Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)
Résumé :
La note SAP exige des ajustements des paramètres de profil SAP suite à l'implémentation d'un noyau 64 bits dans votre système SAP, avec des directives clés pour la configuration et la configuration du système fournies pour diverses plateformes telles que AIX, Windows, Linux et HP-UX. Les recommandations incluent un minimum de 20 Go d'espace de swap et des spécifications sur les paramètres de mémoire partagée pour divers composants tels que em/initial_size_MB et em/blocksize_KB. L'adaptation aux recommandations spécifiques à la plateforme est cruciale, en se référant à des notes SAP détaillées. Il est préconisé de tester dans un environnement non productif avant une implémentation complète pour garantir une intégration transparente.
Mots Clés :
components bc-cst-mm memory management priority recommendations / additional info category consulting validity software componentfrom rel, ibm power --- 391 windows i386 560 --- windows ia64 --- 561 windows x86_64 --- 562please, call transaction st04 -> 'detail analysis menu' -> 'onstat commands' -> '-, t-code st03 -> detailed -> extended memory -> block list, attributes transaction codes db2st03st04time header data released, customer component sv-bo backoffice service delivery, call transaction st04 -> 'detail analysis menu' -> ', 624 sun 369 370 linux i386 387 --- linux ia64 --- 388 linux x86_64 ---, platform 32-bit 64-bit ---------------------------------------------------------------- dec-alpha --- 288 hp-ux 272 273, subsequentsap_appl40a40b 45a45b 46a46b 46c46c sap_basis46d46d 610640 700700 references
Notes associées :
1831594 | 2LIS_13_VDKON: condition extractor in collective billing run |
1112627 | SAP on HP-UX: Recommendations for swap and pseudo swap |
941735 | SAP memory management for 64-bit Linux systems |
931024 | FAQ: 64-bit platforms for Windows |
923610 | Memory parameter recommendations for banking systems |
835474 | More than 32 GB extended memory |
789477 | Large extended memory on AIX (64-bit) as of Kernel 6.20 |
570375 | SAP on Sun Solaris: Swap Space and Paging |
563060 | DB2/390: Configuring application server on Linux for zSeries |
548845 | Internal modes uses more than 2 GB |
445533 | Lots of extended memory on AIX (64 bit) |
425207 | SAP memory management, current parameter ranges |
422467 | DB6: Installation of a 64-bit SAP System |
356828 | DB6: Migrating to 64-bit for AIX, Linux x86_64, and Solaris |
353110 | Installation 64-bit SAP 4.6D Kernel for Solaris |
308375 | 64-bit SAP software |
214122 | SAP R/3 64-bit Kernel on AIX |
205074 | Installation SAP R/3 64-bit kernel for AIX |
199008 | Ordering 64-bit R/3 4.0B/4.5B for AIX and Oracle |
174089 | Order 64-bit SAP R/3 4.0B/4.5B for ReliantUNIX |
172747 | SAP on HP-UX: OS kernel parameter recommendations |
158709 | Installation SAP R/3 64 bit kernel ReliantUNIX |
155355 | Installation SAP R/3 4.5B-64bit kernel |
155135 | Ordering 64-bit SAP R/3 4.5B for HPUX 11.0 64-bit |
153641 | Swap space requirement for R/3 64-bit kernel |
146528 | Configuration of R/3 on hosts with much RAM |
146248 | Installation SAP R/3 4.0B-64bit kernel |
146218 | Ordering 64-bit SAP R/3 4.0B for HPUX 11.0 64-bit |
126137 | Additions Oracle upgrade to 8.0.5: UNIX 64-bit |
88416 | Zero administration memory management for the ABAP server |
40815 | Single or Double byte installed ? (nls_check) |
1257455 | Exception aggregation: Performance and memory requirement |
111876 | Installation of a 64 bit Informix Dynamic server |