SAP Note 1348772 - CDMC Corrections - Composite SAP Note

Composant : Custom Development Management Cockpit -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
Cette note SAP détaille les prérequis et les solutions pour assurer le fonctionnement optimal des projets du Custom Development Management Cockpit (CDMC) au sein de l'Enterprise Edition du SAP Solution Manager avec le plug-in ST-PI. Les instructions clés incluent l'implémentation des Notes spécifiées et l'importation des niveaux de Support Package disponibles les plus élevés par ordre chronologique pour un fonctionnement sans erreurs du système. La note couvre divers scénarios (CA, UCIA et CTS) et met en évidence les erreurs et les corrections relatives aux différentes versions de Support Package. Elle spécifie également que toutes les corrections de programme doivent être appliquées aux paysages système respectifs (systèmes de contrôle, d'analyse, statistique/référence/cible).

Mots Clés :
custom development management cockpit 1318148-> sap custom code change impact analysis - preparation 1321095-> cdmc ucia, ad-hoc analysis project state refresh 1418474 -> cdmc ehp1, cdmc - custom development management cockpit 1376408-> cdmccaucia, terms custom development management cockpit, sap custom development management cockpit, project creation time displayed incorrectly 1558916-> cdmc, find referred objs support package 03 relevant notes, releases gt 700 1520898-> cdmcca st-pisp03 dump, custom develoment managment cockpit 1244713-> installation, upgrade change/impact analysis

Notes associées :

