Composant : Please use a sub-component -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
support package 05 includes correction listed, support package stack guide, import sp05 forsap ehp1, terms sap process integration, sap netweaver pi 7, sap service marketplaceas, section relevant notes, sapxipck solution, sapxiafcsapxicons, note 952402

Notes associées :

1538598XI runtime: Address data records in PI message processing
1533004Authentication bypass vulnerability in ESR
1532613Entering the pipeline name in RSXMB_SWITCH_ARCHIVE_VERSIONS
1532319Keep FTP connection alive when servernode can't acquire lock
1528390RFC Adapter: Principal Propagation issue with RFC Receiver
1519608Searching for passwords is possible in Exchange Profile UI
1518991JMS Adapter - Channel reconnect fails
1512776Crosssite scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in admin page (PI)
1509561Null pointer exception during mapping exe.using FixValues
1509477Receiver file adapter messages fail with 'Already Exists' er
1507698Content of Best Effort messages not displayed
1504997channels using Connect On Demand seem to be blocked
1504305Parameter value of an UDF comes as null.
1503856Potential information disclosure relating to server info
1503579Authentication bypass vulnerability in NetWeaver PI
1502971Improved supportability handling of ClassNotFoundException
1502606Async/Sync modules may not set the correlation ID in 71x
1501724JMS Adapter multiple listeners registered with EOIO QoS
1499830RFC Adapter support for BAPIRETURN1 type
1495509Error in Java Doc production for JPR classes
1493220Mapping threads hang during execution.
1491580Axis handlers in the receiver side may not get full context
1491483SOAP Adapter - Messages lost under high load
1489965Incorrect output of Queue function
1484901Not able to access the TimeSent Parameter.
1483974File and JDBC sender adapter's retry not working after error
1483168JMS sender deadlocks when stopped during message processing
1474336Axis adapter handler for resolving multiRef references
1473299Setting Maximum Concurrency and poolWaitingTime in File/Jdbc
1470127Sender SOAP Adapter- Missing headers in DynamicConfiguration
1468660Duplication check for pop protocol
1468645Mails copied to error folder though processed successfully
1465993Directory Authorization evaluation non functional
1459995Soap Sender Adapter HTTP 202 response for asynchronous call
1459584JMS adapter could not send acknowledgements
1455588Split mapping for proxy: INTERFACE_REGISTRATION_ERROR
1452539BPE-RUN: Alert Category texts and container not correct
1451845CPV - lines, subtotal. incorrect, corrections
1451843Missing input validation in SLD UI pages
1450670Setting '0..unbounded' cardinality in ESR
1450329Parameter DISABLE_METERING_CACHE has no effect
1448809XI runtime: Receiver in main header is initial
1448807XI Runtime: Trace entries for acknowledgments
1448266Missing authentication check in MessageSearch service
1448254RSXMB_MON_MSG_INDEX_SEARCH - Incorrect sorting by date
1447825XI mapping: Logging of mapping steps
1447215IDoc packaging: Dump due to SXMS_ASYNC_EXEC_PACK
1447001IDoc adapter: MMF messages
1446512Error when downloading XML message in SXI_MONITOR
1446459Error in the report SXMS_EO_STOP_SWITCH
1445660Integration engine config.: Input help for parameter LOGGING
1444259Error in application for changing the number of EOIO queues
1442652XI mapping: Dump "CX_ST_MATCH_ELEMENT" during split mapping
1442580Potential disclosure of authentication information
1442517Unauthorized modification of displayed content-ISpeakAdapter
1442227BPE-RUN: Table SMPPXLOG keeps increasing
1441488Receiver JMS adapter does not log linked exception
1440519PI SEC: Potential disclosure of authentication information
1439447Plain HTTP adapter: Application Ack not supported
1439371Table SWW_WIREGISTER is constantly increasing
1439273Security Note - Password is written to JDBC config dump.
