SAP Note 1387511 - Price determination type always reset when PO created

Composant : Userinterface - Purchase Orders - Price Determination

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
When using BAPI_PO_CREATE1 to create purchase orders in SAP SRM, the price determination date control indicator should reflect the goods receipt date (characteristic 5). However, this setting is not retained, causing error 06 634, which states that pricing at the time of goods receipt is not possible. This occurs because the system's validation of the indicator is overly restrictive. The recommended action is to apply program corrections to ensure the proper handling and retention of the price determination date control setting.

Mots Clés :
price determination date, condition control reason, goods receipt date, goods receipt, purchase order, system displays, terms mepo, ekpo-meprf, solution implement, program corrections

Notes associées :

1463835Coexistance between O&G and PPS: Preliminary Notes
444708New price determination for GR, no posting of freight costs