SAP Note 128809 - Curr. Customizing Euro, ERT for external currencies

Composant : Euro Currency Customizing/Handling -

Solution : (Connexion à SAP Service Marketplace requise)

Résumé :
This SAP Note provides an urgent customization recommendation for handling the euro currency across SAP R/3 releases. It advises against using a single exchange rate type (EURO) for both intra-Eurozone and external currency conversions due to potential errors, such as inappropriate recognition and currency conversion anomalies. It is suggested that two distinct exchange rate types, EURO for intra-Eurozone and EURX for external transactions, be used. This prevents automatic misrecognition and ensures correct currency conversions, particularly during the transition phases to the euro and conversions between customer and vendor currencies.

Mots Clés :
common euro exchange rate type, exchange rate type euro, euro exchange rate type, exchange rate type eurx, fixed exchange rate check, separate exchange rate type, separate exchange rate types, exchange rate types euro, euro currency customizing describe, exchange rate type

Notes associées :

159374Error message VH 777
135661Currency Customizing Euro - participatng currencies
99271Curr.maintenance euro, Curr. Customizing Assistant