1647264CDMC(STPI SP04)UCIA: Activity Status of Find Referred Objs
1647171CDMC(STPI SP04)CA: DB deadlock in syntax check activity
1644127CDMC(STPI SP04)UCIA:Error in remote comparison-KB scenario
1643982CDMC(SP04)UCIA: Piecelist error in Find Referred SAP objects
1627567CDMC(ST-PI SP04):Customer Batch input objects not displaying
1618431CDMC(ST-PI SP04)CA: Duplicate entries in Result (SOLMAN).
1617742CDMC(ST-PISP04)UCIA:Wrong severity for Request/task objects.
1617577CDMC(ST-PISP04)CA:Exclude CUSTOM & DEVELO Projects in SOLMAN
1616735CDMC(ST-PI SP04)CTS: Incorrect severity in Display Results.
1616032CDMC(ST-PI SP04)CTS: No External Subroutines in Results.
1615148CDMC(STPI SP04):CTS Usage not supported for some Obj. Types
1596517CDMC SP03/04 UCIA: Identify changed CLASS methods
1591767Dump by clicking on sub/totals row of ALV in Display results
1590222CDMC (ST-PI SP03,SP04): Error in 'Define Project Landscape'
1590119CDMC (ST-PI SP04)Miscellaneous Corrections for CA/UCIA
1585242CDMC(ST-PISP03):Define Proj Landscape stat system not active
1584299Collective Note with all corrections for CDMC (ST-PI SP04)
1570064CDMC(ST-PI SP03)CA:Cancel button not working in Det.Empty DB
1564938CDMC(ST-PI SP03) CA:Changed by/on missing in Display Results
1560405CDMC(ST-PISP03):SP Level Error in 'Define Project Landscape'
1558916CDMC(ST-PI SP03):UCIA Count in log and result are different
1550377CDMC ST-PI SP03:Project Creation Time displayed incorrectly
1547344CDMC (ST-PI SP03) CA Scenario: Miscellaneous Corrections
1540760CDMC(ST-PISP03):Status of aborted CA/UCIA not updated
1539789CDMC(ST-PI SP03)-Include User Exits in statistics collection
1535156CDMC(ST-PI SP03, 04) Displaying wrong authorization roles
1534694CDMC(ST-PI SP03):Skip private CLAS methods in UCIA analysis
1533664CDMC(ST-PI SP03):Error in 'Display Results' of CA, UCIA
1528656Clone Finder: Runtime Error STRING_OFFSET_TOO_LARGE
1527435CDMC(ST-PISP03):Object types considered for SAP Mods. in CA
1518521CDMC(ST-PI SP03):Missing IMG entries for releases GT 700
1518389CDMC(ST-PI SP03):Error in 'Define Project Landscape'
1516806CDMCCA ST-PI-SP03:Inactive Cust.Objs:offset error in SELECT
1511743CDMCUCIA ST-PI SP03:CONVT_NO_NUMBER in Get Copied Prg. List
1509450CDMC(ST-PI SP03):RFC Conn. fails-Hostname more than 8 chars
1509340Collective Note with all corrections for CDMC (ST-PI SP03)
1500765CDMCUCIAEhP1:Identify changed CLASS methods in Remote Comp.
1500081CNVCDMCCAEHP1:'Unable to Interpret as no'in Ext.Runtime Anal
1491651CDMCEHP1UCIA:Perform remote comp.for TABL primary key fields
1490020CDMCUCIAEHP1:RFC dest. not exist for Cust BDC & Ext. calls
1466440CDMCUCIAEHP1:Correction in Maintain Copied Program List
1457118CDMCCAUCIAEHP1:Change of title in comp/det.view in resultlis
1456516CDMCAEHP1:Same Note no. for diff. sub-objs in SAP modificat.
1456166Collective Note with all corr. for CDMC (ST-PI SP00, 01, 02)
1447182CDMCCAEHP1:Include more obj. types for Top Down
1445198CDMCCAEHP1:Map usage info.for STRU and FUNC objs in Top Down
1442109CDMCCAEHP1:Include ENQU and SHLP obj.types in Top down anal.
1442107CDMCCAEHP1:Fill obj namespace for TABL objs in Empty DB act.
1440916CDMCUCIA:Delete dupl.entries from the Find Used Objs
1429029CDMC EhP1: UCIA: Find Used SAP Objects with Piecelist input
1426880CDMC EHP1:UCIA: Perform remote comparison for TABL objects
1420211CDMC EhP1:UCIA display: Cust Objs inturn refers to cust objs
1418474CDMC EHP1: Correction for state refresh
1415054CDMCCAEhP1: Correction for mapping of usage info in TopDown
1413980CDMCEhP1:READ_REPORT_LINE_TOO_LONG in Bottomup&Objswithnoref
1411166CDMCCAEHP1:Ad-hoc analysis project state refresh
1403933CNVCDMCCAEHP1:Map correct Limu types to det Top-down
1403199CNVCDMCCAEHP1: Mapping of usage info. in Top Down Analysis
1376408CDMCCAUCIA: Generation of Profiles & Roles for CDMC
1375597CDMCCAEHP1:Adhoc-Displ for Exits, BADIS,BTES from Remote sys
1368601CDMCCAEHP1:Missing Stat entries during Activate Stat Collect
1367873CDMCCAEHP1:Missing Stat entries during Activate Stat Collect
1367475CDMCUCIAEHP1:Collect the used SAP Objs reffered in Cust objs
1358729CDMCCAEHP1:Collected statistics has sap objects in 700 syst
1354155CDMC CA&UCIA: ALV Display with Counter feature
1347224CDMCCA:CONNE_IMPORT_WRONG_COMP_TYPE dump in Ext.Runtime Anal
1337204CDMCEHP1CA:Dump CONVT_NO_NUMBER in Obejcts with No Reference
1335549CDMC EHP1 UCIA Scenario: Miscellaneous Corrections
1335113CDMCUCIAEHP1: Maintain SAP modifications in filter table
1321095CDMC UCIA : Information on Reference Info Base scenario
1318148SAP Custom Code Change Impact Analysis - Preparation
1316694FAQ: CDMC - Custom Development Management Cockpit
1286678CDMC CA:DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL dump in Enhancements activity
1286192CDMC CA:CONNE_IMPORT_WRONG_COMP_TYPE during Ext. Runtime Ana
1244713Configuration of Custom Development Management Cockpit
1243233Information about Custom Develoment Managment Cockpit
1124516Short dump STRING_OFFSET_TOO_LARGE for where-used list
1088121Short dump with where-used list for screens
900823ASSIGN_LENGTH_0 in program SAPICP__
889590Dump with where-used list for event of an interface