SAP Note 1330264 - New Payment Format (DMEE) for Poland (Elixir-O)

Composant : Payment transfer (w/o DE, US) - Poland

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Mots Clés :
length  field label                     short            10      social sec                     medium            20      social security paym                     long              30      social security payments                     heading          30      social security payments activate, component comp type data type length text pl_socialsec pl_socialsec char 1 social security payments double click, component comp type data type length text pl_fixline pl_fixline char 1 fix number, component comp type data type length text pl_tax pl_tax char        1    payments, length  field label                     short            10      fixline                     medium            20      fix lines, length  field label                     short            10      tax paym, social security, description field double click, field                     heading          30      fix nr, tax authorities                     heading          30      payments

Notes associées :

1364049DMEE for Poland - how to use
1286755New standard payment format to execute electronic payments
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