1439237Accepting the HTTP HEAD command
1437660Synchronous processing: Error MSGGUID_EXISTING
1437424SENDER/RECEIVER constant function in Mapping returns NULL
1436821BPE-RUN: Explicit dequeue of E_BPE_INBOUND
1436594PI7.11 RWB probem in viewing SOAP Envelope for synchronous m
1435998Axis adapter fails to return error ack message on soap fault
1432650IDoc adapter: Error in IDX_NOALE
1432624CCMS: Unauthorized alerts for topic SWF_XI_SWPC
1432169Packaging: Trace entries are not written
1431381Error in acknowledgment processing in case of errors
1430885XI3.0/PI7.0x/PI7.1x: Versions for archiving - trace
1430864IDoc adapter: ALEAUD with Application Error Permanent
1430645Split-Mapping not displayed in Inteface Determination Editor
1430004PI 7.1x: Runtime RSXMB_SHOW_STATUS
1429703Hard-coded User Name
1427837Incorrect queue and missing payload when error occurs
1427560Parameter SYNC_ERROR_LOG and value NO
1427557Interface-specific parameter SYNC_ERROR_LOG
1426905File processing fails when multiple ip addresses are used
1426593Error in the processing of package errors
1426216IDoc adapter: Scrolling behavior of IDX_NOALE
1424670XI runtime: AFW MaxRequestContentLength
1424648During update of Service Interface, operation name is empty
1424302Update of Service Interface Fails (key initialization error)
1424290Value Mapping Replication API in multi server node systems
1423435SXI_MONITOR Nach dem Auffrischen fehlt Sortierung
1423307Changing of message status 'Recorded' when short dump occurs
1423303XI runtime: Acknowledgment "NO_BACK_SYSTEM_IN_HOPLIST"
1422632Packaging: Partner denormalization in XI outbound adapter
1422446F7 check error in 7.0 for datatypes imported from 7.1X syste
1421796RWB message monitoring returns duplicate msgs from archive
1421444XI runtime: HTTP trace for SAP support
1421431Message Monitoring Link in Alert inbox
1421331IDoc adapter: AB0 runtime error IDX_SYSACK_OK
1421310WS adapter: Different transient sequences
1421003BPE-RUN: Synchronous message proxies cannot be deleted
1420787RFC Import Wizard hangs during import of RFCs
1420744IDoc adapter: Rare special characters in IDoc XML
1420619ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: BS in ID cannot be opened
1420353PMI: Outbound agent is not always called
1419609XI runtime: No logging for pipeline service
1416725Interface/operation-specific authorization check in receiver
1416675Packaging: Performance data for SLD access
1416605XI3.0, PI7.00-7.11:Dump during performance monitoring in RWB
1416404BPE-DEF: Error on import of integration process in ESR
1415899Elements in xsd:extension missing in context object editor
1415119Mapping Threads hanging
1414974Mapping threads are hanging
1414436Superfluous deadlines for blocks
1414089Potential disclosure of authentication information in XI
1414074Long runtime of deadline job SWWWDHEX
1413865Calling an ABAP proxy several times
1413840OOM handling in File adapter
1413396Plain HTTP: Acknowledgment interface in request message
1409757XI runtime: Receiver determination with #
1409567BPE-DEF: Mapping parameters missing in transformation step
1408169XI runtime: Sender Service initial
1408065JMS Message Dump
1407697Work process ID in message tace
1404977XI runtime: Message cannot be displayed due to missing PID
1404487WS adapter: Dump ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEY due to message monitor
1403973XI runtime: Cross-client refreshing of adapter status
1403787XI alerting: Container variable for error text of IEngine
1403681Unexpected error while unpacking the MIME message in RNIF
1403413BPE-RUN: Alert raises error when Alert Category is missing
1402179IR or ID hangs while accessing version history of an object
1400747BPE-DEF: Wrong serialisation of Context Object expression
1400352XI adapter library may not set the content attributes
1400142Axis adapter does not copy some content attributes for xi
1397785XI runtime: Interfaces incorrect for AFW-HTML response
1397010Error handling too strict in workflow persistence
1396385Changes in transaction IDX2
1396107Workflow deadlines: Behavior with time 00:00:00
1395601Alerts for rule w/ 'Connected to message' indicator = Yes/No
1395151Packaging: ID of sender agreement is not set
1395020Workflow Builder: Error SWF_EXP_001 035 with blocks
1394641SXMB_MONI: Termination if more than 990 attachments in msg
1393860XI adapter: Acknowledgments cannot be reorganized
1393623Standard Date functions : Calendar is always Lenient
1392974Logging Configuration Changes via Exchange Profile
1392632High memory allocation for split mapping (SYSTEM_NO_ROLL)
1392451Connections are not closed from JDBC side for DB2
1391093IDoc adapter: ALEAUD with customer enhancement
1390955Allowing a "-" in Service Role Name for Ispeak(RNIF)Adapters
1390326Attachments not possible for AAE
1389948semaphore 12 in SM50 for Linux operating system
1389662Receiver file channel overwrites file in Unix environment
1385579Axis adapter's generic Header insertion/extraction handlers
1384197Split mapping: Dump COMPUTE_INT_PLUS_OVERFLOW
1377717SOAP sender adapter: SOAP_http connection not started error
1372614no mapping runtime cache update in multi server node environ
1366904XI runtime: Deactivating cache enqueue
1362116XI3.0, PI7.00-7.20: Performance of SXMB_MONI
1361305File sender adapter generates duplicate message IDs.
1359224Split mapping: Dump SYSTEM_NO_ROLL with many sub-messages
1358812Failed XI/PI registration in SLD for multi node engines
1357409Temp file remains in directory when file processing fails
1355715AF Scheduler to avoid using cluster communication
1339449Enable/Disable NTuple feature for changelist transports
1335693WD ABAP ALV settings dialog error message is not deleted
1335413IDoc adapter: ATTRIBUTE_CONV_UTF8 in sender
1325683Could not compile stylesheet using Java Extension in XSLTC
1321077Performance problem when reorganizing EOIO queues
1311138XI Runtime: Sync/async bridge: Message not found
1280496Channel Monitoring: text missing in short log
1265534Archive faulty files does not work with add time stamp mode
1225693Corrupt Japanese chars in ftp mode and j2ee hang with ftp
1131656Creation of temporary file name with Message ID
1131651FTP receiver adapter deletes file with append mode
1109648XI/PI SOAP Adapter: Receiver Soap Adapter with fault message
1033994IDoc adapter: Data records not sequentially numbered
136541Health: benefits cost conversion incorrect