goods receipt
149237J_3AMC01: Update price data in AFS Valuation View
149231Update termination : POSTING_ILLEGAL_STATEMENT II
149126IS-AFS CO02 error in deletion size of AFS-component
149093Unwantd auto.goods movmt w/
149083Order maintenance F4 Help screen won't display data
149081Error in Transaction J4A<
149069AFS Price with currency without decimals (ITL)
148985Performance Del.Due. internal status table to big
148959Transport request for transaction OV35 fails
148918No requirement categories in stock transfer order
148889IS-AFS MRP does not start after prod. order change
148888AFS - DCI not set for standard material
148851J_3AMC01:Use of surchrges & reductions w/
148846Source Allocation - Loop/Read Performance
148822When adding under/over tol UNTTO & UEBTO not update
148800Compl.confirmation not cancelld error messge I8J956
148733Doublicatetes of KUNNR in MCC are allowed
148634Grid:Create ref.master grid = used flag must set II
148590MD05: wrong transport requirement is displayed
148567Update termination : POSTING_ILLEGAL_STATEMENT
148526AFS MM goods receipt LIS
148389User modifications in AFS
148362Comb.Orders further Funktions - user Exits ..SAPSERV
148357Error deleting J_3ABSSI/EBAN for make-to-order
148353MAS variant is not matching correct ARUN access index
148343PO displayed as third-party although its not
148311AFS Inter. error when stock transfer cat. selected
148186Make to order, problems with origin order number
148173AFS Mass Processing SOP-PIR (Background processing)
148161Performance for grid handling (size splitting)
148132ARun list display text in english in case of miss. translati
148085Performance of billing document processing
148072Ignore costing flag when activate prices (J4A.)
148018ATP result w/o stock even if available
147967SGP lotsize procedure : mix of size-groups
147873Incorrect reqmts reduction OUn not equal to base UM
147834CK40: Wrong BOM expl. when costing with costing run
147827AFS IDoc: J3ABOM. Missing user exits for BOM
147801Make to order, missing order number in RESB
147794After insert note 147456 an activation error occurs
147786Correction of note 146621
147759Convert stock transfer order to planned order
147745Display problems by firming time fence
147599Secondary requirments for subcontracting will not be deletet
147577Missing text elements in standard print forms
147559IS-AFS no components in production order
147547size conversion in ARun and management tool
147546AFS MRP creates pur reqs inside planning time fence
147525Product costing: Wrong qty. for material with SOBSL
147503AFS: Error 8J069 at movement type 102
147479Change of MSO-Mix leads to message instead of change
147456Error Idoc J3amat01 after Fixpack3 1.0D
147445Wrong exception message 007 for production orders
147417Inconsistencies in billing quantity
147416AFS: Reserved quantity wrong in special stocks
147313AFS: Error message 8J248 during goods movements
147306Deadlock during total planning run
147231Further data for ATP user-exit
147216Creating BOMs (copying) - deleting 1st component
147205Multi-level MRP is switched on in material master.
147204AFS: Loading BOMs in BDC sessions. Dev qty not available
147174Contract reference with sales BOM
147120Costing run: BOM explosion with wrong quantity/size
147108Date 00.00.0000 is not convert./negative quantities in PLAF
147072performance ARun 6 (part 3)
146994Shipping notifications after note 143036
146919MTO: dependent requirements get combined
146771AFS IDoc: J3AMAT error in mass processing 8J671
146767AFS SIzespread miscalculation
146766Order props. will not be created outside the firm. horizont
146736Pricing: Deleting schedule line in sales order
146699consignment isssue:delivery won't update assignment
146640IS-AFS CO11 Prod. Lot data for prod.order not found
146621FPT:TIME_OUT DUMP,transaction J5AI,program J_3ASAC3
146616Incorrect rqmd qty. after PO for stock transport
146561Translation of partner function in list of MDCD
146554AFS Correction Report for Subcontracting
146464AFS Grid:F4-Date selection field-date format probl.
146389J_3AMC01: Wrong price unit for new valuation types
146378MRP doesn't reexplode when BOM is changed
146369Incorrect A-Run status on Header level
146318Prod.costing: Wrong BOM explosion for std.material
146303Wrong lot size when costing AFS materials
146263Supplement to note 142394/137154/materialsmovement
146231Trans. 'CORY': Remove incorrect view field name
146213MTO: unexpected purchase requisition for component
146163AFS PIR:J3A2 (Display) MM/PP-Status message problem
146146Confirmation - open reservation flag disapear after entering
146132Planned order: Error when component display called
146096Planning horizont for AFS
146078Writing error in menue of MDCD
146051Avoid unneeded MRP runs in batch
146031F1-help for fields all/open sales order in MDCD
145931Deleting of subcontracting purchase req.
145930Note 144356 contains errors
145805AFS Stock Transfer - Incomplete items
145744Line entry display problems in purchase order
145733Exeded open quantities in contracts
145663Missing variable im message after fixpack3 for 1.0D2
145641Impossible to have the startdate in the future
145602Stock/Requirements check and rebalancing program
145587J_3AMC01: Extended Log printing in batch mode
145582AFS Reason code messgae 'Catalog must ...' appears
145580AFS: customer material not filled in IDoc
145567AFS updating production version in AFS prod. order
145563AFS LIS for goods receipt
145539AFS SD document number is not in secundary requ.
145509AFS V1.0D2 Fixpack #3 including HP/LCP 6-18
145504Short dump "RAISE MATERIAL_DELETE" in sales order
145452Secondary requirements will not be combined
145446Performance for delivery
145404ATP proposes more then 100%
145396AFS: VKORG, VTWEG, SPART cannot be determined for customer
145373AFS godds movement 543 via J4A) not possible
145271Backflushing against dyn.bin (WM) reduces first batch only
145249VAS longtext in VAS proposal not working
145247Display of VAS longtext in invoices
145225AFS: Seasonal indicator in material master
145199CK64: Parallel/Background Process. for AFS materials
145198AFS: Error message M7116 for goods movement
145168AFS: Performance goods issue delivery note
145160Wrong ATP overview
145131Action Rule sometimes determined wrong MRP status
145118Subcontracting requirement-stock-categories
145106Pur. reqs. will be recreated inside the planning time fence.
145090AFS MRP and safety lead time
144900AFS: Consumption of forecast at goods issue
144854Extend Batch# Functionality for AFS (User-Exit)
144834GI update termination : J_3APBBD primary key extension
144825BOM/DIFF PLANTS/std comp not planned
144818Requirement qty. greater size qty.
144809Customer material number is not diplayed in invoice
144736DUMP: ABAP/4 runtime error CONVT_NO_NUMBER
144723Prod.Costing: Wrong BOM explosion for AFS materials
144721AFS Vendor capacity is calculated wrong
144587Performance source Allocation Part II
144490Reserve/cancel function in MRP (J3AD/J4AD)
144424Reduced material master IDocs in AFS
144364Order change: ATP locks more than ordered
144356AFS Conversion of planned order to purch. req.
144334Stock/requirements list - no size info displayed
144164Categories in contract without plant
144045Get the right name of sequential file for MCC
143877Short dump in MDCD when material is selected
143757Generating error in screen 1000
143535AFS Subcontracting: GR for PO - reversal
143369Goods receive for delivery note
143328wrong quantities during store overview
143126Open quantities in contracts
142843Wrong determination of the planning time fence
142805Secondary requirement not deleted/doubled
142537Parallel processing for AFS MRP according to SAP standard
142088AFS Contract open quantity is wrong
141573Addition of dimensions and categories to inv. lists
141177Follow-up error in MRP when negative values are existing
140705ARun dynamic credit check / wrong cred.exposure
140698Source Allocation - capacity evaluation list
140609Different grids for component and header in BOM
140007AFS: price conditions per dimension: substitue &SZ
139351AFS SC STock monitoring
138334Item disappears with material determination in MSO
138329Additional selections for AFS costing run
137513AFS IDOC: ORDERS Different ship-to/bill-to-party not possibl
137454ARun BOM didn't work correctly
137383Repeated error message 8J311 when changing MSO
137198AFS printout invoice with AFS data
136876Total Quantity in PR, PO
136760Requirement/supply matching & sort order
135932J_3AKOSY/J_3AKOSZ: Additional Selections
135690Product costing: Wrong BOM explosion
135096Returns(to sales order) not displayed in AFS mrp
134986MSO determin.during a new mix creation
134705Delivery stock category list display incorrect
134463MRP creates pld.ord./pur.req. w/o size information
133679Fast Entry for Maintenance of Preference Groups
133466EM 202 - SQL error: error during INSERT table EBKN : ...
130471Rush order with reference to contract/ with return
129942performance ARun 6 (part 1)
129728Check report for status of SD documents
128097AFS Stock tansport order
126190ARun caused dead locks in MCHB
124944AFS DI material master: dimension check with season
124686Order requirement/allocation check ( J_3ASDRQ )
124676Wrong schedule line category in order
123935performance ARun 6 (part 2)
122299Support the flag for PIR reduction from SD
121477SD check report for order/delivery
112876Purchasing statistics - schedule lines MCEKET
96172AFS: Release-/Migration Plan, Support package Status